The Grand Princess watched the son who was running over to her. Her face was as rosy as a sixteen years old young girl, and her smile had bloomed to be more and more tender.

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“Marching on and on, far away from you. A thousand miles apart, we at the opposite ends of the sky…… Longing for you makes one grow old, months and years far behind me….. But let’s not speak of this, please make sure you are eating well…..”

Ban Huai finally made it to her. The Grand Princess put her hand in his, murmured, “Please make sure you are….. eating well.”

It was as if she had suddenly came back to life, her pair of eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky.

“Shuiqing, ah,” She smiled at her son, “Our Hua Hua has found a handsome young man, I’ll tell your Father when I go back.”

“En.” Ban Huai choked back a sob.

The Grand Princess’s hand suddenly fell down weakly, the pair of bright eyes slowly closed. She fell asleep smiling, and never to wake up again.

Ban Huai’s opened mouth kept twitching and twitching, but no sound came out. There was no tear, he looked like a fish that had jumped out of water, that was desperately gasping without a sight of salvation.

“Her Highness the Grand Princess Dening….… has passed.”

“Master Marquis.” Yin-shi took Ban Huai into her arms and lightly patted his back, one pat after another. Ban Huai finally could cry with voice, he cried like a baby swallow that had lost it’s mother. Each sob was more desperate than the previous, each cry was like bleeding.

Ban Hua sat stunned on the floor, kept murmuring to herself as if she had lost her mind. Rong Xia grabbed her tightly clenched fists and pried her fingers open one by one. The palms were drenched with blood as the nails had pierced into the flesh, skin and flesh had meshed together to form a shocking sight to the viewer.

“I am the useless one……”

Rong Xia could now hear what she said, he took her icy cold palms and said in a firm tone, “Noone blames you, it is not your fault.” He turned to an imperial doctor who were kneeling outside, “Junzhu’s hands are injured.”

Emperor Yunqing regained his mind, he beckoned the imperial doctor to enter, “Be careful, don’t hurt Junzhu.”

The imperial doctor had witnessed the life and death scene of Ban family, his heart was mixed with all kinds of emotions. At Emperor Yunqing’s order, he regained his senses, “Yes.” As he saw who was holding Fule Junzhu’s hands, he glanced with surprise at Rong Xia but lowered his head again to start treating the wounds on Ban Hua’s palms.

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“Your Majesty,” When Ban Hua’s palms had been treated, Rong Xia walked to the front of Emperor Yunqing and knelt down. “Weichen had ruined Junzhu’s reputation in public, weichen is willing to marry Junzhu to save her reputation.”

Emperor Yunqing and the Empress were startled. They suddenly recalled that Ban Hua had entered the Great Hall on Rong Xia’s back, and he had also called himself her husband in front of the Grand Princess. It was all done in emergency and shouldn’t be taken for real, but there were indeed a lot of imperial doctors, palace maids and eunuchs around today, it really wasn’t good for Ban Hua’s reputation if leaked outside.

“Junpo, zhen knows you are a gentleman, and you don’t want to ruin a lady’s reputation, but……” Emperor Yunqing looked at Ban family who were immersed in grief, “Marriage is a big matter, you don’t have to force yourself.”

He knew Rong Xia was greatly admired by young ladies of the Capital. It was not difficult for such young man to marry a lady with both looks and talents, and distinguished family background. He was afraid that a girl like Ban Hua wasn’t Rong Xia’s choice.

A man who was willing to propose to protect a lady’s reputation was a rare gentleman.

“Junzhu is kind and lovely. Weichen admires Junzhu, and it will be weichen’s good fortune to marry her.” Rong Xia performed a salutation to Emperor Yunqing, “Asking Your Majesty and Niangniang to be the matchmakers for weichen.”

Emperor Yunqing inwardly sighed. A gentleman like Rong Xia would say things such as these to save the face of the lady’s family without any slightest fault with the speech. He and the Empress knew that Rong Xia didn’t like Hua Hua, but he couldn’t say anything.

“You wait, until the Grand Princess…..”

Emperor Yunqing’s throat moved, the rims of his eyes were red and he was unable to speak. He had intended to find a suitable young man for Ban Hua, but it’s not something on the table now, and at this moment Ban family wouldn’t desire any talk about marriage.

Officers from the Ministry of Rites had come and went, other people seemed to have come and went as well. The four Bans just dazedly followed whatever Emperor Yunqing told them. They didn’t show much reaction or joy either even when the Emperor said the Grand Princess’ funeral hall was to be held in the Palace, and the scale of her funeral rituals should only be slightly less than an empress dowager’s. They were like bewildered children who knew nothing, only trusted Emperor Yunqing without the slightest doubt.

The more they had such attitude, the more guilty the Emperor felt. His Aunt had died for him, if Aunt hadn’t taken it instead of him, the one lying in the memorial hall right now would have been himself.

The more he deliberated, the larger and larger the funeral rites he wanted to plan for the Grand Princess. The wake of an empress dowager’s would be 27 days presided by monks to guide the departed soul to transcend, then followed by a six-months nation-wide mourning period. Emperor Yunqing had the mind to hold the Grand Princess’ funeral on the scale of an empress dowager’s funeral, but as there had been no such precedent, he had no choice but to pick the highest scale of rites for a gongzhu that was ever recorded in history.

So the wake was to be held for 24 days with all third rank and above titled ladies of the Capital attending to weep for the Grand Princess. There would be a three-months nation-wide mourning period in which drinking and entertainment were forbidden. Getting married was also forbidden. Any failure to observe would be heavily punished.

The whole Daye knew the Grand Princess had died saving the Emperor’s life so noone was bold enough to say anything. Some famous talents wrote the Grand Princess’ memoirs, praising her loyalty and her benevolence. All sorts of wonderful praises were heaped on the Grand Princess’ name.

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Marquis Jingting’s residence used to be lifely but it had now turned quiet. They didn’t give any response to  whatever was heard outside.

“Junzhu,” Chang-momo bowed three times to Ban Hua, “This Old Slave comes on Her Highness’ last order, to serve by Junzhu’s side.”

“Chang-momo,” Ban Hua personally helped Chang-momo to rise, her pair of eyes were red and swollen, “Did my Grandmother said anything?”

Chang-momo looked at the Junzhu who had considerably thinned down, and smiled to comfort her, “Her Highness said, you are the one who resembled her the most. She wished you to be like her in her youth, living life to the fullest, free and unyielding.”

Ban Hua walked to the window. Staring at the white lanterns hanging in the garden, her voice was hoarse, “Grandmother must be very beautiful when she was young.”

“That is right.” Chang-momo picked up a cloak and draped it on Ban Hua’s shoulder, “Nubi heard that prior to Her Highness’s marriage, she was Daye’s number one beauty. The gongzi‘s from aristocratic families who wanted to marry her could line up from east side of the Capital to the west side.”

Ban Hua’s lips trembled, “I can’t compare to Grandmother.”

“No, you are very good.” Chang-momo looked at Ban Hua with gentle eyes, “As good as Her Highness.”

Ban Hua stared out the window in a daze, after a long time she said, “It’s snowing again.”

Chang-momo watched the vast whiteness outside, silently stood on Ban Hua’s side without speaking.

The funeral was held not long after the New Year, the road to the burial were full of offerings from various mansions.

The Grand Princess’ tomb had been prepared early so at the end of her life she would be able to lie with her beloved Fuma again.

Born in different days, buried in one grave. May the love of the two entwined in the next lives, and never be separated.

Ban Hua bowed three times and kowtowed nine times in front of the tomb. Each of her nine kowtows was performed heavily, the dull sound of each kowtow was akin to her yearnings for her grandmother. How much she was reluctant, and yet, she could only watch as her grandmother was descended into this magnificent but lifeless tomb.

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“Close the tomb!”

As the tomb’s entrance was closed and the countless mechanism in the tomb operated with clacking sounds, Ban Hua looked over as if in a trance, snowflakes drifted on top of her head.

“Cousin, condolences.” The Crown Prince was dressed in plain clothes. He walked up to Ban Hua and let the eunuch following him to hold up an umbrella for Ban Hua to shield her head from the falling snow. “Grand Aunt up above would love to see you live well, and not to grieve too much for her.”

“Crown Prince Cousin,” Ban Hua turned to him, after frozen for a long while, she said, “Thank you.”

The Crown Prince knew she didn’t hear what he had said, he could only say, “The snow is getting heavier, let’s go back.”

Ban Hua pursed her lips. She ran to the tombstone in large steps, her hands wiped off the snow on the top of the tombstone, whispered, “Grandmother, I will definitely come to see you and Grandfather often. You two be well in here, wait……. Hua Hua will come to see you. That time, don’t you dislike me.”

“Your Highness the Crown Prince.” Rong Xia walked up to the Crown Prince with an umbrella in his hand. After saluting, he moved towards Ban Hua.

Ban Hua was in mourning clothes, her face was bare of powder and her hair was fastened into a bun with a plain silver hairpin without accessories. Rong Xia put the umbrella down, took off his plain white cloak and draped it on Ban Hua’s shoulder. He picked up the umbrella again and held it over Ban Hua’s head, “Junzhu.”

“Count Rong,” Ban Hua wiped the corner of her eye, “Why are you here?”

“I saw Junzhu has only a single layer of clothing in the snow. Rong-mou is here to check.” Rong Xia paused a little, “Your family is there waiting for you.”

Ban Hua turned, her father, mother and younger brother were standing not far away. The chilled heart of hers gradually warmed up, she curtseyed to Rong Xia, “Thank you Master Count.”

She slipped from under his umbrella and ran fast towards her family.

Rong Xia quietly watched her left, watched her dived under her mother’s umbrella. He turned around to the tombstone which had begun piling a new layer of snowflakes, stretched his hand to lightly brushed the snow off, moved back a step, put the umbrella down, and bowed to the tombstone.

“Sis, what are you looking at?” Ban Heng saw Ban Hua had paused walking. He was worried that she was still upset, reaching out to hold her sleeve, “Be careful, watch your steps.”

Ban Hua was looking at the man who was bowing to her grandmother over there.

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She withdrew her gaze and whispered, “Yes, we all need to watch our steps.”

The death of the Grand Princess wasn’t a big deal for most people. But for some, it was something worth celebrating.

The Grand Princess’ passing had deprived Ban family of it’s backing. Those who had once suffered because of Ban family were eager to take action. However, on the third day after the funeral, the Palace issued a decree appointing Ban Huai the title of Duke Jingting with a Junwang status.

The Emperor grieved so much for the Grand Princess that he stopped Court hearing for 3 days, and on the day of the funeral he had cried so hard that he was unable to stand steadily.

People planning to take revenge of Ban family suddenly realised that because the Grand Princess died protecting His Majesty, as long as Jiang family still wanted their face, and as long as Ban family didn’t commit any major crime at the level of nine-familial extermination, then the current emperor plus the next emperor would treat Ban family well.

The assassination ended with the Grand Princess losing her life from injuries, but the mastermind was not found yet. His Majesty was furious, he ordered a strict investigation and also gave heavy punishment to the Commander and Deputy Commander of the Imperial Guards.

“Have you found out?” Emperor Yunqing couldn’t eat or sleep well to think that a close personal servant had tried to kill him out of nowhere. The inner courtyard has been investigated several times but he still felt insecure until the mastermind behind it all could be brought up to the surface.



T/N – The ‘eating well’ poem the Grand Princess sang before she died was one of the Nineteen Old Poems from Han Dynasty. Translation credit to East Asia Student site.

T/N – Pay attention to the change in how Rong Xia addressed himself and Ban family as the nature of their relationship transformed. Less -mou, less zaixia, and he started to boldly use direct ‘you’ to Ban Hua instead of Junzhu.
(Just little random things I like, I keep the appellations intact because personally I feel they add to the flavour of the story.)

* weichen 微臣 = This Humble Official
* zhen 朕  = I, We (referring to self, used by an emperor)
* -mou = This Person (humble). Rong-mou = This Mou Person.

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