BH Chapter 62

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“I don’t know.”

The room was quiet for a while, Shi Jin’s face as as calm as usual, “I have asked around but noone knows who Rong Xia is engaged to, perhaps……” Shi Jin turned away to avoid Shi Feixian’s gaze, “Perhaps she isn’t someone in the Capital.”

Most of Daye’s prestigious families were concentrated in the Capital, but it didn’t mean only Capital had prestigious families.

“Really?” Shi Feixian looked at Shi Jin whose head was bowed as he poured two cups of tea. He handed one cup to Shi Feixian, the other was for himself.

“Sorry, I can’t help you.”

“No, it’s me who was too impatient.” Shi Feixian lifted the teacup for a sip. The tea was slightly cold, the impulsive urge in her heart was extinguished. “Brother, thank you.”

Shi Jin shook his head, “Between you and I, us brother and sister, no need to be that polite.”

Shi Feixian forced a smile, clenching the teacup in her palm tightly.

Shi Jin returned to his own courtyard. After dismissing all the servants, he picked up a Buddhist scripture from the shelves and recited from it again and again. After almost half a shichen, he tossed the scripture on the desk and closed his eyes.

* 1 shichen = 2 hours

“Gongzi, the Minister is looking for you.” A pageboy called out from outside.

Shi Jin rubbed his temples and rose up, “I am coming soon.”

Shi Chonghuai watched him stepping inside, after Shi Jin finished the salute, he said, “Sit down and talk.”

Shi Jin saw his father’s expression was serious, “Father, what happened?”

“The assassination case of the Grand Princess has concluded. The mastermind behind it is Hui-wang. Hui-wang has been harbouring resentment towards His Majesty for years. He has secret spies infiltrating the Palace, hiding in wait for the right moment to seize the throne.” Shi Chonghuai handed the information from Court of Judicature to Shi Jin, “Take a look.”

T/N – (Refresher) Hui-wang was the prince who previous emperor failed to establish.

“Father, as they have been lying low for long, why did they suddenly decide to assassinate His Majesty?” Shi Jin skimmed through the document, somewhat puzzled. “This isn’t the best time. Since Hui-wang has been waiting for a long time, why can’t he wait longer?”

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“Because he can’t wait anymore.” Shi Chonghuai smiled coldly. “Hui-wang is seriously ill, and he is close to the end. People who are about to die are more impetuous. The throne is his lifelong obsession, if he doesn’t fight for it now, he would die in discontent.”

“But….. if it fails, will His Majesty spare Hui-wang’s family?” Shi Jin thought of the deceased Grand Princess, there was a strange feeling in his heart. Hui-wang’s delusion has harmed his family and the Grand Princess.

The Grand Princess was not involved, how was she caught up in this matter?

“A man striving for greatness shouldn’t be overly cautious and keeps looking back and forth like women.” Shi Chonghuai snorted coldly. “Hui-wang has the courage, but no luck or power. In falling into this situation, he can only blame himself.”

“But there was no movement at Hui-wang’s establishment.” Shi Jin frowned, “What exactly is His Majesty’s plan?”

“You will know in a few days.” Shi Chonghuai said indifferently, “From now on, don’t get involved with anyone from Hui-wang’s establishment.”

“Yes.” Shi Jin hesitated for a while before asking Shi Chonghuai, “Father, Xie family…..”

“Pay no attention to them.” Shi Chonghuai sneered disdainfully, “Having ruined the good cards in their hands to this extent, it’s obvious they aren’t any strong opponent.”

Had he been able to marry Fule Junzhu, the second son of Xie family could have been someone not to be underestimated, but he had ran away with a vulgar woman, offended Ban family, and put himself into a dead end.

Ban family might be powerless on the surface, but they occupied an extraordinary status. Everyone with some brain knew that whatever opinion they had of the family should be kept to themselves, otherwise it was akin to slapping the face of the royal family.

That Shen Yu the tanhua, who used to have a limitedless future in the Capital, was buoyed up high, flattered and goaded into breaking his engagement with Ban family by people of impure minds. And how did he end up?

* tanhua 探花郎 = the third place at palace examination stage of imperial examination system.

After getting whipped by Ban Hua in public and losing his face thoroughly, his fame, position and benefits went up in smoke.

In front of the imperial power, one’s fame or disgrace was just the matter of the Emperor nodding or shaking his head.

A few days later, Hui-wang’s mansion was suddenly caught in fire. Hui-wang and Hui-wangfei lost their lives in the fire, their pair of children were lucky to survive despite being injured. The shizi Jiang Yuchen broke his leg after crushed by a falling beam, Kangning Junzhu suffered ghastly burn wounds on a large part of her arm.

* shizi 世子 = an heir of a prominent family. Like Ban Heng was the shizi of Jingting establishment.

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The Emperor and the Empress took pity of the pair, a decree was issued to let Kangning Junzhu recuperate in the Palace. Hui-wang Shizi inherited Hui-wang’s title although it was reduced from qinwang to junwang. Countless people praised the Emperor and the Empress for their benevolence and mercy to their juniors. Books were written about it as if it was a good deed noteworthy of major recording. As for Hui-wang and Hui-wangfei who perished in fire, apart from their old subordinates, was there anyone who sincerely concerned about them?

T/N – Qinwang = first-rank prince (usually the direct brothers or sons of emperors), while junwang = second-rank prince. This demotion is in line with convention.

Regardless of the questionable circumstances of Hui-wang’s death, his funeral ceremonies was performed in the appropriate scale without any slightest cutback, but without any slightest extra either. Everything was delivered per standard protocol. Nevertheless, with regards to royal family, it was inevitable that a service performed strictly on standard protocol was a somewhat lacking one. The street offerings provided by prestigious families in the Capital were also quite perfunctory, as if saying that Hui-wang’s status was just that so and so.

Jiang Yuchen and Jiang Kangning in mourning hat and mourning clothing were escorting the coffins to the funeral, they could also see that the offerings were perfunctory. Their initial anger had been reduced to numbness, ignoring the condolences offered in pretend sorrow.

Three months ago when the Grand Princess died in the assassination, these people looked as sad as if it had been their own grandmother who died, but now they didn’t even bother to put on a complete act.

The world was a heartless place. The two of them, brother and sister, from thereon were duckweeds floating on water, with no backing or anyone to rely on, as good as walking on thin ice.

“Please don’t grieve too much.” A young and slightly immature voice was heard. Kangning lifted her head, it was the Shizi of Jingting establishment. Other major houses sent their stewards to attend, but Jingting establishment sent it’s shizi to personally offer their condolences, this action carried more weight than the others.

Kangning returned his salute in a daze, then continue pacing upwards numbly. Too much tears had been shed these few days, at this point nothing could came out anymore.

Had Jingting establishment knew the Grand Princess’ death was related to them, this street offering wouldn’t have been given. Kangning looked up at the paper money floating in the air, she laughed bitterly. The only establishment that had sincerely presented a street offering was the house who was harmed by their family. What a joke.

Imperial Father had always told them to be cautious, to be watchful at all times. But in the end, it was he himself who had pushed their family into the endless abyss?

In the past she had dreamt of being a gongzhu, but she had woken up of that dream. It was fortunate that the current emperor was someone who wanted to look good in others’ eyes, so he didn’t make public that his own brother had tried to kill him, or that he wasn’t the previous emperor’s favourite son. In order to look benevolent, he had allowed the two of them brother and sister to stay alive. Even though…. Brother’s leg was damaged and her left arm was disfigured.

As they passed by the Right Minister mansion, she saw a very simple street offering table at the front, it was not even guarded. She sneered inwardly, as expected of the establishment of the Right Minister, they would ‘steer the boat as the wind blows’. It was not surprising to find them doing so.

“Kangning,” Jiang Yuchen was on a wooden wheelchair, he saw his sister staring at the street offering of the Right Minister mansion. “Let’s go.”

In the Great Moon Palace, Emperor Yunqing was sitting behind the imperial desk, he listened expressionlessly to the secret guard giving report on the street offerings of the various establishments.

“Zhen isn’t surprised that Ban family can do that.” At the report on Ban family, Emperor Yunqing’s face actually broke into a smile. “Only them are the ones with pure heart.”

He was also satisfied with Rong Xia for not passing the result of the investigation to Ban family. Otherwise, with Ban family’s temperament, at this moment they would have been smashing Hui-wang’s coffin instead of sending their shizi to stand next to the street offering table.

Rong Xia was good, Ban family was good, they had always made him feel at ease. Only Shi family, they have become bolder……

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“Master Count, shuxia doesn’t understand.” In the dense forest, Du Jiu was standing behind Rong Xia, watching black-clothed men being busy not far away, “Fule Junzhu isn’t the best choice.”

“To me, she is the best choice.” Rong Xia pulled the black cloak to cover his own head, “Du Jiu, you have overstepped your limit.”

Du Jiu’s face changed instantly, “Shuxia has misspoken!”

Rong Xia tied up his cloak, “Go back to the city.”

“Who is that? It’s past curfew. No warrant, no entry!” The guard on top of the city gate was instantly at high alert at the sight of a group of horse riders coming up from the outside.

The leader of the black-clothed men took out a piece of golden badge, it gleamed with the reflection of the bright light from the torches. The guards also saw the black satin ribbons with golden embroideries hang around the neck of the horses. The guard wrapped his hands in a bow, “Shuxia has been rude. Shuxia will order them to open the gates now.” After talking, he used his torch to gesture for those standing under the city gate behind him.

The group quickly entered the city gate in an imposing manner, and soon disappeared in the pitch black night.

“Ruyi,” Ban Hua was awakened, she sat up, “Wasn’t there sound of horse hooves outside?”

“It’s probably the guards patrolling the city.” Ruyi approached Ban Hua’s bed curtain, “But nubi didn’t hear anything.”

“Was it?” Ban Hua yawned and laid back down inside the blanket, “What time is it now?”

“Junzhu, it’s the third geng.” Hearing the time, Ban Hua immediately closed her eyes trying to go back to sleep as soon as possible.

* Third geng 三更 = 23:00-01:00 at night.

An expert in women health said that being awake during the third geng could damage a woman’s face, this instruction definitely couldn’t be defied.

She slept without a dream. The servants said Count Cheng’an had arrived when Ban Hua was still half-sleeping. Only after washing her face that she started waking up.

“Junzhu, Count Cheng’an is here. You aren’t dressed up yet, haven’t even changed. How is it good?” Ruyi saw Ban Hua was still sitting drowsily on the bed, she helplessly said, “Let nubi help you change.”

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“Ah?” Ban Hua rubbed her face, “Ruyi, you have to understand. A man who is good at waiting is very attractive.”

Ruyi: No, nubi doesn’t know what man is attractive, but nubi knows you are good at making men wait.

In the main hall, Ban Heng has been sitting with Rong Xia for almost half a shichen. The tea has been changed twice but his sister still not arrived.

“Count Rong, my sister, she…..”

“I didn’t make an appointment with Junzhu. I have rashly come without consideration and disturbed Junzhu’s resting.”

Ban Heng touched his nose, unable to talk further.

One party loved to slap, the other party loved to be slapped. What else could be said?

“Rong Xia, you are here?” Ban Hua came out, still in plain clothing with a silver hairpin. Her face was bare of makeup but she looked refreshing.

“Hua Hua,” Rong Xia rose from the chair, smilingly asked, “I come rashly, have I disturbed your rest?”

“It is fine. I usually get up around this hour.” Ban Hua walked up to him. “The weather is quite good, are you here to take me to eat noodles?”

“Yes.” Rong Xia nodded, “The sun is bright today, it’s good for an outing.”

“Alright, let us go.” Ban Hua immediately nodded, she turned to head out.

“Sis, you don’t take breakfast?” Ban Heng asked from behind.

“No need. I want to save the space in my stomach.” Ban Hua shook her head, “If I eat now, I can’t eat other things.”

Rong Xia smiled at Ban Heng, “Shizi, would you like to come with us?”

“No need. I have just had breakfast, I can’t eat more. You can go.” Ban Heng gave a fake smile.

They were both men, who didn’t understand? If he went with them, Rong Xia wouldn’t be able to smile anymore.


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