Siara marveled at the changed atmosphere in the office.

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“Wow! The atmosphere has changed a lot, hasn’t it?”

“Come this way.”

Dianel pulled out a chair for her. Without any surprise, Siara sat down on the chair.

A noble young lady in the service of an Imperial crown prince, and they even seemed to be friendly.

‘It’s a strange atmosphere.’

The officials exchanged glances and discreetly left their seats.

As the tension eased, Siara asked with a bit more curiosity in a relaxed expression.

“You’re always in dark places, what’s the occasion?”

“I wanted to change as well.”

Dianel poured tea into a cup prepared in advance. It was an extraordinary situation where the imperial prince personally served tea, but no one found it awkward.

Naturally accepting his hospitality, Siara looked around once again.

Dianel’s eyes unknowingly followed Siara.

Soon, their gazes met. Siara smiled at him.

“You look much better, Dianel.”

Her face was filled with sincerity. It was a smile that was different from how others usually treated him. Dianel always found it fascinating.

How could she be so genuinely happy about someone else’s affairs? It wasn’t like she was their savior, and Adandito, who followed the same god’s power, didn’t act that way.

That’s why Dianel fell for Siara once again, without hesitation.

Unaware of his affection, Siara cleared her throat and spoke, her voice slightly choked.

“The reason you called me… is it because of my father?”

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Dianel nodded slowly. Then he habitually raised the cup, waiting for Siara’s response, while scanning the documents placed in front of him. Suddenly, his expression froze as he noticed something suspicious.

His excited heart skipped a beat. In a hurry, Dianel put down the cup and spoke.

“Don’t worry. Since it’s been discovered, it will be taken care of quickly.”

“…If you say so, then it will be. But why did my father entrust such an important thing as collateral?”

“It seemed of little importance and the size of the seal was very small, so I don’t think he paid much attention to it.”

Siara nodded, her expression both frustrated and resigned. Lost in thought, her head tilted and her golden hair flowed down her shoulder.

Dianel was captivated, and he missed part of what she said.

“But if you were going to tell me anyway, why didn’t you tell me yesterday?”

Dianel moistened his dry lips with a gulp, barely understanding the content.

“…I wanted to see you again.”


Siara laughed, dismissing it as nonsense, but Dianel was sincere. Of course, that wasn’t the only reason.

Viscount Leven had used this seal in a healer’s illicit transaction. The reason was to reverse the accusation that the Dalton family had trafficked a ten-year-old child.

But Dianel didn’t want to reveal such dirty reasons to Siara. So he put an end to the conversation.

“In any case, it will be resolved. Just now, Duke Izbe went to see Viscount Leven.”

“The duke, huh? Reliable. But seeing you handle this kind of thing, it seems like one of the noble ladies is going to be the crown princess?”


“Can you just tell me which one is in secret?”

Siara asked with curious eyes. Avoiding her gaze, Dianel pressed his lips together.

Seeing his clear refusal, Siara pouted playfully.

“Fine, I get it. I won’t ask anymore. Okay?”

She waved her hand as if she were done.

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“Anyway, it’s better not to tell my father.”

She was worried that he would blame himself if he found out that his family was about to face a crisis due to his mistake. Dianel nodded silently.


“Yes. Since it will be resolved soon anyway.”

“That’s true.”

Siara nodded without suspicion. She had full confidence that Dianel would handle the matter well.

A little while ago, she had said similar words several times. There was no trace of displeasure towards Dianel in her actions.

Dianel suddenly became curious about why she trusted him. He didn’t have a cute side like Hierian, nor was he as devout as Adandito. Moreover, he even had a record of kidnapping Siara.

But Dianel didn’t bother to say anything.

After a heavy but not oppressive silence, Siara finally spoke.

“Rather than that, since you did well, should I give you some praise…?”

As she spoke, Siara’s cheeks blushed, seemingly embarrassed. Dianel couldn’t guess what she was trying to say, so he patiently waited. In the meantime, Siara continued hesitantly.

“…Would you like to turn into a cat? I’ll pet you.”

Even Dianel, the great Dianel, was taken aback by her words. Without realizing it, his mouth gaped open, and he mumbled.

“…Petting, you say.”

“D-Don’t dislike it! I thought you might like it!”

Siara said as if screaming, standing up from her seat. Her face, flushed to the tips of her ears, was filled with embarrassment.

Dianel couldn’t help but burst into laughter at her unexpected words. It was a laugh that came out without calculation, a reflexive burst of laughter.

Siara looked at him with resentful eyes, finding his laughter annoying.

“Is what I said so amusing?”

“…No, it’s just…”

Dianel, who rarely smiled, had a serious expression. Then he met Siara’s eyes directly and spoke.

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“It seems you’ve learned how to tame me properly.”

Siara trembled at his alluring laugh.

“Well, what, what is it? I just said it because I thought you were brave.”

“So you think of me as brave. What an honor.”

Siara glared at Dianel with a resentful look, teasing him. But Dianel remained unfazed and simply nodded.

“Very well. I’ll transform for you.”


“Don’t resist.”

“I said don’t!”

Even with Siara’s refusal, Dianel steadfastly transformed into a cat. Siara, who had only seen large beasts during her time in the subjugation force, let out a deep sigh at the familiar shape that had become even more familiar.

“…It seems like the little one has become more obedient.”

In response to her words, Dianel nuzzled against Siara’s chest. His pointed ears brushed against her chest. At that moment, Siara inadvertently imagined Dianel burying his face in her embrace.

Thump! Her face turned hot.

Siara unknowingly covered both her cheeks with her hands. Then Dianel looked at her as if asking why she did that. His arrogant eyes blinked innocently.

Swayed by his tempting and enchanting laugh, Siara stood up. She had unknowingly distanced herself from Dianel, who was no longer the one looking at her.

The animalistic Dianel had less patience than the human Dianel. That’s why he instinctively transformed back and pulled Siara into his embrace.

In his human form, his mind lost its composure, and he whispered into Siara’s ear.

“I’m crying.”

“What is this…?”

“This is nothing. I’ve done so much for you, Siara.”

His arms that held her waist tightened. His ears tingled as if his lips were about to touch Siara’s earlobe. Oso-so—the sensation gave Siara goosebumps, causing her body to tremble.

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Dianel, receiving the tremor fully with his body, made a scratching sound with his throat.

“Please pet me.”

Dianel whined. Once again, his body trembled, and his mind became dizzy. At that moment, Siara barely remembered the purpose of her visit.

To find out if Dianel had fought with Adandito and released him by coaxing him into reverting his transformation.

In any case, Dianel had reverted his transformation and lost his sanity, captivated by Siara. She thought, 

‘Let’s calm him down and find out the truth behind the incident.’

So Siara gave a straightforward command, 

“First, put on some clothes.”

“…Ah, yes. It’s getting dangerous without them.”

Siara didn’t bother asking what he meant by that. Dianel didn’t offer any further explanation either.

In fact, with one hand holding onto Siara’s waist and the other roughly tossing his long coat onto a chair, he had been busy putting on the coat to cover himself. Finally, he let go and spoke up.

“It’s done.”

Only then did Siara turn her head. Dianel had put on the long coat like a bathrobe, firmly buttoned in the front.

Siara breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that he looked reasonably presentable.

“Alright, as long as you let me pet you, it’s fine, right?”

“Of course.”

With a mischievous smile, Dianel led her to a couch for relaxation. Then as soon as Siara took her seat, he rested his head on her lap and stretched out lengthwise.

‘When did Dianel become so playful?’

Siara cautiously ran her fingers through his beige hair, her expression filled with bewilderment. With her gentle touch, Dianel’s eyelashes fluttered. Sunlight streamed in, making his fair skin and hair shimmer with a golden hue.

‘Like this, he gives off quite a fragile impression.’

As he lay there with a distinct presence, closing his eyes, the soft lines that weren’t apparent under his strong demeanor revealed themselves. Siara absentmindedly traced his facial contours with her fingertips.

When her hand reached his chin, Dianel opened his eyes. Their gazes met, and his trembling lips uttered a shaky voice.


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