Chapter 29. A Person Who Doesn’t Change (1)

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Translator: Aura

If it was Charlotte’s secret art, Velokin believed it might work. However, there was an uneasiness in the depths of his heart.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The monster’s footsteps were heard closer, so he had no more time to think.

“If you fail, it will be over for you and me.”

“I know. I also need you to draw its attention until I’m ready.”

“Ugh, that sucks.”

In the end, Velokin decided to gamble on Krasue.

‘Now it only matters to survive. I can take care of the rest later.’

He decided to focus solely on that.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

This time, the monster’s footsteps made the ground shake. It was proof that it was just around the corner.

“I’ll get ready.”

That said, Krasue drew his sword and closed his eyes. After a while, an aura rose throughout his body.

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Krasue’s consciousness fell into the realm of the pinnacle of swordsmanship, where the person becomes one with the sword.

Velokin’s eyes twitched wildly at this.

The heavy rain, the waist-high swamp, and the looming threat of the ‘Thousand-Faced Monster’.

He realized that, despite all the disturbances, Krasue’s mind had entered a state of utter concentration in an instant.

‘What an awesome concentration…’

Suddenly, Velokin felt his heart pound violently.

He had a hunch that he was about to see something unpleasant. A moment later, his hunch hit the mark.

A blue aura arose around Krasue’s sword.

At first, the amount of aura was small. But as the aura around the sword increased, Velokin was astonished.

Clearly, the amount of aura was still not much. It did not exceed the initial expert level.

However, the quality itself was on a completely different level.

Krasue’s sword was covered in an aura so pure that he didn’t think he could reach even if he trained for decades.

It was at such a far level that it was unthinkable for Velokin, which made him more puzzled.

‘As much as he had learned a secret art from Charlotte, how the hell could he do this?’

His heartbeat quickened again.

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‘It can’t be. It shouldn’t be like this. No way…’


At the moment when he felt his limbs numb and all color drained from his face, he heard Krasue’s voice.

Krasue’s blue eyes, now open, reflected serenity.


Velokin, who belatedly understood what he meant, raised his hand.


Once Velokin used ‘ignite’ on Krasue’s aura, blue flames blazed vividly. At a level far above his own.

The fiery flame sword seemed like it could burn anything. Velokin felt infinitely small before it.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The ‘Thousand-Faced Monster’ could finally be seen in the torrential rain.

The monster had become so colossal that it was enough to see it coming towards you to feel terror invade you.

‘Will I be able to buy time?’

Just as that thought crossed the nervous Velokin’s mind, Krasue said,

“Don’t worry, brother. You don’t have to attract attention because it took longer to catch up with us than I thought.”

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Those words made Velokin feel like something had broken inside him.

Krasue may have said it without bad intentions, but it could be interpreted as if he didn’t need his help at all.

All he had done was pass his skill to Krasue. Even that power was from a deity, not really from Velokin.

‘Does that mean I’m useless?’

Thoughts of this kind filled Velokin’s head.

A moment later, Krasue slowly raised his sword.

Velokin looked up, following the movement of the sword. The sword enhanced with ‘ignite’ burned splendidly. It did not lose its brilliance even under the downpour.

Compared to when Velokin used these flames, there was much more humidity. However, now the flames burned more intensely.

This sword would definitely cut down the ‘Thousand-Faced Monster’. It contained the necessary power to do so.

‘What will become of me once he kills the monster with that sword?’

Velokin could not cope with the monster. In fact, he had fled and wallowed miserably in the swamp.

But Krasue would finish off the monster with his own strength.

‘Does that, does that mean I’ll be below Krasue?’

He was the youngest good-for-nothing son child who lived locked up in the Green Pine Lodge. Velokin didn’t want to know what it would mean to be below him in Valheim.

“Ah, Ahhh.”

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Velokin’s lips, moist and discolored from his low body temperature, trembled.

‘I prefer, I prefer that he fails. I don’t want him to finish off the monster.’

Velokin wanted it so badly that he didn’t even care that he couldn’t survive.

Just then, the sword descended from the sky to destroy his hopes.

Absolute Sword.

As Krasue’s sword fell, the downpour stopped. It was an instant.


Once the rain began to fall again, a clear crack sounded out.


As soon as Velokin looked ahead, he saw the monster sliced diagonally.

It collapsed without the slightest struggle, engulfed by the flames that had spread through its entire body from the diagonal cut.

The moment he witnessed this, Velokin also collapsed.


Velokin slumped down in shock.

The entire world had let him know that he was below Krasue.

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