Episode 53

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At the top of the north palace, the tower with a trapped field of view shared the space with the Demon King’s Castle. Although they carefully concealed the distorted space, Hierian and Adandito were bound to discover it if they persisted in exploring.

However, they were already well-prepared. The forest surrounding the Demon King’s Castle was vast and dense, filled with as many monsters as there were trees. No matter how strong Adandito and Hierian were, they couldn’t withstand thousands of monsters filled with poison in the dense forest. Moreover, this place was the territory of Dianel.

Dianel had stirred up the monsters. The monsters, with their eyes turning crimson, raised their heads with threatening sounds. The forest that had been calm seemed to ripple as if there was an earthquake.

“Everyone trying to take the savior away from you is an enemy.”

The Demon King provoked Dianel’s resentment.

“If things continue like this, she will be taken away just like before.”

“Piasse hates you. There is no difference between Piasse and Siara. The soul remembers everything.”

“She was created by the goddess Eora in the first place. Regret only breeds regret.”

Dianel exhaled slowly and looked beyond the trembling space.

He recalled the day he brought Siara to this place without much thought.

Originally, Dianel had no intention of kidnapping Siara. He thought he just needed to maintain the precarious balance until the night when the full moon rose. He had taken numerous precautions to prepare for the night.

However, before the full moon rose, the power that had been well controlled until then suddenly surged uncontrollably, eroding his sanity. When he regained consciousness, Siara was already trapped.

He tried not to be resented, but he ended up being resented.

“What is this…?”

The Demon King whispered to Dianel, who was shocked by what had happened.

“I only helped you do what you couldn’t do.”


“It’s irreversible now, Dianel. You want this either.”

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Dianel could only nod his head. It was just as the Demon King whispered. Dianel felt a sense of fulfillment that he couldn’t express about this situation.

“Don’t let her be taken away anymore. Dianel, if she is taken away, you will lose everything.”

The Demon King’s whisper instilled confidence in him.

He won’t let the savior be taken away anymore. He will do whatever it takes to keep Siara by his side. He had already committed unforgivable acts, so he didn’t expect forgiveness.

The visions shown by the Demon King, and the wounds received from Piasse, justified his actions.

The dice had already been thrown.

Dianel approached Adandito, who revealed his true form.

“You came alone.”

“Dianel, your condition…”

“Why? Didn’t you know that I inherited the power of the Demon King?”

Adandito clenched his lips and then replied.

“I had a suspicion. But didn’t you control it and seal it away? Moreover, kidnapping Siara is a crime.”

“A crime.”

It was true, so why didn’t he feel any sense of guilt? It seemed like he was naturally inclined that way. From the beginning, he was born with the power of the Demon King, and he deceived others by hiding that fact and pretending to have the power of a deity. 

It was the same when he deceived the people of the Empire as a member of the subjugation force and heard the praises of a hero.

From the beginning, his existence was twisted and already a mess. But now, to imprison a person was a crime. Dianel twisted the corner of his mouth at the absurdity of the words.

“I can’t be forgiven anyway.”

“What are you talking about!”

Instead of retorting, Dianel reached out toward the forest. Immediately, the raging monsters rushed toward Adandito. Dianel’s body swelled, covering the forest as well. His beige fur turned pitch black and expanded as if it would engulf the entire forest.

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The dormant Demon King inside Dianel began to awaken with a gloomy glare. While watching Dianel being consumed by darkness, Adandito shouted.

“Get a hold of yourself! Are you going to give up everything like this?”

The Demon King within Dianel let out a wicked laughter.

However, Adandito did not give up. Even while one of his arms was being torn apart by the monsters, he shouted at Dianel.

“God has not yet turned away from you! Isn’t the existence of a savior proof enough?”

“…It’s already too late.”

“No, it’s not! God has said that the reason for the savior’s existence is to save anyone in need. The savior will not abandon anyone.”


“I, too, was confused like you! That’s why I asked! Who is Siara? God said that she is the savior who will rescue you, Hierian, and me.”

At that moment, Dianel closed his eyes tightly, as if his head was being pierced by pain. His stomach churned, and his vision blurred. A dreamlike scene unfolded before his faltering gaze. The memories were clearer and more detailed than what the Demon King had shown him.

* * *

Piasse was the only savior who could save the deranged Dianel, Adandito, and Hierian from the Demon King’s curse. But her love was not equal.

Piasse was a righteous and honorable person, which made her feel the most compassion for Hierian, who had deep wounds from childhood. On the other hand, Dianel kept his distance. Dianel always resented that fact.

After enduring his discontent for a long time, Dianel finally asked Piasse one day.

“Piasse, why don’t you love me?”

“You hurt Hierian. Do you know how big the wounds from childhood are?”

“I apologized. A hundred times.”

“Hierian doesn’t see that as an apology.”

“…What else can I do?”

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“Well, Dianel, I’m not sure if you would understand even if I told you. You’re devoid of emotions. You just act convincingly.”

Dianel couldn’t understand Piasse’s words. The biggest reason was that he had become too numb to emotions due to manifesting his power at a young age, depriving him of the emotions he should have learned as a human.

But humans have always pursued their desires. Throughout human history, deceiving and killing one’s kin to ascend to a higher position was not uncommon. Dianel had done the same.

Dianel recognized that Hierian would grow into a formidable opponent, so he trampled on him. He knew that he was vulnerable to human connections and used that vulnerability to create precious people for him and make them betray him. 

He manipulated his weakened heart into an unfair contract, forcing him to be loyal to him for life. It was a contract that anticipated him becoming a future wizard and using his power.

However, that contract was automatically nullified when Hierian was chosen as an Administrator. In the end, Hierian overcame all obstacles and reached the highest position. 

From Dianel’s perspective, Hierian was unscathed. But Piasse, for some reason, saw Hierian’s wounds where he couldn’t. Dianel’s heart filled with resentment.

But Dianel didn’t question Piasse further because he knew how much she cherished Hierian. Instead, he brought up Adandito’s name.

“Adandito is just as hypocritical.”

“It might be hard for you to understand, but Adandito at least has empathy.”


“Have you ever empathized with anyone, even once in your life?”

“Should I make an effort? I will dedicate the lands beyond the sea to you.”

“….Dianel, you really know nothing.”


“But even so, I don’t hate you. Right now… right now, I’m just watching over you.”

His only savior had abandoned him like that. Still, Dianel remained silent, accepting Piasse’s words as a whip that exposed his shortcomings and continued to strive. But the more Dianel tried, the more Piasse lost her laughter.

“Dianel, why did you let them go to prison?”

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“They were heinous criminals. The judges said they were humans who didn’t deserve empathy.”


“Piasse, I don’t know the way to repent for my sins, nor can I truly feel empathy. But I know how to punish sinners like this.”


“Have I done something wrong again?”

“…Dianel, you pitiful child.”

Piasse opened her arms and embraced Dianel. Sometimes, Piasse would hug Dianel forcefully like this. And every time, his heart would pound madly. His trembling hands gently embraced Piasse’s back. Piasse did not push Dianel away.

Dianel longed to stay like this forever. His throat felt parched as the sun dipped and a thirst akin to drowning surged within him. A calm voice reached him, unsure of what to do.

“Let’s postpone the time of salvation. Even if I have to use all my strength, I will suppress the power manifested within you.”

While uttering the words that seemed to take everything away from him, Piasse consoled Dianel.

“From now on, try to live like a human. Don’t be afraid that you will be consumed by your power anymore.”

“…You’re going to suppress my power.”

“Yes, you’ve already experienced sealing that power a hundred years ago. We’re going to do it again. I’ll help you, so it won’t be difficult.”

“Then, will you love me like you love Hierian?”

Piasse nodded her head.

“Of course. Even though I will die in this life, I will love you when you are reborn in the next life. By sealing your power, the curse of the Demon King will be lifted, and you will be able to live out your lifespan and die.”

At that moment, Dianel wanted to tear away from Piasse’s sweet whisper that reached his ears. For the first time, Dianel objected to Piasse’s opinion.

A doubt arose in his crimson eyes.

“Will it be possible even in the next life?”

Could it be that the Savior had been continuously deceiving him like this?

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