Xiang Ya tried to ignore this unscientific place, and comforted herself: “Maybe there is another way to the elevator.”

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“Miss Xiang, your room is here.” The receptionist quickly stopped at the room at the end of the hallway and looked at her from a distance.


Gathering her emotions, Xiang Ya hurriedly rushed over to pick up the room card.


“2301, shouldn’t it be the first room in the hallway?” Xiang Ya was puzzled.


“The 23rd floor is a bit special. Don’t worry, Miss Xiang. The layout of 2301 is very good. You will definitely like it.” After saying that, the receptionist turned around and left.


Xiang Ya frowned and watched the other person’s figure gradually disappear at the other end of the hallway. She lowered her head and stared at the pitch-black card in her palm. She tried her best to suppress her anxiety and took out the knife in her pocket.


She held her breath and placed the card in the sensor area, with a beep, the door opened.


Slowly, Xiang Ya walked into the pitch-black room, it was as if she was entering a giant dark mouth.


Trying to shake off the involuntary tremor, Xiang Ya inserted the room card into the card slot, and the room suddenly brightened.


The rumbling of the exhaust fan was rattling, it seemed it was from the bathroom on her right.


Xiang Ya thought it was because the previous tenant forgot to turn it off, she no longer paid any attention to it, and focused on checking the surroundings to see if anyone was hiding in the room.


However, the room is large, with no extra furniture beside the large draped bed and a European-style fabric sofa placed in front of the bed.


The room felt even more quieter under the sound of the exhaust fan. Xiang Ya listened to her distinct breathing and walked to the bed.


Bending down, the flashlight lit up, there was nothing underneath the bed.


No one was hiding here.


After confirming this information, Xiang Ya breathed a sigh of relief, her tense body relaxed and soon slipped into deep exhaustion.


She stood up, tilted her head back onto the soft bed, and stared at the yellow light above her head in a daze.


After a long time, Xiang Ya turned around and buried her head in the pure white pillow.


“It’s not a lie, it’s true…”


An irrepressible muffled laugh came from the pillow.


“I want to work hard and pay back the money!” Xiang Ya loosened her face and made up her mind secretly.


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It was 12 pm before she knew it. After washing, she hung the drinking glass on the door handle. When she was about to turn back, she heard the sound of the loud clacking heels along the hallway. In addition, there was a sound of something being chewed.


Xiang Ya nervously looked out of the peephole, and at a glance, half of her body went numb.


The mother and son she saw in the elevator were now walking back and forth outside her room, and the candy given to the little boy was still in his mouth two hours later, biting loudly.


The woman’s eyes were gentle, but her arms were monotonously and repeatedly patting the roof of the stroller, as if she was comforting her son.


The little boy kept waving his fleshy arm excitedly, hitting his mother’s palm several times. The woman’s gentle and amiable appearance in the elevator changed, she felt the strength of her son, and followed it by patting down the roof with greater strength.


The roof became deformed.


Her expression was calm, as if she didn’t know what vicious thing she did.


Xiang Ya was about to open the door to stop her when she suddenly caught a glimpse of the little boy’s exposed arm, the hand turning the handle paused.


She saw the obvious bruises above, she couldn’t help but breathe heavily.


The boy seemed to hear her breathing, his head turned 90 degrees, and he looked straight at room 2301.


Xiang Ya took a few steps back, covered her beating heart, and ran to the side of the bed.


She breathed lightly and listened carefully. The tapping and clicking that had been ringing earlier disappeared in an instant, and the outside of the room once again fell into a silence.


Xiang Ya inexplicably thought of a horror movie where the protagonist thought that there was no one outside the door, so he carefully looked out of the peephole, as the result, the peephole was crammed with the eyeball of the killer…


She shivered uncontrollably, not daring to go to the door again.


“Haha, maybe they went out for a late-night walk.”


She glanced at the successful money transfer text again and bitterly deceived herself.


Xiang Ya quickly climbed onto the big bed, covered herself with the quilt from head to toe, and carefully listened whether the drinking glass had fallen to the floor.


At the time, a mysterious cool fragrance drifted from the bedding, Xiang Ya’s fearful thoughts slowly calmed down, and her consciousness gradually dazed until she passed out.


With a click, all the lights in the room went out.


Room 2301 returned to darkness. If there was a second person standing in the room, they would find that there was no sound at all. Even the breathing from the big living person who was sleeping on the bed was barely audible.


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The woman outside the door slowly removed her eyes from the peephole. She was still patting the stroller and said dully to her son, “Shh, we can’t wake her up.”


The nightmare slowly and silently creeped in.


Xiang Ya rarely dreams, but tonight she seemed to be dreaming all the dreams that she hasn’t dreamt in the first half of her life.


It was strange and bizarre, she didn’t know how much she saw and how far she ran, but she only knew that when she was very tired and exhausted, suddenly light appeared in front of her eyes.


In the dream, Xiang Ya dragged her heavy feet subconsciously and walked towards the light.


In the blink of an eye, her foot stepped into the light, and the huge force pulled her in frantically, like a beast that had smelled meat.


Xiang Ya opened her eyes with a thud, and found herself standing in front of the door. She opened the door and looked inside. The furniture arrangement was exactly the same as Room 2301.


She was somewhat dazed and couldn’t tell whether it was a dream or reality.


Xiang Ya couldn’t help but walk forward, only to realize that there was blood all over the floor under the lights, from the bathroom all the way to the bed. The smell of blood in the room crowded her nostrils, suffocating her so much that she wanted to vomit.


Xiang Ya covered her mouth in panic, almost wanting to scream . She heard the muffled sound of the knife cutting into the tendons and bones.


A man’s maniacal curses filling the space .


“You are mine, you are mine…”


“Damn bitch, who told you to run away!”




She supported herself using the wall, tremblingly looking inside. She found that the curtains around the bed fell down, obscuring the murderer’s figure. She saw the kitchen knife swinging up and down, every time it was swung, a thick splash of blood always followed.


A few drops splashed on her face, the blood was still warm.


A man who was neither fat nor thin had his back turned against her. He sat on the victim, brandishing his knife.


Xiang Ya felt sick to the point of vomiting, her body involuntarily backed against the wall, she wanted to escape.


Abrubtly, the victim’s head turned to the side by the murderer’s brute force, her fair and beautiful face happened to look in the direction of Xiang Ya.


Suddenly face to face with the corpse, Xiang Ya couldn’t help releasing the stifle scream. The murderer heard this and hurriedly leaned over to look at the source of the sound.


Xiang Ya knew that it was best for her to escape now, but she still resisted the urge to run away.


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She was about to see the murderer’s face, and she even saw the other’s hand lifting the curtain…


‘The murderer cannot be allowed to escape. ‘ Xiang Ya didn’t know how her usually timid self suddenly came up with this idea.


“Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling…” The alarm clock rang in her ears, and Xiang Ya’s heart jumped in fright.


Her eyes widened, raised her head and gasped for air, her heart was beating at a terrifying rate as she sat up clutching her heart.


The face of the dead woman was clearly imprinted in her mind.


Impossible to forget.


Xiang Ya had a kind of indescribable nausea, she retched a few times before turning off the noisy alarm clock. She looked at it, unknowingly, it was 8:00 o’clock the next morning.


She wondered if she was affected by the nightmare as she always felt that there was a faint smell of blood in the air, seemingly hidden by the cool fragrance, giving people a dizzy sensation.


Xiang Ya went to the bathroom to wash her face with cold water, trying to wake herself up.


She looked pale in the mirror, there was no blood on her cheeks.


The drinking glass was still hanging properly on the door handle. Xiang Ya glanced at it and thought to herself: ‘No one came in yesterday. ‘


Like this she thought, but the woman in her dream was still clear, and the figure of the murderer brutally wielding a butcher’s knife was constantly circulating in her mind.


Leaning against the wall, Xiang Ya walked out of the bathroom. The place she saw was exactly the same as in her dream. She pinched her arm hard and gasped in pain. Only then did she finally have a sense of reality.


Unable to stand it any longer, Xiang Ya hurriedly packed up and left the room.


The door locked for a second, her hand still resting on the cold handle. Xiang Ya looked up at the number “2301”, she felt her heart was being pressed by a huge stone.


“It’s all a dream, it’s not real.” She comforted herself.


The hallway was very quiet after 8 o’clock, with only the sound of Xiang Ya’s footsteps echoing. The strangeness of last night made her speed up to the elevator.


The three elevators were still there. Thinking back to the weirdness of last night’s ride, she chose to press the elevator button on the left, but the display kept showing that someone was going down, as did the one on the right.


In the end, Xiang Ya had to accept her fate and press the middle button.


This time, the elevator came up very quickly, and it was empty inside. She breathed a sigh of relief and walked in.


The elevator went all the way down to the lobby without any obstruction. When the door opened, Xiang Ya lowered her head and looked intently at her phone. She was about to call the recruiting manager Yan from last night, and accidentally bumped into the man next to her.

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Xiang Ya repeatedly apologized, the man glanced at her, then turned to look at the elevator behind her that was displaying the 12th floor and at the one that had been closed in front of him. He rubbed his eyes, his face was full of weirdness.


Seeing that the man didn’t pursue her, Xiang Ya took the room card and walked to the front desk. The girl on duty last night was still sitting inside.


She saw Xiang Ya walking towards her with her body intact. She was satisfied with an exaggerated smile on her face.


“Miss Xiang! Did you sleep well last night? How was your trial sleeping?” The girl’s voice was a little loud because of her excitement.


Xiang Ya glanced awkwardly at the front desk outside, seeing that she was still ignoring the two of them, she raised her eyebrows helplessly.


“Fortunately, I like the layout of the room, that is…”


She hesitated whether to tell the other party about the mother and son who walked around in the middle of the night and the nightmare, as this was her first time being a hotel tester, she didn’t know whether she should tell the hotel the truth.


But thinking about it, this was between her and other guests, and there was nothing wrong with the hotel itself.


“What is it?” the girl asked.


Xiang Ya shook her head, “It’s alright. I’ll check out.”


The receptionist took the room card and said something to her: “Miss Xiang, you don’t have to rush to hand in your sleep experience. Manager Yan said that this is an interview, and the deadline is not that strict. She will notify you whether you are hired or not.”


“However, I think you are quite suitable for this.” The receptionist raised her head from the computer and winked at her.


Xiang Ya was at a loss, if she didn’t submit the report, how would Manager Yan know about her abilities and determine if she’s hireable or not?


Xiang Ya left the hotel with questions. She called Manager Yan after returning home and it kept prompting the other party was busy.


On the next day, the phone directly said that the number was a phantom number and could not be dialed. Xiang Ya uneasily went back to Xi Er Wang hotel again.


But the receptionist who led the way was not there, and the staff in the hotel said that they did not work with the so-called Ancheng website at all, nor did they have a very pale-complexioned receptionist.


Xiang Ya became more and more flustered. She went to the Internet cafe to log into the official website again but she couldn’t get on.


“The page didn’t exist…” she muttered to herself.


“Is this a fraud? Or was I possessed?” Xiang Ya looked at the 1,000 yuan in her bag and said, “but the money is real…”


The author says:


Ghost: Didn’t expect it that I’m really a ghost.

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