"I guess this country would owe us one if we clear this dungeon."

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"And then they would recognise our ownership over the «Empty Wilderness»! Clever as ever. By the way, Majou-sama..."

"What, Teto?"

"What are we going to do with the dungeon core?"

In contrast to Teto who asked so looking at me with the expectation filled eyes, I一

"No chance. You know you had the last dungeon core, so this one will be mine."

"A pity-nanodesu."

Saying that, the place I and Teto were so leisurely chatting was the underground 10th floor of the dungeon.

Our goal this time was Time Attack 一一 to clear the dungeon before anyone else.

The interior of the dungeon was cave type design with fire-breathing monsters inhabiting it but of course, not a single soul was there who could put even a scratch to us with my barrier and Teto's «Body Hardening».

I would have Teto study the cave's interior structure with the earth magic «Earth Sonar» and then progress rapidly taking the shortest route.

The mana stone of the monsters encountered on the way was given to Teto, where she could finally strengthen herself having her fill of mana stones.

This was our first dungeon attack in these 10 years of raising Selene but it didn't dull our senses. Besides, my mana reserve was now as high as 100,000 unit, even more than before.

We were now progressing using the so-called tactic of bulldozing our way through obstacles.

In no time, we reached the safety area on the 16th floor and registered with the teleportation magic circle.

"Majou-sama~ it seems this is the highest floor other people here have explored."

"Looks so. But it's already this late, so let's stop here today."

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I checked the time in my pocket watch and it was now evening. We would be too late for meal and rest if we don't start our preparation soon.

"Are you really sure you don't want to return atleast once? Aren't you worried about Selene?"

"I have gave her some money and also a magic tool to keep her safe. And, this is like a mock run for when Selene will become independent."

Girls start working as early as 12 years old and even get married and have a family at around the age of 14~18 here.

I was considering rather than to be overprotective, maybe I should make her independent a bit quicker.

"Also, I have taught Selene how to deal with assailants should they target her. That's why, have faith in her. Have faith."

"Even if you say so Majou-sama, you don't sound convincing with that much mana leaking out of you-nanodesu."

Fufufu, I lost control over myself there feeling lonely from imagining my angelic Selene going independent.

If the person marrying Selene didn't happen to be promising who can guarantee her happiness, I absolutely, ABSOLUTELY will never approve of it 一 I screamed mentally.

Teto showed a smile as if saying ‘good grief’ and hugged me from behind.

"Since you say to have faith, then Teto can hog the Majou-sama all to herself for now-nanodesu~."

"Fufu, maybe so. It's been a while since it's just us two."

We passed our night in the dungeon in this way and resumed our exploration the next morning.

I wondered if we should return once to check on the exploration progress but then I discarded the idea since every minute counts and immediately dived deeper into the dungeon.

And when we reached 19th floor一一

".......Majou-sama. Someone... I can sense people's presence there."

"They might be the party who went ahead of us. What are their condition?"

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The deeper you progress, the higher the temperature and humidity increases and the current temperature should have passed 40°C.

The environment like this was also a worrisome factor beside the fire manipulating monsters but I had a barrier erected around us to regulate the temperature which I have become proficient in after managing and fixing the «Empty Wilderness» barrier for so long.

"All are alive but, there movement seems to be dull."

"Hmm. We would be derailed from route to the lower floor but i guess its fine to check them out."

Just to be sure, we went to check on the location and found adventurers collapsed on the ground face down, with their breathing rough.

It seems all the party members had caught heatstroke and the water they were carrying was all used up.

"W, Water......"

"Coming-Coming. Take as much water as you want."

I lower down the surrounding temperature with magic and handed them the water cane.

Once the collapsed adventurers gulped down the water in one go, I gave them salt to lick which can help them regain the minerals they had lost due to sweat.

"You are a god send. But what are people doing here? Not to say, kids......."

"Just saying, I'm more than 20 years old."


I introduced myself with the introduction that's becoming template recently.

"We're B-rank party «Dragon's Jaw». The top adventurers in this region."

"I'm Chise, a B-rank Adventurer. My partner here, Teto, is also B-rank Adventurer. We came here to destroy this dungeon since there is the danger of this grain producing region catching fire due to it."

Then I heard their situation that led to their collapse.

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"Like you, we have the same goal but this place is just hell. Specially the temperature and humidity."

"We rapidly advanced, defeated the gatekeeper of the 15th floor but were unable to cope up with the drastic change in environment from the 15th floor. Even so, we tried to increase our pace enduring the environment but were caught by heat and almost died."

Eliminating this dungeon as soon as possible for sure is important but it should have been fine to exercise some caution too 一 or so I thought.

"You should have been cautious and retreated at once to prepare the effective equipment against this situation."

"What a pain, truly."

No matter how high one adventurer rank was or their ability to take down monsters, there's only a dead end called death for them if they couldn't adapt to the environment.

"So, what are you going to do now?"

When I asked the fallen adventurers their next plan, they strangely shook their head.

"Can you go by yourself to the safety area? Or do you need us to send you?"

"Err...... Please escort us. We're still not in right condition."

They might have inner conflict being the B-rank adventurer they're but they probably still decided to request considering their physical condition due to dehydration and temperature inside the dungeon.

"How much will you charge?"

".............ah, yes."

I almost forgot to ask for suitable compensation since I have saved them.

I gave them the precious water 一一 well, it can be created with «Creation Magic» though 一一 when they're completely down in this scorching environment and even escorted.

If they die, they wouldn't be able to bring back the mana stones of the monsters they defeated or treasure chests they found in the middle of their exploration, It would literally be like throwing pearls before swine.

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Besides, it seemed they have found many treasure chests in the bottom floors, probably because the dungeon has appeared just recently so there are lot of treasure chests to grab.

"You're right. Let's see...... Give me half of the mana stones of the monsters you have defeated so far."

"Just that? Are you fine with that?"

They should be carrying multiple treasures since they dived before us. They wouldn't have uttered a complaint even if I were to ask half of the treasures they have gotten but I clapped my hands and intentionally choose more practical item, mana stones.

"I just want them. Mana stones can be used for almost anything, not to say I don't have any interest in jewelry."

When I said so, they took out the mana stones from the magic bag they had collected from the defeated monsters so far and handed them to me.

I guess because they were exploring this dungeon for so long, the quantity of mana stones they had was quite exaggerated since even with just half the amount, they had more than us who took short routes to advance.

"Very well, the contract is thus established."

Teto recieved the magic stones, stored them on magic bag and returned to our previous position.

When we returned to the safety area in 16th floor, the fallen adventurers bowed their head multiple times to show their gratitude. I also remind them,

"Properly explain the importance of effective equipments to other adventurers. Also, my daughter should be nearby there so tell her I said ‘take care of yourself’."

After saying that, we didn't return to the surface with them and once again aimed for the depth of the labyrinth.

The cave type interior ended at floor 20 and had changed to open field from 21st floor.

"This was... Unexpected."

With temperature exceeding 50° and pseudo-sun raining intense sunlight, a desert floor unfolded in before our eyes.

Facing such drastic change, we found the safety area 一 an Oasis 一 that day, registered with the teleportation magic circle and camped there.

The temperature difference between the day and night in the desert was harsh, but that wasn't enough to faze us as I recall our nights in the «Empty Wilderness» 10 years before. That night, Teto and I drank hot milk while gazing at the pseudo space's starry sky together.


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