The barrage went crazy immediately.

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[Fuck, fuck! what’s the situation! Why did Xia An ask Sheng to give her a hug? 】

【Oh my god! Li Jingqing is still right there! 】

[Xia An is drunk, and she looks like she wanted to stand up but she can’t, but I still can’t help but say fuck! This situation is too crazy! 】

[Am I crazy or is Xia An crazy! Li Jingqing is still there! 】

[Good guy, I’m just a good guy, although it’s not appropriate, but I think Li Jingqing hair is a bit green1! 】

[Ah, ah, ah, ah, I didn’t expect for the drunk Xia An to be like this! She will so crazy when she wakes up! 】

[Although, for Impossible CP, this is already our sweetness! I do not care! Drunk sweetness is still sweetness! 】

[Mr. Sheng: I didn’t expect Xia An to beg for a hug when she’s drunk. I really want to get her drunk every day. (Hey hey am I not right)

The actual scene itself, on the other hand, was deadly silent.

Xia An, what is she doing!

Sheng Zhiyan lowered his eyes and looked at Xia An who attempted to grab his waist to help herself get up, but failed.


Sheng Zhiyan felt the cat’s claws scratch his waist.

Xia An tried to get up a few times, but still failed. She was a little dissatisfied. She tapped Sheng Zhiyan’s waist with her little hand, and looked up at him fiercely, “Hug me! I can’t get up!”

The voice was still a little bit weak, but the tone was a little bit fierce.

Sheng Zhiyan smiled.

Xia An got angrier. She felt that Sheng Zhiyan’s smile was him provoking her!

She slapped Sheng Zhiyan on the waist again, and scolded him even more fiercely, “Not obedient!”

The audience: ! !

Oh my god! Oh my god! Xia An, do you know who you are talking to!

You are crazy!!

Li Jingqing’s face was about to become black as charcoal, he squeezed the wine glass on his hand, and said calmly, “Xia An!”

Xia An tilted her head, looked over, glared at Li Jingqing.

Li Jingqing frowned, “Don’t make trouble!”

Xia An was not happy anymore, she retracted her hands from Sheng Zhiyan’s waist, patted herself on her leg, exasperated, “You! Who are you?!”

“This is none of your business!”

The audience was shocked.

[Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Xia An doesn’t know who Li Jingqing is anymore! 】

[Actual dog-blood drama2! This is more exciting than any TV series! Li Jingqing head is already green! 】

[She is really drunk, she doesn’t even know Li Jingqing! 】

[Fuck, Xia An dared to attack Li Jingqing! 】

[Oh my God, it’s so cruel and terrible! 】

[It’s over, it’s over, Xia An will wake up crying tomorrow. 】

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Li Jingqing was also stunned.

He did not expect that Xia An would not recognize him when she’s drunk.

An’an’s eyes that used to be filled with him doesn’t know him anymore.

He was suddenly stabbed, and his mind exploded with irritability.

How can it be! Xia An likes him so much, how could she not know him after a drink!

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His face flushed red, his eyes fixed on Xia An.

Xia An snorted, glared at him again, and then set her gaze on the beauty in front of her again.

She stretched out her paw again, grabbed Sheng Zhiyan’s shirt, and attempted to get up again. Using all of her strength to pull on Sheng Zhiyan’s shirt, it finally gave up and the buttons snapped open.

Revealing a stomach full of muscle lines.

Xia An froze and was taken aback for a while.

Sheng Zhiyan sighed helplessly, bowed his head and finally hugged Xia An.

If you don’t hug her, she might take all of his clothes off.

Xia An was a little embarrassed.

She nestled in Sheng Zhiyan’s arms and tried to close his shirt with both hands to prevent others from seeing it.

She whispered, “I will replace your clothes, don’t worry!”

Sheng Zhiyan paused, bowed his head and asked her, “Can you recognize me?”

Xia An blinked at him, tilted her head and looked at him left and right, and then asked, “Who are you?”

Wailing immediately floated in the barrage.

[Ah, ah, ah, too torturous, too torturous, Mr. Sheng thought Xia An was drunk and liked him, but Xia An didn’t even know him! 】

[Mr Sheng was full of hope, but was wounded so horribly! 】

[Impossible CP is really bumpy! 】

[It’s okay, edit this paragraph, it can still be eaten as candy! It’s not like Impossible CP fans to have no confidence! 】

Sheng Zhiyan smiled, did not speak, and continued to hold Xia An up, walking towards the car.

He placed Xia An on the seat, sat next to her, took the thin blanket and just covered her. She slid into his arms, ignored the thin blanket, trying to hold on to his shirt, making sure nothing is revealed.

I’m afraid he’ll be exposed.

Sheng Zhiyan curled his lower lip, “What are you doing?”

Xia An gripped the shirt in her hand, “After all, I have to take responsibility.”

Sheng Zhiyan lowered his eyes, “It’s okay.”

Xia An shook her head, “No! You have to be careful when you go out!”

Sheng Zhiyan smiled, “Be careful of what?”

Xia An immediately attempts to educate him seriously, “There are a lot of perverts outside. You must protect yourself and don’t let others take advantage of you!”

Sheng Zhiyan glanced at Xia An’s hand clutching his shirt tightly, without paying attention to the fact that she was in fact touching his skin.

In his point of view, the most dangerous person he should stay away from is her.

Xia An is still busy working there, so she simply took the thin blanket off her body and used it to cover Sheng Zhiyan tightly.

His abdominal muscles are too tempting, so they need to be covered, so she needs to quickly cover them.

After finishing her construction, she finally felt relieved and sat back in her seat.

It’s just that the air conditioner is a bit cold.

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She hugged her arm.

Sheng Zhiyan looked at her sideways, took down the thin blanket, and put it on her again.

Xia An was anxious when she saw that a large area of ​​his skin was exposed, but Sheng Zhiyan was unwilling to cover it, what should she do!

She bulged her cheeks and thought for a while, with an idea, she took off her little white cardigan, and leaned in front of Sheng Zhiyan to cover him.

Sheng Zhiyan bowed his head and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xia An was wearing a yellow suspender dress, and without the cardigan, it was a bit sexy.

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Especially with this angle.

If it wasn’t for the fact that this girl was drunk, he would think she had done it on purpose.

Xia An covered herself with the blanket, and finally sat back at ease, and went to sleep.

Sheng Zhiyan glanced sideways at her, then looked down at the little clothes on his body.

Such small clothes.

He can even smell the faint fragrance on it.

Early the next morning, Xia An opened her eyes, and yesterday’s memories scrambled into her mind.

Oh, she glared at Li Jingqing yesterday.

Also yelled at him.

Nice job!

She was drunk anyway, she didn’t know what she did.

She turned on the system and found that when she was drunk last night, her bad luck value had decreased, which was even more enjoyable.

Of course, it shouldn’t be seen that way on the surface.

She got up, schooled her facial expressions, walked to where the camera was at, and took off the cloth covering it, and faced the lens with a dejected look.

The netizens who had been waiting in the live broadcast room saw that Xia An had finally woken up, and were so excited.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh finally got up! I refreshed every ten minutes and waited! 】

[Xia An remember what happened yesterday? I really want to know what she thinks! So anxious! 】

[Xia An, you smashed Li Jingqing yesterday! 】

Under the camera, Xia An was depressed. After going to the bathroom to wash, she walked to the sofa, sat down, held a pillow, and buried her head.

[Ah ah ah ah, she must remember! 】

[Then she remembered that Sheng Zhiyan had to hug her yesterday? I look forward to this even more! 】

[Oh my god, so the sister on top is right. She beat President Sheng on the waist yesterday, saying that President Sheng is not obedient, ah, ah, ah, ah, I can’t do it! 】

[Yesterday’s Impossible CP is too good! 】

Xia An buried her head in the pillow for five minutes, feeling that the play was almost over, raised her head, tidied her hair, opened the door, went downstairs, and went to eat breakfast.

Breakfast was provided by the program group and placed on the dining table. When Xia An arrived, most of the others were already there.

Li Jingqing, Su Wan, and Sheng Zhiyan are all here.

When Li Jingqing saw her, his heart became more upset.

He didn’t sleep well last night, dreaming that Xia An would never recognize him from now on.

Dreamt that she forgot about her feelings for him.

Li Jingqing didn’t know what to think, but he was irritable.

Seeing Li Jingqing, Xia An paused and ran over immediately, raised her head, as usual, “Brother Jingqing, morning!”

Li Jingqing narrowed his eyes, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

Xia An still remembers him.

Xia An observed Li Jingqing’s expression and said, “Brother Jingqing, I was drunk yesterday, I, I…you won’t blame me, do you?”

Upon her reminder, Li Jingqing remembered that yesterday, Xia An glared at him and said, “This is none of your business!”

He pursed his lower lip, his throat tightened.

What would he blame her for?

She was drunk and didn’t know what she was doing.

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Could it be that she forgot about him whenever she was drunk?

Does he really blame her for forgetting him?

He didn’t know, and he just felt more upset in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, still looking cold and indifferent, he said, “No.”

After a pause, he added, “Don’t drink anymore.”

Xia An immediately smiles, her eyes curved, “Hmm! I know!”

Blame, huh, why should I listen to you? She can drink as much as she wants!

Su Wan, who was by Li Jingqing’s side, turned pale.

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She didn’t sleep well last night.

After thinking about it all night, she can’t figure out why Xia An didn’t go crazy.

Since she didn’t succeed in making Xia An go crazy, the worst she thought of the comparison of her embarrassment during the day compared to Xia An, stopping her from getting any sleep in anger.

She was so angry, but she didn’t dare to make a sound, for fear that it would be broadcasted live.

She hid under the covers, gritting her teeth hard.

Now she has calmed down a little, but Xia An still looks refreshed in the morning, her complexion is ruddy, Xia An’s whole body exudes youthful aura, while the dark circles under her eyes were covered with three layers of make up and still unable to hide all of it.

It’s really outrageous.

She felt aggrieved.

The more she looked at Xia An’s beautiful appearance, the more angry she became.

After thinking about it, she couldn’t bear it any more, and said, “An’an, you must refrain from drinking in the future.”

Xia An rolled her eyes when she looked at her.

Weren’t you the one who kept handing me the wine yesterday?

Su Wan deliberately glanced at Sheng Zhiyan who was sitting on the sofa not far away, as if she wanted to say something but stopped.

Waiting for Xia An to ask what she wanted to say.

The corners of Xia An’s lips curled slightly.

I won’t ask! Suffocate with the words you wanted to say!

She turned around and stepped to go to her seat.

Su Wan clenched her fist severely, and hurriedly said, “An’an!”

Xia An pretended to be completely ignorant, and turned her head, “What’s the matter?”

Su Wan was furious.

Xia An really couldn’t see that she had something to say just now? She just turned to leave, almost suffocating her.

Although Su Wan’s face is not good, she still tries to maintain a gentle and kind appearance, “An An, go and apologize to Mr. Sheng.”

Is the reminder obvious enough this time?

Xia An was drunk yesterday. Sheng Zhiyan may not embarrass her because of gentleman’s consideration, but it does not mean that Sheng Zhiyan is not angry.

She checked the information about the man, and Sheng Zhiyan was not someone you should provoke. A female celebrity once tried to lean on him, and she was blocked by the entire network that same day.

Xia An can’t be an exception.

The corners of Su Wan’s lips twitched slightly, and she paused before talking again, “You may not remember what happened when you were drunk yesterday.”

Xia An groaned inwardly.

But face-saving efforts are still needed, after all, other people are not aware that Sheng Zhiyan is her NPC.

Xia An turned around, hung her head and walked to Sheng Zhiyan with a very embarrassed look, “Brother Zhiyan, I’m sorry.”

Sheng Zhiyan raised his eyes and saw Xia An blinked at him slightly.

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Sheng Zhiyan saw Xia An’s intertwined but obviously absent-minded hands, and the toes that couldn’t wait to turn to other directions.

He smiled and asked, “Are you sorry?”

Su Wan listened, finally feeling refreshed in her heart.

It seems that she is right, and Sheng Zhiyan is really not happy.

Maybe from now on, there would be no such person as Xia An in the entertainment circle.

It would be even better if even the Xia family is affected!

She looked at Xia An with joy in her heart to see how she would respond.

Xia An bit her lower lip.

She walked two steps towards Sheng Zhiyan again, avoided the camera, and blinked at him clearly, “I was drunk yesterday, hope I didn’t offend Brother Zhiyan.”

Sheng Zhiyan understood what she was saying with her eyes, but failed to respond to her wish, “How did you offend me?”

Su Wan almost couldn’t control her expression.

It seems that Sheng Zhiyan is really angry and won’t give it a step!

She couldn’t contain it anymore. Xia An had really offended Sheng Zhiyan, so could she really stay in the circle?

Xia An grinds her teeth.

Very well, her NPC is being rebellious again.

Xia An put on a flustered look, “I shouldn’t have stripped your clothes yesterday, shouldn’t say you are disobedient, shouldn’t beat you…”

She looked like she was panicking and with that small face, everyone couldn’t help but feel pity.

But as if he couldn’t see anything, President Sheng Zhiyan just raised his eyebrows.

When Su Wan heard Xia An talking like this, she couldn’t help but laugh.

Xia An is really stupid, saying all this, does she want Mr. Sheng to recollect what happened yesterday?

She felt Xia An was really truly dead.

She stepped forward two steps, as if to try help Xia An intercede, “President Sheng, Xia An is drunk and naive, you…”

Before she finished speaking, she faced Sheng Zhiyan’s cold gaze, and the rest of the words were stuck in her throat, unable to speak.

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That is the aura of those who have been in high positions for a long time.

Sheng Zhiyan looked at Xia An, and was just about to speak, but a systemic voice rang in his mind:

[Dip-Little Cutie An’an sends you the command “Say to her: ‘Well, I’m not obedient’”. Please execute it as required. If it is not executed within 5 seconds, it will be enforced. 】

Sheng Zhiyan narrowed his eyes slightly.

It turns out that it’s not just confined to forcing him to choose her for the CP pairing.

He spoke slowly, and said every word, “Well, I’m not obedient.”

As soon as the voice fell, the live broadcast room exploded.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! 】

[Ah, ah, ah, I’m not obedient, so spoiled! 】

[Mr. Sheng strives to produce sugar for Impossible CP every day! 】

[Uuuuuuu feel sweet and so abused! Just now Xia An ran towards Li Jingqing in front of the domineering president! 】

And on the actual scene, there is dead silence.

Just now even the director squeezed a sweat, for fear that Sheng Zhiyan really blamed Xia An. He really doesn’t know how to shoot for this show. He never thought that the front was just Mr. Sheng’s little taste!

The director group breathed a sigh of relief.

But Su Wan, clenching her teeth, firmly grasped the table with her hands, so that she won’t lose control.

What happened? Does Sheng Zhiyan really like Xia An?

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