At Yan family’s Second Gongzi, Ban Hua was taken aback for a moment before she reacted.

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“Isn’t he too sick to get out of bed, what is he doing at our gates?” Ban Heng jumped up in anger, “Even if he is a gongzi from a prime minister’s house, tell the guards to chase him away!” This person was clearly crazy, he must have known his sister was engaged to Rong Xia, what did he want by coming over?

If this was spread outside, even if Rong Xia didn’t mind, it wouldn’t be good to be heard by other people.

“Have someone notify Minister Yan’s house, in case he stumbled and bumped himself then he blame our stairs not built well enough and tripped this noble gongzi’s feet.” Ban Heng despised someone like Yan Zhen the most. He would have put Yan Zhen in a sack for a beating if not because Yan Zhen seldom went out of the door.

“How does Yan family teach their son, he totally lacks manner!” Ban Heng didn’t forget to add extra insults.

Ban Hua strangely felt the last insult was familiar to her ears.

T/N – That’s what others say about Ban family son!

“Sis, just ignore this kind of person. The more you pay attention, the more they are encouraged.” Ban Heng was still angry, he turned to Ban Hua, “What love as deep as the sea. He’s read too many books, he thinks all love is as deep as the sea. Don’t you go meet him out of pity, don’t be soft to him.”

Ban Hua had zero chance to speak, Ban Heng had said it all.

“Fine, fine. I am not meeting him. What are you angry for?” Ban Hua patted his head like a master soothing her beloved dog. Ban Heng made a fuss about his head getting touched but his anger did subside.

“Then what should we do?” Ban Heng was good at beating people up, at putting a sack over people’s head, at gathering minions to make troubles, but he wasn’t good with his brain. He didn’t think Ban Hua was much smarter, but still, her brain was a tiny tiny bit better than his.

“Haven’t you said it already. We tell Yan family to come pick him up.” Ban Hua stood up, her long hair cascading on her back. “I am in mourning, and I am engaged. Why would I go out to meet a man.”

Ban Heng, “But you were out buying sugar figurines this morning, this excuse is weak.”

“Then do you think that rather than giving excuse, we should simply say I am too lazy to meet you?” Ban Hua asked back.

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“Let’s just use some excuse even if not strong.” Ban Heng rubbed his nose, turned and left in a hurry to look for his parents.

What Ban Hua and Ban Heng could think of, Yin-shi had thought of it earlier. As her son entered, she said, “Don’t panic. I know what you are going to say. I’ve sent someone to Minister Yan residence.”

Ban Heng dropped his rump on the seat, very unhappily said, “This Yan Zhen is really too rude. He did it on purpose to let everyone in the Capital watch a joke.”

“He’s just a young man who after reading a few artistic love poems thought that love is the most beautiful thing in the world and everything else is humdrum. He thinks true feelings and the beauty of love come through life and death, through spitting out heart and spilling blood.” Yin-shi’s tone was quite plain, “But where on earth is such a fervent love. More common is love means joining hands through hardships together until old age. Yan Second Gongzi has become foolish from reading too many books, Yan family doesn’t educate him well.”

She was certain that Yan Hui had no idea what Yan Zhen was doing. Yan family was in recovery and their foundation was not yet stable. Yan Hui must be anxious of troubles, he wouldn’t have allowed his son to come again, Yan Zhen must had sneaked out of the house.

Someone who once wielded power but lost it, would treasure it much when it was back in his hand, he would become extremely careful, how would he senselessly lose sight of it?

Yan Zhen recuperated for a long time at home. When he almost couldn’t make it, his eldest brother slapped his senses back to him, made him wake up from the muddled state. He thought of Fule Junzhu everyday, but under the family’s watch he couldn’t say what’s in his mind.

He was thinking since his father had regained His Majesty’s trust, he should also prepare himself to serve in Court. He would rely on his own abilities to show Junzhu he was capable and sincere, to let Junzhu be willing to marry down to him.

With this in mind, he had climbed up from the bed and started a diligent daily physical exercise. Most of his strength and vitality has returned, and he was even sturdier than the time he first met Fule Junzhu. But no matter how perfect his plan was, he never imagined that when he was recovering these few months, Ban Hua had become engaged to someone else.

He accidently learned the news from a servant, his whole body felt like being struck hard again. He walked out in a daze and without knowing how, he had arrived at Ban family gates. He dared not knock, he had no courage to ask Ban Hua: do you really want to marry Count Rong?

He knew himself was a coward.

“Second Brother.” When Yan Ming arrived, his younger brother was still standing like a fool in front of Ban family gates. Yan Ming was both angry and helpless, he suppressed the anger as his younger brother had only just recovered, “It is getting late, let’s go back.”

He thought his younger brother would refuse but Yan Zhen just nodded obediently so half the anger in his heart disappeared.

“Big Brother, I don’t want to ride, let’s walk.” Yan Zhen turned to look at the tightly closed Ban family gates, then turned back to walk to the direction of Minister Yan residence.

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Yan Ming was stunned for a while then followed.

“Big Brother,” Yan Zhen’s eyes were somewhat vacant as he asked Yan Ming, “Fule Junzhu, when….. when did she become engaged to Count Cheng’an?”

“I am not sure. I heard it was when the Grand Princess was assassinated, the two became betrothed.” Yan Ming had very mixed feelings towards Ban family, there was guilt mixed with resentment, so usually he didn’t keep up with the news about them. Whatever he knew was from the rumours.

“During the assassination of Her Highness the Grand Princess.” Yan Zhen dazedly thought for a long time, “Has Count Cheng’an set his heart on her?”

Count Cheng’an was a refined man but Fule Junzhu didn’t seem to like books and paintings that much. He worried that they were not harmonious, that Fule Junzhu would be left in the cold.

“This……” Yan Ming sighed, seeing his second brother’s addled look, he couldn’t continue.

He had to marry because it was the Grand Princess’s last words, but how much Count Cheng’an could like her? Noone knew. Rong Xia was so young and yet he had become the Minister of Personnel, the first reason was the Emperor trusted him, and the second reason was a compensation.

Who could make the Emperor compensate anyone? Naturally it was the Ban family.

The Grand Princess had given her life for His Majesty. His Majesty would definitely try to fulfil her last wish, but it would be at a cost to Count Cheng’an. However Yan Ming couldn’t tell this to his younger brother, so he nodded, “I heard Count Cheng’an often takes Fule Junzhu outside to play and the two of them seem to be close. He should like her for real.”

“It’s good if he likes her, it’s good.” Yan Zhen forced a smile, “Big Brother, didn’t you say there is a vacancy in the Ministry of Revenue, I want to try.”

Yan Ming saw his younger brother had finally thought it through. A joyful smile appeared on his face. “Good. I’ll arrange it when we get back.”

“Young Master Yan, Yan Second Gongzi.”

Some people always appeared when you least expected them. Rong Xia was not someone Yan Ming wished to see. That time if it was not due to Rong Xia ‘dropping stones into the well’, their family wouldn’t have fallen that deep.

* 落井下石 (lit.  dropping stones into the well) = to hit a person who is down.

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“Count Rong,” Yan Ming cupped his fist towards Rong Xia who was on a horseback, “Zaixia congratulates Count Rong on the promotion.”

“Young Master Yan is too polite. It was all due to His Majesty’s grace that zaixia is able to have this honour.” Rong Xia’s eyes fell on Yan Zhen.

“Haven’t seen Yan Second Gongzi for some time, Gongzi is much refreshed than when we last met.” Rong Xia’s smile did not look real. “Apparently you have recovered well.”

Yan Zhen lifted his shoulders in an attempt to make himself a bit more imposing. He saluted Rong Xia, “Many thanks for Count Rong’s concerns, zaixia is well.”

He suddenly remembered the last time they met at Shi family estate. He had intended to propose to Fule Junzhu, but when he was about to confess, this Count Rong appeared, dressed to the nines. Rong Xia’s existence made all men including himself, paled away in dullness.

Looking at this smiling man, Yan Zhen once again realised that he was not his match.

In looks, in presence, and in talents.

This was the greatest blow for a man, the woman in his heart was getting married to another man who was superior to himself in every way.

“It’s good that Second Gongzi is fine.” Rong Xia smiled lightly. There was no malice in his tone, but Yan Zhen could feel it was a look down on him, or to say, a loathing.

Yan Zhen’s face turned somewhat cold, he didn’t speak anymore.

Rong Xia seemed to not notice Yan Zhen’s slightly ugly face, his clear and fine fingers were playing with horse whip as he asked with a smile, “Heard that Minister Yan is currently interested at a vacancy at the Ministry of Revenue?”

Hearing that, Yan Ming’s face instantly turned cautious, “What does Count Cheng’an mean?” He dared not underestimate Rong Xia, this person was still young but he was well-known. He had also recently started to gain power at Court, and being engaged to Fule Junzhu meant the support of noble wastrels on good terms with Ban family was on his disposal. It was not good to offend such person, or more precisely, they could not afford to.

“Young Master Yan thinks too far. Rong-mou asks just in passing.” Rong Xia sat up straight, switched the horse whip from his right hand to the left, “As Second Gongzi has recovered completely, it is quite suitable to fill up the vacancy at the Ministry of Revenue.”

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Yan Ming forced himself to laugh along with Rong Xia but didn’t say anything else.

Rong Xia saw the face of the brothers, his own smile grew gentler and humbler, “The two Gongzi’s are busy, I shouldn’t bother too long. Zaixia has some matters to visit Duke Jingting, so I’ll take my leave.”

Yan Zhen’s face became dark.

Yan Ming gritted his teeth and offered Rong Xia a salute, “Master Count, take care.”

“Farewell!” Rong Xia patted his horse, it slowly moved past the brothers while idly swinging it’s tail.

Yan Ming stared at Rong Xia’s departing back. His face kept changing, and in the end he couldn’t hold back his anger. He turned to Yan Zhen, “Second Brother, let’s go.”

Yan Zhen was still in a haze, he slowly moved to follow.

He might have overthought, but the current Rong Xia felt different from the past. But he couldn’t tell what was different.

Or maybe it was all in his own heart, and it came from jealousy, the jealousy towards this person.

“Master Count, are we really going to the Royal Duke residence?” Du Jiu asked.

Rong Xia indifferently said, “I forgot to bring the visitation card, so we are not going.”

Du Jiu: As long as you are happy.

Rong Xia was about to turn to go back when a small palanquin covered in gauze was seen heading their way. The gauze was heavy, the good figure of the woman inside the palanquin was only faintly visible.

The small palanquin stopped in front of him.

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