Chapter 11: Experiment ★

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Three days have passed after I kidnapped the zombie. I have already succeeded in capturing 4 zombies including the first one and I carried out certain Experiments on each of them.

The breakdown is an adult male and an adult female respectively, as well as a boy and a girl.

Originally I wanted to get two zombies with the same age, but many zombies resides underground probably because I made too much noise, so recently I didn’t open the door carelessly. Fortunately, because I saved food I’m able to survive for half a year, moreover, after time passed, I only have to get replenishment.

What I should give priority to is to survive and anything worst doesn’t need to arise. On the other hand I can’t give up for Aya-chan’s sake. The food is surely limited, but there is still a lot. So I’m not forcing myself and concentrate at my presence to advance step by step.

“Thank you, Aya-chan. Because I prepared the meal on the other side, lets eat”

Because there mustn’t be really something while I leave my seat, I asked Aya-chan to observe the other zombies, so that nothing unusual seem to occur. Aya-chan glances at me, while I just disappeared in the depths unsteadily. I went to get the meal which I prepared for in the food court.

There are no action in particular from the other side, but as for the current Aya-chan, she understands me approximately perfectly. Because she can grasp my intention without a mistake, she probably understood what I say.

Of course it is a condition I don’t know it well whether there is a consciousness like a sleepwalking patient or not, but she is returning to a human at least. A conversation may be possible when it continues so, however that is merely rash thinking.

“Humu……she surely is dead”

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When I see Aya-chan now who seems bored overlooking the zombies, she is still dead no matter what I think. An accident didn’t happen.

With this, as a result of the experiment and considering it now in a humans way and the pretense that she died……you can’t joke that her pulse stopped. Is the cardiorespiratory function strengthened as a zombie, because the heart moves slowly like a bear under hibernation, it still stops.

By the way, the adult duo and the boy are already at the pinch of annihilation.

As for the experiment contents, “The symptom is relieved by giving my blood regularly”, they seem to have eased too much.

Tentative there is a different between the men and the women and that’s the reason why I chose three zombies who died as a subject to see the difference between an adult and a child, however it failed completely. Only the girl given nothing became the only survivor.

And the experiment which I performed to this girl was “The symptom is relieved by giving her my sperm regularly”.

Briefly, I rape the girl now.

I look at the girl once more with such a reason. She is small for the first impression.

She certainly is a primary school girl. I don’t know her age, however I can judge her being between fourth grade and sixth grade when I see her chest that swelled out more or less.

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Her hands and feet aren’t broken unlike the adults and in the situation that her limbs are tied up with a rope several folds she can’t move. She lies face down in full length, so it is easy to understand that she is tied to a bed.

Because I didn’t block up her tongue, she looks at me while groaning, as if she wants to say something. It seems that she has neck pain.

“Hey, here is your meal”

When I stand in front of her and hold out my finger, the girl pushes out her tongue and tries to eat it. The bed creaks by her power and her twin tails which are her charm point fall and shake with a swing.

If she is a zombie, her hands and feet are plucked and even there is an image which bites into my tendered finger and I say zombie indeed, there is a limit to it. I don’t know whether it is the posture she can’t use her strength, but at least that girl doesn’t seem to be able to move at all.

I can’t help thinking that it is convenient. Under this situation I observe the girl who thrusts out her tongue.

I took down the zipper of my pants and immediately my penis pushed out and towered in front of that girl.

In case of reality……if this is reality, when I do such a thing in a temporarily current, very usual daily life, it is an order for a blowjob. I am fired from the company after I’m labeled a lolicon and after been discharged from prison my life would be hard. Well everyone who does something like this, is labeled for his entire life and there is no negotiation either.

Anyway if it’s so far, my life would end. But how about now? Saying that I was reported by any chance, I don’t know whether the police is still alive either. In fact, the police may do such thing.


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“Uo……your technique isn’t inferior to Honjou-san´s……!」

This girl licks my son willingly. She stretches her tongue out as hard as possible as if she has a tongue cramp and the tip is licked eagerly as if it is scraped off. My son is skyrocketing and though it is heavy work despite her technique, I simply felt good.

The pleasant feeling that dies when I plunge into her mouth disappear momentarily. In the place where she outran all her teeth, she chew it as if it is gum so that her chin seem to be torn off. If I had crushed her chin and outrun all teeth……as expected, she seem to lose strength when I destroy it. This pretty primary school girl finally becomes diligent and when I handle her as a tool, I will have an electric pussy.

She isn’t a tool, because she is valuable. ……I have the desire to violate her mouth and throw my son up her throat.

If there is a SM shop nearby I would use a mouth gag, but unfortunately, because I lived a normal life that was unrelated to such a shop, I can’t remember such shops in the surrounding.

“Is the Internet still alive……”

I heard that electricity and water supply will be protected in emergencies so are they still working……. If it’s a game, I would cooperate with my company and the survivor who have knowledge is guarded to bring back infrastructure……such a scenario is almost included without fail.

A guy who can be a hero……Oh, there is only one person. Makoto-san who is my savior and the childhood friends of Honjo-san. He may do something.

Till then I can only survive so as not to die as far as possible.

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More properly taking advantage of the flow, the only mis-graze is that I meet a human who knows that I was biten. That special force……I will manage it if I don’t meet Okada-san again.


If I think about future development in my head carefully and famed for such a feeling, the girl’s tongue forced itself at my weak spot suddenly. Of course, I can’t tolerate the sudden stimulation and was disappointed that my son reached his limit.

Byurururu, Byuu, Byukuu

The sperm which was fired into the face of that girl, gives her a little make-up.

It’s complete obscure what zombies recognize as food and my sperm seems to be an excellent feast for this girl in front, too, because she licks the sperm with her tongue.

Not to mention the sperm attached to her face, when she licks it and don’t make a puddle on the bed, she become excited over it.

I went on the bed disregarding this girl. The priority of my semen still seems high now and the girl doesn’t worry about it. I stripped off my pants and underwear, while this zombie girl doesn’t show a reaction that she minds it either.

I grasp her pure white and small buttocks. When thinking that this hips are dyed red now, my penis who just ejaculated became harder again.

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