The atmosphere at once turned very awkward, onlookers around felt awkward on behalf of Shi Feixian.

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Shi Feixian walked up to Akeqi, smiled lightly at him, “Your Highness has not seen This Little Woman’s face, listening to hearsay and proposing right away is a little hasty.”

Akeqi found this miss wasn’t angry at his mistake, he was so lost that he didn’t know where to place his limbs, “Zaixia admires Miss’ reputation as a talented lady, please give zaixia a chance.”

* zaixia 在下 = myself (humble)

Reputation as a talented lady?

Shi Feixian smiled lightly, curtseying to Akeqi, she said to him neither too fast or too slowly, “Your Highness is joking.” Without waiting for Akeqi to respond, she held onto her maid’s hand and walked down the stairs. Her feet were a little quick but still utterly elegant, each step was neither too wide or too small, looking extremely dignified.

Akeqi smiled drily and touched his face. Daye ladies were said to like men with smooth faces, so before coming to the Palace he had shaved off the beard that used to be his pride, however based on Miss Shi’s reaction, his shaved face didn’t attract her.

He looked at Ban Hua with a question, was Miss Shi angry to him?

As an innocent passerby getting roped in, Ban Hua upheld the fine style of Daye bystanders, which was to refrain from excessive talk if you could just watch the fun while cracking melon seeds. At the puzzled eyes of this prince’s, Ban Hua gave him a profound and mysterious smile, then curtseyed and turned to leave, showing him the shadow of her beautiful backside.

From the beginning to the end, she didn’t speak not a word to the prince.

Akeqi rubbed his eyes. This mysterious girl was clearly the more beautiful one. He had been watching for a long time today, she was the most beautiful girl in the hall that even Daye young men couldn’t stop stealing glances at her, and she wasn’t the first beauty?

He rubbed his chin in anguish, his eyes must had problem.

In the horse carriage, Ban Hua couldn’t stop herself laughing and pounding on the cushion.

Rong Xia was riding near Ban Hua’s carriage, he could hear the faint sound of laughter from inside. He saw Shi Jin and a few other gongzi‘s were riding over to them.

Rong Xia covered his mouth with a hand and coughed a few times, “Zaixia is Rong Xia, have to bother Junzhu.”

The carriage was suddenly silent. After a while, the curtain was opened from inside, a face that still had traces of laughter appeared. Rong Xia noticed her eyes were extraordinarily moist, had she been crying or laughing that even tears came out?

“Count Rong?” Ban Hua said with a question, “Is there anything?”

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“Nothing.” The sound of horse hooves from behind was getting closer, he smiled lightly, “Tonight is snowing heavily, please Junzhu travel slowly and be safe.”

Night breeze blew over, drifting snowflakes scattered along with the breeze, specks of snowflakes fell on the shoulders and soon amassed into a thin layer of snow.

“Many thanks for Master Count’s concern.” Ban Hua saw the snow on top of Rong Xia’s head, “Your guards don’t have an umbrella?”

Rong Xia looked at Du Jiu behind him, “No, but the cloak is enough.”

Ban Hua stretched a hand out of the window, drifting snowflakes fell on her hand like goose feather. Looking at the handsome face of Rong Xia’s, she turned her back to get an umbrella from inside the carriage, “If Count Rong doesn’t mind, please use mine.”

Such a heavy snow, what if that beautiful face frozen?

Rong Xia patted his horse to move closer to the carriage, his jade-like hand reached out for the umbrella, “Many thanks Junzhu.”

“You are welcome.” Ban Hua’s eyes swept on Rong Xia’s hand, she withdrew her gaze in satisfaction, “Count Rong, take care.”

“Junzhu, take care.” Rong Xia smiled, moved his horse back a few steps to let Ban Hua’s carriage depart.

The da da sound of horse hooves fading away, Rong Xia opened the fine silk umbrella in his hand. He couldn’t help laughing at palace ladies prints on it.

“Master, shuxia brings an umbrella, would you like to……”

Not use that one?

* shuxia 属下 = This Subordinate (referring to self)

The umbrella was exquisite. A red gem pendant hang from it’s handle, the workmanship was almost original. As pretty as it was, it didn’t disguise the fact that it’s a ladies’ umbrella, and a very flamboyant one too.

“No need.” Rong Xia smelled the faint fragrance from the umbrella’s handle. “This one is very good.”

Du Jiu: Fine, if you think it is good, then it really is good.

“Count Rong.” Shi Jin rode his horse over, his eyes swept over the flowery umbrella, he cupped his fist as a salute.

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“Shi-daren.” Rong Xia looked as if he had only noticed Shi Jin. Rong Xia inclined his head to look out, still clutching the umbrella as he gave Shi Jin a salute. “What a coincidence.”

“Not really a coincidence.” Shi Jin withdrew his gaze. “This is the road out of the Palace.”

Rong Xia smiled without responding, he moved the umbrella to the other hand. He was so calm that a ladies’ umbrella in his hand didn’t lessen his composed air.

“Count Rong is such a gentleman, “Shi Jin looked at the umbrella, his tone was half laughing and half teasing, “It makes others envious.”

Rong Xia smiled at what he said, “Shi-daren is too modest.”

The few gongzi’s around Shi Jin saw them exchanging pleasantries, they didn’t think too much, apart that those two had a quite good relationship. They were just a little curious of the identity of the beauty in the carriage who had given Count Rong that umbrella.

Had it been some other men, the umbrella would have looked out of place, but it looked tasteful in Rong Xia’s hand. Apparently good looking men would still be outstanding even if they were holding a lotus leaf.

“Shi-daren, farewell.” Rong Xia smiled slightly, “The wind and snow are strong, Shi-daren better use an umbrella.”

“Thank you for Count Rong’s concern. Zaixia is in the military, not concerned with these matters.” Shi Jin’s eyes fell on the red gem pendant on the umbrella’s handle. As if something sprang up in his mind, his face turned slightly gloom.

Halfway on the road, Ban Heng couldn’t stand the cold and thickened his face to squeeze into Ban Hua’s carriage. In the carriage there was snack and a fine silver thread coal stove, and it was large enough for lying down in comfort.

Ban Heng sat on the carpet while holding Ban Hua’s hand warmer, he asked in a lowered voice, “What did that Akeqi said to you, I saw Miss Shi’s face was green when she came out.”

“Green?” Ban Hua’s eyebrows raised, “She was still smiling when she went out.”

“Not really green.” Ban Heng enjoyed watching people in trouble, “I was joking with Zhou Changxiao when she walked down the stairs. Her face was stiff and green for a split second but very quickly looked normal again. If not because I have quick eyes, I wouldn’t have seen it.”

“It’s nothing, really.” Ban Hua coughed drily, “He called me Miss Shi.”

Ban Heng was taken aback, and when he realised what it meant, he instantly couldn’t hold back laughing.

“Ha ha ha ha ha, Miss Shi, Daye’s number one beauty!”

Ban Hua had laughed her fill so she just smiled while rubbing her chin, “That curly haired little prince is quite interesting.”

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Ban Heng thought he certainly was interesting. Rushing to Ban Hua thinking she was the number one beauty was an obvious slap on the face for Shi Feixian.

“Miss,” Shi Feixian’s personal maid looked at her worriedly, but whatever she said would be wrong so it was better not to speak.

“All of you, go out.” Shi Feixian never lashed in front of the servants. She was burning with rage but was still unwilling to show her ugly side.

When they have all gone out and the door was closed, she finally could give vent to her emotions. She smashed the tea set on the table and swept her make up and jewelleries to the floor. Shi Feixian sat on the floor looking at her own fierce face reflected on a handheld mirror lying on the floor.

Hurling the mirror away, she rubbed her face in panic until her expression recovered to normal before she dared to look at the mirror again.

She was so beautiful, why should there be someone like Ban Hua existing in the Capital?!

Thinking of Rong Xia’s salute from afar to Ban Hua, thinking of the Aipo prince taking Ban Hua as the number one beauty, Shi Feixian felt herself ugly and hateful. That prince had made her totally lost face.

“Stupid barbarian creature, what does he know of grace and elegance, he can only see stinking skin!” Shi Feixian took a deep breath, tossed the mirror away, rose and patted her clothes, “Someone come. Clean the room.”

The door opened, but instead of the maids, it’s her brother Shi Jin who entered.

“Elder Brother.” Shi Feixian didn’t want her family to see her like this so Shi Jin here made her uncomfortable.

“Feixian,” Shi Jin saw the chaotic room, he frowned slightly, “You are a little impulsive today.”

Shi Feixian’s head bowed without a word.

“That Aipo prince is a reckless man, you don’t need to pay attention to him. I won’t let you marry such a man.”

“Brother,” Shi Feixian looked at Shi Jin, couldn’t help asking, “Do you think, does Count Rong like Ban Hua?”

Ban Hua?

Shi Jin remembered the woman walking slowly up the stairs, remembered the silk umbrella in Rong Xia’s hand. However, without any change in expression, he said, “Why do you think so?”

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“Brother, do you think…… Am I really not suitable to marry Rong Xia?” Shi Feixian looked at Shi Jin with burning eyes, “Count Rong is distinguished among the scholars, and His Majesty thinks highly of him. If I marry him, it will definitely be a great benefit for Shi family. Really.”

“Feixian,” Shi Jin frowned at her, “Rong Xia this person is deep and difficult to read. And Rong clan has fallen. He is not a good match for you.”

Family background was very important. Rong Xia was the only one left from Rong family. Even if he was valued by the Emperor, there was only him in his family, he couldn’t compare to clans with flourishing families.

“Why is that?” Shi Feixian said, “Everyone used to say Yan Zhen was a good match, but you all see how it is in the end .”

Shi Jin sighed, “Fine. Let’s say that we let you marry Rong Xia, but is he willing to marry you?”

Shi Feixian was a little agitated, she bit her lips and refused to talk more. She didn’t know whether Rong Xia would be willing to marry her, but she knew that if she didn’t persist then she truly would have no chance to marry him.

“It’s said that a girl from a good family is sought by a hundred families. At this moment the number of those who wants to marry you is as plenty as carps in the river. If Rong Xia has any intention towards you, would he let other people come to our house to propose marriage?”

Shi Feixian stubbornly said, “Perhaps…… there have been many deaths in his family and he is still grieving.”

Shi Jin wanted to say that tonight the grieving man had accepted a silk umbrella from a lady. But seeing the obstinate look on his sister’s eyes, he didn’t speak.

Within this month, his sister had twice said she wanted to marry Rong Xia.

Looking at the pitch darkness outside the window, he calmly said, “I will find out what Father thinks.”

After all she was his sister, let her be.



T/N – Palace ladies print 仕女簪花图 = paintings of palace concubines from Tang dynasty or Five Dynasties (Liang, Tang, Jin, Han, Zhou) era.

A stamp with a Tang dynasty palace ladies painting

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