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“It’s okay. You can start again. Don’t cry.”

With those words, Piasse slowly closed her eyes. It was evident that her final moments of life were approaching.

If Piasse died like this, Dianel would be left alone until she was reborn again. Until then, he would be followed by those who pursued only what they could see and admire on the surface, without anyone sincerely supporting him. 

Despite knowing that it was a fitting situation for the Emperor Orthodox, who had sought only wealth and power, Dianel was sick and tired of them. Only Piasse could see something different in him.

‘Dianel, do you like gems so much?’

‘Shouldn’t I like them?’

‘You can like them as much as you want. It’s okay to desire wealth and power. Command those who follow you and freely associate with those who think you’re good. But when everything becomes empty, when you discover an unfulfilled emptiness, then come find me.’

‘I don’t think that will happen, but… I’ll remember.’

Timely, the rain poured down heavily. It was right before the savior took her last breath.

At that moment, Dianel knelt in front of Piasse, bending his knees that had never knelt before. Everything valuable he possessed was stained with mud and became a mess.

Dianel cried out in front of the dying Piasse.

“It feels empty.”


“I feel like I’ll die from this emptiness. You told me to come to you in that case.”



Water or tears flowed down Dianel’s cheeks. Only now did he realize that it was tears, feeling the warm sensation streaming down his face. It was the first time he shed tears since his childhood, except for the time before he manifested the power of the Demon King. His heart trembled, and unbearable nausea surged within him.

Dianel had committed unforgivable, irredeemable sins. Yet he still searched for Piasse because he knew he couldn’t live without her.

That Piasse might die, perhaps because of his own mistakes.

The vague fear became a reality and overwhelmed him. Dianel clenched his chest, feeling as if he couldn’t breathe.

How selfish he was. He still didn’t know how to think beyond that. Maybe Piasse meant that it wasn’t his time yet, but unable to control a momentary impulse, he went down the entirely wrong path. The magnitude and depth of his guilt were so great that he didn’t know where to start.

“…In my lifetime, I’ve committed sins I can never repay.”

Anyway, he would be reborn. They would meet again someday. Yet, overwhelmed by indescribable and suffocating emotions, even his fingers trembled beyond his control.

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The reasons for living, why he should live, and even the fundamental purpose of his existence became blurred.

Meanwhile, a warm golden power spread from Dianel’s body like watercolor paint. It was the mysterious power he had taken from Piasse, now returning to protect her. With the savior’s death imminent, it was the recovery of the power that God had lost.

Truly, the end was approaching. The moment he realized this, Dianel cried out like a child right there.

“I was wrong. I was wrong, Piasse!”


“If you leave like this, I will die too. Please, take my life with you.”


“Just once, just give me a chance to make things right!”


“Piasse! Piasse, please!”

At that moment, Piasse’s eyelids twitched weakly. Her lips moved as if whispering something. Dianel focused all his attention on what she was about to say.

“The contract….”

However, Piasse couldn’t finish her words and took her last breath. The voice of the Demon King echoed, laughing at Dianel’s sobbing.

“I have completed the contract with Piasse.”

“…A contract, you say?”

“You will soon find out.”

After that, the world scattered as if collapsing. It was only then that Dianel learned what the contract between Piasse and the Demon King was. Piasse had made up her mind to turn back time. For that purpose, she broke the determination she had willingly made.

Realizing this fact, Dianel wailed as if his breath was being taken away. He slammed his head on the earth, which had become a window revealing his bones. He didn’t stop until his whole body was drenched in blood.

Then he swore. If the chance came again, he would never resist the savior.

* * *


Dianel regained all the forgotten memories and looked up. A flood of memories rushed in, making it difficult for him to regain his composure. Just as he was confused, Adandito, who was about to collapse beneath him, shouted.

“Dianel! I’m going to die at this rate!”

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“You can’t possibly intend to kill me!”

Veins bulged in his throat as he shouted desperately. His face turned a sickly shade of red, like a ripe plum about to burst. The monsters, who had bared their fangs and claws long ago, circled him, making scratching sounds against his neck. One of the monsters, unable to restrain itself any longer, bit into Adandito’s leg.



Dianel returned to his human form without saying a word. The monsters also backed away, sensing Dianel’s mood.

Immediately, Adandito collapsed on the ground as if exhausted. His once-white cloak was drenched in blood and dirt, torn and a mess. Dianel turned around and walked away without looking back. Adandito shouted at him as he left angrily.

“Aren’t you even going to apologize!”

Even so, without receiving a response, Adandito chased after Dianel.

* * *

It was a time when there was nothing to do and I was falling asleep. The outside was unusually noisy, and when I looked out the window, I saw that the cries of monsters in the peaceful forest continued without end.

“…What’s all the commotion?”

What is Dianel up to again? My sleep-addled mind refused to think. 

‘As long as I’m not harmed, it doesn’t matter.’

It had been a month since I adjusted to Dianel’s whims. Lethargy had slowly started to consume my brain.

There was nothing to do and nothing I could do. I didn’t even feel like pursuing any hobbies, so I ended up sleeping every time. It was the same when I saw the monsters raging outside. I walked to the bed as if I were stumbling and collapsed onto it.


As I buried my face in the blanket and tried to fall asleep like that, I heard the sound of footsteps running up the stairs, accompanied by a familiar voice.

“Dianel, where in the world is such behavior acceptable? Apologize immediately. I won’t leave until you apologize.”


“How long are you going to ignore what I’m saying!”

The usually low and indifferent voice had become unusually loud. Only then did I sit up from my place.


As soon as I said his name, Adandito shouted.

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The door opened, revealing Dianel and Adandito. Adandito couldn’t even enter the bedroom and shouted desperately.

“Are you alright?”

Dianel calmly walked towards me as usual. As he approached the bedside, Adandito rushed over and blocked his path.

“Do not approach Siara.”

“We’ve fallen asleep together dozens of times.”

“W-What are you saying?!”

Adandito’s lips trembled, and he firmly held onto Dianel’s shoulder. His complexion had turned deathly pale.

“If you torment Siara, I won’t stand by.”

At that moment, Dianel glanced at me and asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Do I look like I’m tormenting you with an agonized face?”


Adandito looked at my face with an eager voice and asked, 

“Are you unharmed?”

I nodded, indicating that I was perfectly fine. In response, Adandito nodded with a pained smile. 

“Then I’m relieved.”

Despite his words of relief, his grip on Dianel tightened even more. However, Dianel didn’t push Adandito away. He just stood there, looking at me silently. The usually intense gaze that seemed to want to kill me every time had disappeared, and Dianel’s face appeared strangely gentle.

‘What’s going on here?’

I had just woken up and wasn’t fully awake yet, but Dianel and Adandito were standing in front of me, staring at my face intently.

‘If it was so easy for him to open the door, why did all the chaos happen until now?’

I looked at Dianel with a puzzled expression and brushed my eye corner with my fingertips. Behind them, I could see the open bedroom door. Beyond the door, a staircase resembling a distant cave came into view.

‘It hasn’t been long since I saw that door open like this.’

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As if aware of my gaze, Dianel opened his mouth dumbfoundedly. 

“You can leave if you want.”


The words “why” came out before the words “really?” As I looked at him with a puzzled expression, Dianel pushed past Adandito, who was blocking his way, and reached out his hand to me.

“Please take my hand and come out.”

I silently stared at his hand and asked him what had been on my mind the whole time. 

“But why are you using polite speech?”

I may have spoken informally out of rebellion, but Dianel was of noble descent. He only used polite speech toward a select few.

So why did he suddenly become so respectful, to the point of opening the bedroom door?

Curious about the reason, whether he knew about my doubts or not, Dianel spoke hesitantly.

“It’s more comfortable for me this way.”

“Well, I don’t know what the reason is… but I’m fine with it.”

As I was starting to feel the limits, it was fortunate that Dianel stepped back first. Without hesitation, I took his hand. Then he pulled me into his embrace as if pulling me close to him like a princess. I blinked my eyes and looked up at him.

Contrary to his excessively cool body temperature, his touch was surprisingly unfamiliar and cautious.

“…Why are you suddenly like this?”

“Please forgive my rudeness.”

With those words, he left the bedroom. The tower, which had always been filled with guards, was eerily quiet. The sound of footsteps on the stone stairs descending neatly echoed through the silence. Hasty footsteps followed behind.

Throughout my conversation with Dianel, Adandito, who had seemed dazed for some reason, now looked fierce. He shouted in a growling voice unlike before.

“Dianel! How dare you lay hands on someone else’s body!”


“After committing such a grave sin, are you still not in your right mind?”

Dianel continued walking without responding. Adandito was very angry, so I extended my hand toward him as he followed.

“Adandito, I’m fine. Dianel did something wrong, but I’m not hurt anywhere.”

Of course, I had no intention of letting it slide easily. Since Dianel admitted his mistake first, I planned to extract a hefty compensation from him.

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