BH Chapter 77.2

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“Junzhu, xiaguan is still not clear of something, please Junzhu explain.”

“Liu-daren please just say it.” Ban Hua nodded slightly, “I will tell everything I know.”

“Xiaguan heard that Junzhu was trained by General Ban for many years, and that includes the areas of riding, shooting and weaponry. Does Junzhu know if this stab wound was caused by a knife or a sword.” From the beginning Liu-daren never considered Ban Hua as the culprit. Not only Ban family and Zhao family were not in a bad relationship, but also with Ban family identity and status there was no benefit for them in murdering Zhao Jia. Would they kill Zhao Jia for fun to cast bad luck to the Second Prince’s wedding?

Even if it was to jinx the wedding, it wouldn’t be this silly.

He took out two pieces of paper, one piece was the drawing of various weapons Dalisi was considering, the other one was the front and back of a man’s upper body with the position and shape of the wound drawn on it.

Ban Hua took the papers and carefully compared the various weapons with the wound. She shook her head slowly, “Without seeing the actual wound, I dare not be completely sure. I will be frank, I did learn a lot from Grandfather but it was all on paper. If I make a mistake, please Liu-daren don’t laugh.”

Liu-daren’s impression of Ban Hua became even better. Who smeared Fule Junzhu’s name, wasn’t she a very good young girl?

“Junzhu please just say it, xiaguan is listening with respect.” Liu-daren expectantly looked at Ban Hua.

Ban Hua asked several more questions, such as the trajectory of blood spatter, the colour of the skin around the wound, whether the wound protruded and so on. In the end Ban Hua shook her head, “Liu-daren, I am afraid it’s none of these weapons.”

Liu-daren was instantly moved, “Wonder what is Junzhu’s opinion?”

Ban Hua had a servant bring paper and brush, she drew a picture, “I think it is similar to this kind of weapon used by foreigners.”

Liu-daren took the paper, the drawing was crooked and skewed, it was unclear whether it was a knife, a sword, or a hard whip. He tactfully asked, “What would be the name of this?”

“Name?” Ban Hua looked at Liu-daren perplexly, “It’s the sort of knife that Aipo tribe commonly use, there is no name. Didn’t that Aipo prince insist on staying in Daye, ask him and you should be able to find out.”

Liu-daren was enlightened, he rose and saluted deeply to Ban Hua, “Many thanks Junzhu for clearing up the confusion, xiaguan will take leave now.”

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Ban Hua hurriedly said, “This is only my guess, it may not be accurate. If it is wrong, you can’t blame me.”

Liu-daren saw her face was like saying ‘I help you, but don’t drag me in’. He solemnly said, “Please Junzhu don’t worry.”

“It’s good then.” One of the principles Grandmother taught her was not to easily burden self with responsibilities, Ban Hua always kept that in mind. As this official surnamed Liu was so sensible, Ban Hua asked further, “What is your name?”

“Replying to Junzhu, xiaguan surnamed Liu named Banshan, with courtesy name Qingfeng.” Liu-daren bowed respectfully to Ban Hua.

Ban Hua nodded, “Noted, you can go and get busy.”

Someone in his early thirties who was already a Vice Director of Dalisi with upstanding speech and action. Such a person would fare well regardless of the change of dynasty in the future.

Liu Banshan didn’t understand why Fule Junzhu looked at him with a pleased and appreciative look, but remembering this was a Count’s fiancee, a future Furen, he bowed respectfully before retreating.

After Liu Banshan left, the serious faces of the Bans totally collapsed. Ban Heng said with a shocked expression, “Someone from Zhao clan was murdered with a foreign weapon the night before the Second Prince’s wedding. Isn’t this a deliberate attempt to provoke the relationship between Daye and the affiliated country?”

“That’s why I said drinking, whoring and gambling aren’t good,” Yin-shi scanned her husband and son, “You see how good it is, died in dishonour. When everyone talk about him in the future, they will remember he died outside the red-light district, a shame even in death.”

“Dead is dead, what’s shameful or not.” Ban Heng said in a small voice, “Besides, Zhao Jia isn’t famous, how many in the Capital know him?”

“So you are saying he did nothing wrong?” Yin-shi’s eyebrows shot up, the pair of beautiful phoenix eyes swept on Ban Heng. Ban Heng couldn’t help shivering, “No, no, I mean this kind of person wasn’t interesting when alive, and is still a nobody after death. He is not worth remembering.”

“Human ah, if you don’t die beautifully, then your death is not acceptable.” Ban Hua looked regretful, “Brother Heng, you are still too young.”

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“Don’t you talk down on your brother, you didn’t use your brain either.” Yin-shi glared at Ban Hua. “You are a girl, you should have used the residence guards. Sending your personal guards, if people know, they will talk badly about you, is it good?”

“People like to gossip about me anyway, then let them talk about me only, why involve the family.” Ban Hua still felt her decision was correct, “Why should I drag the whole family just for one small matter.”

“You and your brother, since young until now, how many times have you dragged the family already?” Yin-shi plainly said, “Don’t talk rubbish to me. Next time you do anything brainless, both of you can go kneel in front of ancestral tablets.”

Ban Hua and Ban Heng instantly shut up, the two stole glances at Ban Huai. Ban Huai, the head of the family, the father of the siblings, was currently bowing his head in silence. He was upholding his top class style of silence, which was not opening his mouth even if he was beaten to death. He was determined not to say a word in defence of his children.

Just a trivial domestic matter, Furen could decide, it’s not his part to interfere.

Ban Hua and Ban Heng:  ……

The rumour eventually reached the Palace. Listening to the servants, the silver hairpin in Xie Wanyu’s fingers was squeezed until it bent. Her heart was especially heavy to hear that Second Brother’s eye was damaged when he was meeting Shi Feixian to give her a book of poems.

So there was something between her Second Brother and Shi Feixian, only her was foolish enough to worry about Second Brother and hated Ban Hua for it.

The feeling of betrayal emerged, the betrayal of her close friend, of her birth brother. The blow was a little too much to swallow. Catching her own pale-white face on the mirror, Xie Wanyu threw the bent hairpin on the dressing table. Her trembling hands opened the lipstick box, dabbed it onto her lips.

Noone in the world was sincere to her, she could only rely on herself.

The bright red lipstick, the pink rouge, the ink-like eyebrows. Layer by layer of cosmetic concealed the layers of her mood.

She was not just Xie Wanyu, she was the Second Prince’s consort.

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Flowers had withered, the spring departed. The weather in the Capital turned strange, it would warm up in a sudden then abruptly cooled down. The thick clothing worn for the mornings became too hot at noons, these days the nobles would pay extra attention for fear of catching cold.

Ban family kept brewing cold prevention medicine. Whether Ban Hua and Ban Heng liked it or not, they had to finished their bowls under Yin-shi’s watch otherwise they would not be allowed to go out.

After swallowing a bowl of medicine with much difficulty, Ban Hua covered her mouth to prevent it thrown back out. She had rinsed her mouth several times but the bitter medicine smell did not go away.

The mourning period has passed, but since the passing of the Grand Princess, Ban Hua was never dressed in bright red or purple anymore. Today she had on a turquoise dress and her hair was devoid of any flashy ornament, but her beauty was still not lessened a bit.

Brightness had brightness’ allure, demure had demurness’ charm. It’s the face that was most important.

Prince Akeqi was stepping out of a restaurant, he had noticed Ban Hua from afar. He had only seen her a few times but his impression was deep. This was the woman who had made him realise the difference of the aesthetic senses of his Aibo tribe and the Capital nobles.

After almost half a year at the Capital, he still felt this Junzhu was more beautiful than Minister Shi’s daughter, but he had kept this to himself for fear of being ridiculed. Seeing her again today, he was still as excited and couldn’t stop himself running up to her.

“Junzhu, I am Tu Aqi, do you still remember zaixia?”

Ban Hua on the horseback inclined her head to look at this curly haired youth who used both ‘I’ and ‘zaixia’ in one sentence. She smiled, “You are Aipo country’s His Highness the Prince?”

“Junzhu has good memory, haven’t met for many days and still remembers zaixia,” Tu Aqi scratched his head in embarrassment, his curly hair bounced along, “Are you also going to watch cuju?”

* cuju 蹴鞠 = ancient Chinese soccer.

“Cuju?” Ban Hua was startled for a moment before she remembered that every fourth or fifth month of the year, noble sons in the Capital would play cuju or polo, their games often attracted commoners to watch. Tu Aqi must have meant some noble sons were having a match today.

“No, I am just out,” Ban Hua shook her head, “Wangzi is going to watch?”

* wangzi 王子 = The son of a king.

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Akeqi was a bit embarrassed, “Yes, but I can’t find the place.”

Their Aipo country was small and not wealthy. In order to obtain Daye emperor’s trust and to learn Daye’s advanced knowledge, he had to thicken his face using every means to stay in Daye. To avoid making Daye people annoyed he didn’t bring too many people, at this moment he had less than 20 people with him.

He heard high status nobles in Daye had dozens of people following, and that didn’t include the rough-job servants at home or the many kinds of guards. He was very envious, even his father in Aipo didn’t live that luxuriously.

Like this Junzhu, more than a dozen following behind her, must be her subordinates.

After staying here for long, he found Daye’s culture was too rich, he wouldn’t be able to learn everything even in 10 years. He still couldn’t grasp the nobles’ various forms of entertainment, even finding the venue was difficult.

“Fine, I’ll take you there.” Ban Hua was soft-hearted to see Akeqi’s pitiful looks, “Let’s go, follow me.”

Akeqi’s was joyful, thanked her repeatedly, “Many thanks Junzhu.”

The two guards behind him also saluted, but their salute was a bit odd like they were not very used to Daye’s style of salute.

“Minister Daren, Dalisi has concluded the case, ” An official of Ministry of Personnel said, “Zhao Jia argued with someone, that person harboured a grudge and hired two foreigners who were not registered in the Capital to murder Zhao Jia.”

This case was full of holes, but as His Majesty said it had to be concluded, Dalisi could only find an excuse to close it.

Everyone knew the two illegal foreigners wouldn’t have known patrol’s shift handover schedule, so they shouldn’t have been able to avoid the patrol. But if His Majesty wanted to protect the mastermind, officials could only pretend ignorance.

That official was about to speak again when he suddenly paused but couldn’t hold saying, “That one over there….. isn’t that Fule Junzhu?”

Only then he remembered that Junzhu was Minister Daren’s fiancee, he shut up at once.

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