‘What’s this?’

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Even though it seemed like she saw my displeased expression, the Empress smiled as if nothing had happened. 

“The words I said about liking you were not lies. So please come to visit often. As you grow older, it becomes lonelier to be alone.”

With those words, she got up from her seat. I couldn’t shake off the uneasy feeling and stood up following her. 

The Empress stared at me for a while and asked softly. 

“You were planning to return to Astita soon, right?” 

“Yes, that’s correct.” 

“Is there a reason? Normally, one would spend more time in society and build friendships. Besides, the palace is also full of chaos… If you want, I can arrange a match for you. It may sadden my son, but if you don’t have any feelings for him, then…” 

Earlier, she seemed ready to cool off the situation immediately, but now she mentioned a match. 

‘What is she saying?’

Even though I tried to restrain myself, my eyebrows furrowed involuntarily, and I rebutted her words. 

“No, I have no intention of getting married.” 

“…No intention of getting married?” 

The Empress raised her eyebrows as if she heard unexpected words and asked. 

“Is there a reason for that?” 

“Why should there be a reason? It’s not necessary to get married.” 

“Not necessary?” 

The Empress frowned as if she had heard something she couldn’t believe. 

No wonder, it was extremely rare for a noblewoman like me in this world to live alone without getting married. 

But I am a savior, and I was even training with Adandito. By forcefully practicing, I could vaguely feel the presence of the god. 

‘It means I’ve reached a level comparable to an average priest.’

Priests usually don’t get married. Perhaps because I had to live a similar life to them, my interest in marriage was fading away. 

Continuing training while maintaining a household was not an easy task. 

‘If my parents found out, they’d be disgusted, so I had no choice but to participate in the debutante ceremony.’

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However, the Empress didn’t seem to believe my words at all. 

On the contrary, she changed her gentle expression and looked at me as if I were mocking her. 

“I underestimated you too much, it seems.” 


“Then let me ask you directly. Do you want anything from me?” 


“Say whatever it is. I will listen.” 

Was this how receiving a blank check felt? But I was already happy enough and had enough money to spare. The cosmetic products I produced sold like crazy, and I occasionally went on special business trips for the noble ladies. 

Moreover, I was a VIP member of Mage Tower, and Adandito was even building a golden castle for me. In this situation, what else could I need? 

But the other party was the Empress of the Empire. If she wanted, she could threaten the Astita family at any time, so I couldn’t act recklessly. 

So, like an innocent country girl, I hesitated to speak. 

“…I prefer living happily with my family in the territory.” 

“Family? Your family…” 

As if she wanted to say something about adoption, I cut her off. 

“The Astita family. They are like family to me. I want to live by their side for the rest of my life.” 

The Empress blinked as if she couldn’t find the words, and then she barely nodded. 

“An innocent dream you have. Is it that aspect of yours that my son finds appealing?” 

No matter how you look at it, the Empress seemed to genuinely believe that Dianel liked me. 

He only brought me to the palace because he felt guilty for kidnapping me and just wanted to take care of my family. 

‘Well, it’s easy to misunderstand if you don’t know the circumstances.’

Anyway, why would she bring up the topic of marriage all of a sudden? It seemed like Dianel’s marriage was indeed urgent. 

As I continued to speculate in my thoughts, the Empress spoke. 

“Then how about rejecting him cleanly from your side?” 

“Reject him?”

“Yes. The position of the Crown Prince’s consort has indeed been vacant for a long time, and it’s also true that Dianel has taken an interest in you. You should help him calm his heart and find a mate.”

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I nodded willingly. Since rumors of us being lovers were circulating, I had planned to talk to him and sort things out.

“Yes, I understand.”

“Then trust only my favor.”

With those words, the Empress turned around and disappeared. The last gaze she directed at me was quite intense, but I didn’t pay much attention to it.

I had colleagues who would come running to me if anything happened.

‘Now, shall I go see Dianel?’

I walked briskly towards the Northern Palace. 

Hierian, who had been quietly hiding in the shadows, seemed satisfied that the situation had been resolved smoothly.

And so, we headed to Dianel’s office together.

* * *

On the elegant desk where the smooth light flowed, there was a steady rhythm.

It was Dianel, sitting with his legs crossed on the chair, making the noise.

He was so lost in thought that he didn’t even notice the sound or what they were saying, but the others who worked with him sensed the tense atmosphere and became on edge. 

They felt like herbivores standing in front of a predator looking for prey.

Unaware of all that, Dianel stood up from his seat.


The chair dragged on the floor, making a loud noise. It also meant that Dianel was in a hurry to stand up.

With that sound, the secretaries, who had been as still as mice, quickly held their breaths.

They exchanged meaningful glances instinctively.

‘Who reported it today?’

‘Me! But there wasn’t any problem until then…’

‘But why is the situation like this!’

The secretaries cautiously looked towards the chief secretary. The experienced chief secretary, who had served two Crown Princes in the past, only lowered his head as if he knew something.

It meant that it wasn’t because of the reasons they were thinking.


Finally, sighs erupted here and there. They were the ones who had been pondering over what mistakes they might have made today.

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Even Dianel, who read their hidden actions with keen instincts, didn’t care and commanded the chief secretary.

“A guest is coming.”

“I will prepare to receive them.”

The chief secretary willingly bowed his head in greeting and left the office with his subordinates.

With the chief secretary, who had maintained the atmosphere from the center, gone, the tension in the room grew even thicker. The secretaries swallowed their saliva nervously, not knowing who the upcoming guest would be.

There weren’t many visitors to the office.

Most of the time, it was the Emperor or Empress, and even after repeated calls, if Dianel didn’t respond, they would come in person.

Such visits had decreased recently, but today was uncertain. And the fact that they had come to the office made Dianel’s mood even worse.

‘This is trouble.’

‘I should have written a resignation letter.’

Lost in various worries, the secretaries were missing an important fact. That was the fact that Dianel was waiting for the guest to the point of dragging his chair and standing up.


Finally, the office door opened, and the visitor entered. And when they saw the familiar face, they let out a sigh of relief.

Dianel also had a faint smile on his lips and spoke.


“I’ve been seeing you quite often lately, Your Highness.”

A tender tone, like that of lovers. The secretaries held back their cheers and quickly left the office. And outside, they raised their glasses in celebration.

As soon as the office door closed behind Siara and Dianel, their expressions changed.

Dianel relaxed his expression, while Siara hardened hers.

“Dianel, there have been rumors of us being lovers.”

“Well, that’s a pleasant thing to hear.”

“No kidding.”

Siara sighed deeply and looked at Dianel. Dianel willingly nodded his head.

“If that’s what you want.”

It wasn’t a tone filled with sincerity, but both Dianel and Siara didn’t care.

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At that moment, a tea servant brought in a tray. A moment of silence passed between the two.

During that time, Siara examined what dessert had been served and Dianel glanced at Siara’s shadow. Then Dianel elegantly walked over and sat next to Siara.

The tea servant, who had placed a teacup in front of Siara, discreetly changed the position of the cup and quietly left the office.

Siara glanced at Dianel, who had sat down beside her, feeling a bit awkward, and then turned her head without thinking.

“Anyway, I should return to Astita quickly. Just staying in the Northern Palace feels like the rumors are spreading.”

Siara muttered discontentedly, her lips pouting. Dianel, holding a teacup calmly, interjected.

“But you still enjoyed the dessert, didn’t you? Shall I send the palace pastry chef to Astita?”

“Forget it. That person wouldn’t want to come.”

“…I see.”

“Don’t think about punishing them either. It’s just my guess.”

Dianel closed his mouth on his own. A smile quickly formed on his lips.

“Indeed, you’re always the same.”

Siara furrowed her brows and looked at Dianel.

“You’re acting strange. Suddenly being so friendly and familiar with me. Don’t you remember how it was during the expedition?”


Dianel paused briefly as if recalling the memory, then smiled softly.

“I remember. Unpleasant colleagues and the beautiful Lady Siara.”

Siara, who had heard the filtered words, spoke with a bitter tone.

“Unpleasant colleagues, huh? You’re being quite frank.”

“Was I too honest?”


Siara casually looked down at her shadow. Dianel reached out and gently placed his hand on her chin, making her look at him.

Caught off guard, Siara gave Dianel a questioning look.

Seizing the opportunity, Dianel playfully stepped on Siara’s shadow with his heel and chuckled mischievously. Siara, seeing the different expressions on Dianel’s face, was surprised to realize that he was capable of laughing like this.

Their gazes met. Knowing that they each had a different temperature, Dianel whispered as if dreaming.

“The expedition… I remember. At that time, I was so afraid of even stepping on your shadow.”

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