“Yes, but what’s this about the Astita family owing a debt to Viscount Leven other than money?”

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“Oh, it refers to mortgaging their territory as collateral.”

“Collateral? But if they’ve already paid off the debt, doesn’t it lose its meaning?”

“Normally, that would be the case… but this situation is different.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s a secret.”


He had been speaking well so far, so why did he mention it if he was going to say that midway?

‘You’re just making me curious.’

I glared at Dianel as if to tell him now, but he only smirked.

“I told you not to worry. It’s as I said. Don’t worry.”

“But it’s a family matter, I should know.”

“…You might feel sad if you knew.”

Dianel avoided my gaze. His eyes sank deeply and darkly as if looking into a far distance.

‘It feels subtly different from before.’

He seemed thinner and paler.

‘Is something wrong?’

But when I touched Dianel, my energy didn’t drain away.

‘Maybe he’s just tired… He’s helping our family, so should I give him some strength?’

As a healer, my abilities were not limited to just healing. With my skills, I could infuse more power into his body than any tonic or stimulant.

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Usually, I didn’t bother using my powers, thinking, “What’s the point of making healthy protagonists even healthier?” But today was different. I had something to find out from Dianel.

I approached Dianel and gently patted his head.

“Come here.”

Dianel looked at me with wary eyes but obediently came closer. I tried to pet his head, but my eyebrows furrowed as his head was too high.

Did he understand the meaning behind my actions? He obediently bent his knees. It wasn’t a comfortable posture for healing. In the end, I took him to a bench.

“Sit down.”

“Why all of a sudden?”

“Quickly, just sit down.”

Reluctantly, Dianel sat down. Finally, our eye levels matched. With my hand resting on his head, I closed my eyes. And in that moment…


As Dianel slapped my hand away, a lump of energy rushed out of my body. It was an enormous amount, enough to make me feel exhausted and my eyes close.

‘What’s this?’

Usually, when I made contact, the energy would drain away, providing healing. But there were times when healing didn’t occur immediately.

One was when a tremendous amount of power was required, and I had to exert my own will to use it. The other was when the body was already filled with the power of another healer that needed to be treated.

This time, it was the latter. The power of dozens of healers filled Dianel’s body, and as soon as I infused my power, it was pushed out.

‘How dare you call another healer while I’m here?’

Was it because I had lived as the exclusive healer for the Expeditionary Force for three years? Or was it wounded pride that someone had called another healer when I was already present?

With a pouting heart, I asked, “Who asked another healer to treat you?”

“That, well…”

Dianel looked at me with rare confusion in his eyes. Unlike not knowing what to do, each of his actions seemed more alive than before. His skin glowed and his eyes sparkled brighter. In that sense, Dianel seemed more mysterious.

“You’re the one that matches me the best. Even if several healers were martyred, it would be difficult to heal your body completely. Why bother going through such trouble?”


“But what? Enough, what happened? How did you get hurt like this?”

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Who could have caused harm to this prince, who resided in the palace? If it was about physical coordination, he was superior to beasts, and there was no way he would have fallen.

‘Did you fight with Adandito by any chance?’

As I looked at him with a suspicious gaze, Dianel avoided my gaze and spoke.

“…I fell.”

“You’re lying.”

“It’s not a lie.”

As I watched him stubbornly deny it like a child, I let out a deep sigh.

“You can’t hide anything from me. Even if you fell, there’s no way you would be injured to this extent.”

“I was riding a horse for a change of mood and fell off a cliff.”

“…Then you must be seriously injured. But why didn’t you call for me?”

“You were busy preparing for the debutante ball, and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

If he had been injured today, it would make sense.

‘No wonder your reaction was slow during the debutante ball. So this was the reason.’

Anyway, if it wasn’t because of a fight with Adandito, then it was fine. I flopped onto the bed and waved my hand at him.

“Anyway, go now. I’m too sleepy.”

I would have to ask Father about Viscount Leven’s affairs when it was bright. After performing the debutante ball and treating Dianel, I didn’t have any energy left. 

In the end, I fell into a drowsy sleep. I heard a gentle voice by my ear.

“Have a good night.”

* * *

Dianel quietly looked down at the sleeping Siara. Her body lay defenseless, without any sense of vigilance.

Dianel covered her with a blanket, soothingly tucking it over her. His long and straight fingers carefully tidied her tangled hair. Unlike the gentle touch, his eyebrows furrowed repeatedly. Just touching Siara’s body made him dizzy with pleasure, and he had to suppress the constant sighs that wanted to burst out.

His naturally plump lips were tightly pressed. He nibbled on his lips for a moment before removing his hand from Siara. His clenched fist tightened with strength.

Even the demon king, who denied everything about Dianel, did not deny the savior. He wanted to either chew up the Savior whole or cunningly keep her by his side. It was an instinctive understanding. 

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He couldn’t live without the Savior.

Contrary to his intentions, the Demon King, who was seeking salvation from Dianel, became quite angry. Dianel stood up from his seat. Neither he nor the Demon King had the right to be happy.

Dianel walked towards the terrace, and a piercing gaze followed him. When Dianel ignored him, it spoke with a sneer.

“Why are you coming out from there?”

The uniform was drenched in morning dew. He was dressed devoutly as if he had just finished morning prayers. However, the gold eyes, full of hostility and wariness, were no different from a wild beast.

Darkness recognizes darkness, they say. 

No matter what ‘act’ Adandito put on, Dianel could see the greed lurking within him. So Dianel also put on an ‘act’. As if he were a beloved concubine, joy radiated from every pore of his face.

“Because the Savior called for me.”

“That cannot be!”

“She gave me treatment.”

Dianel smiled innocently. A beautiful light flowed from his body. It meant that Siara’s power had filled Dianel’s body. And the darker Adandito’s expression became. After a moment of silence, Adandito uttered a suppressed voice.

“…You talk about annihilation, but it seems like you’ve given up in the end.”

“Ah, annihilation, you say?”

Dianel boldly approached Adandito. Adandito couldn’t help but frown as Dianel approached him. But Dianel paid no attention and whispered into Adandito’s ear.

“A worthless man like you is trying to hold out, so what would you do if I died?”

“Last time―”

“That’s right. My feelings haven’t changed. We should go together.”

Dianel grabbed Adandito’s wrist and laughed.

“You have committed unforgivable sins. Even in my tainted eyes, they are visible.”

“…I am repenting for those sins.”

“By praying to God? Truly a righteous soul, isn’t it? Some people’s sins are washed away when they pray to the powerful God, and some sins are considered just by wielding power alone. The God you serve is truly fair.”

Adandito couldn’t control his anger and trembled. The intense gaze seemed as if he could kill Dianel at any moment. However, Dianel walked nonchalantly, swinging his steps.

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“In my eyes, you are the most contradictory existence, Adandito.”

Damn, filthy creature dares to speak such words. Adandito grumbled silently as he glared at the spot where Dianel had passed by until he disappeared. 

Finally, Adandito fell silent. The emotions that had caused a commotion gradually settled, and the blurry golden eyes regained their composure.

Only then did Adandito wash his face with both hands. A twisted smile flickered from his concealed lips.

“… Did it bother you?”

However, the laughter didn’t last long. Hierian was coming from a distance.

After staying up all night for research, his eyes were bloodshot. He must have been wandering around, attracting attention. 

Anxious and uneasy, Adandito approached Hierian.

Seeing Adandito, who had risen like the dawn, Hierian yawned.

“Ahem, you too? Still haven’t slept? What’s the matter?”

“Hierian, Dianel came out of Siara’s chamber again.”

Upon hearing this, Hierian, rubbing his sleepy eyes, exclaimed.

“What? This won’t do! Debutante ceremony is over, let’s take Siara back to Astita.”

“That’s what I intend to do. Also…”

As Adandito hesitated, as if unable to speak, Hierian urged him.

“What is it? Spit it out, I’m sleepy.”

“…Dianel is a dangerous existence. How about sealing him?”

As if taken aback by unexpected words, Hierian’s eyes widened.

“I haven’t considered that thought… But if Siara finds out, it will be a mess, won’t it? The Savior is supposed to uphold balance and peace. That’s also the will of Eora.”

Adandito smiled calmly, looking into Hierian’s flickering gray eyes.

“But it’s what you desire, isn’t it?”


“Sealing Dianel and even yourself. Spending eternity without living or dying, eventually leads to natural extinction. Then Siara will be free, forever.”

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