I Became Popular After Acting Like a Green Tea

Chapter 2: I Don’t Care. I Want a Handsome P

Translated by: Jellylynn

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Proofread by: Sleeping Immortal

This novel is to be only hosted on Foxaholic; copies found elsewhere are stolen or worse, plagiarised. 
Names mentioned in this chapter (which can also be found in the glossary):

–夏安(xià ān)- Xia An, the female lead. 

–李景清(lǐ jǐng qīng)- Li Jing Qing, the person the original Xia An likes and he is supposedly Xia An’s fiancé. He is also the original novel’s male lead.  

–苏晚(sū wǎn)- Su Wan, the original novel’s female lead. 

–晚晚(wǎn wǎn)- Wan Wan, Su Wan’s nickname. 

–柠檬台(níngméng tái)- Lemon Broadcasting Station

-汪泉(wāng quán)- Wang Quan, a male guest that is recently popular. 

-王宇尧(wàng yǔ Yáo)- Wang Yu Yao, a male guest that is a capable actor. 

-严在(yán zài)- Yan Zai, a male guest that is a film emperor


All of the audience watched as Xia An made a turn and went up to the eighth floor. They were all stunned.

【It can’t be, right? Didn’t Xia An see him? She can’t see such a big person?】

【No way. What is going on? Why did she go up? Did she really not see him?】

【That’s great! That’s great! Luckily, Xia An is blind, so my Elder brother is spared!】

【False alarm. I was scared to death! Elder brother is safe! 】

Li Jing Qing watched as a figure flashed by. Her back was a bit familiar. He took a step towards the staircase as well.

Xia An ran as fast as she could with big strides.

She remembered the plot here!

The original plot didn’t detail which place the male lead was in, but the original owner did meet up with him.

The male lead was already annoyed with the original owner because of the fainting incident in the morning. The original owner rushed up and said bad things about Su Wan in front of thousands of viewers.

It just so happened that when the original owner was badmouthing Su Wan, Su Wan walked out from behind her.

The scene was broadcast live in real-time. On the same day, it became a hot search. From then on, “Xia An” and “Black lotus flower”[1] were tied together and she was scolded for half a year.

Xia An ran quickly. She didn’t want to meet with the male lead. She couldn’t tell him to get lost if she were to meet him and had to maintain her infatuated persona. She didn’t want to do that!

Xia An went up to the eighth floor, exited the staircase, made a turn, and bumped into Su Wan.


She is so miserable.

Su Wan didn’t expect to run into Xia An either, but she quickly recollected herself and said with a smile, “An An, what a coincidence. We have such a predestined affinity.”

Xia An: ….

Who wants to have a predestined affinity with you?!

But Xia An knew that she was on live broadcast now. She must maintain her image and steady her emotions.

The more Su Wan smiled, the more she could not fall into the trap.

But she also didn’t want to pretend to act out any sisterly love with Su Wan!

Hence, Xia An perfunctorily responded, “Mm.”

She didn’t speak any further.

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Suddenly, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Question marks filled the bullet screen.

【Erm… The atmosphere is so stiff. This way, it is so awkward for Su Wan.】

【The atmosphere is so awkward. I suddenly recalled that the relationship between Su Wan and Xia An was not good from the beginning, right? It’s a bit strange how Su Wan can still say they have a predestined affinity when Xia An has targeted Su Wan many times before.】

【Probably because Wan Wan is a beautiful person with a kind heart, right? She doesn’t hold a grudge against a scheming girl like Xia An and she is also very gentle. 】

【So weird. Why is Su Wan even greeting her when she knows that Xia An isn’t fond of her? It feels that she is being overly dramatic.】

Originally, if Xia An ran to scold Su Wan, the audience’s attention would have been drawn to scold Xia An.

But after Xia An responded in such a perfunctory manner, instead, the audience focused on Su Wan’s words.

There was a vague feeling that something was amiss. But when they carefully thought about it, their brains prevented them from thinking any further.

Su Wan was a little surprised to see that Xia An was so calm and did not rush to scold her.

She looked at the camera in her hand and turned to Xia An, “An An, we still have a predestined affinity. Let’s find the next person together.”

As she said that, she was about to clasp Xia An’s hands.

Xia An was immediately displeased.

Who wants to hold hands with her?! They are not close!

 Su Wan moved quickly and didn’t give Xia An time to react. Xia An wanted to remove her hands.

It was fine if they walked together, why must they hold hands?!

However, when she didn’t even use any force, Su Wan suddenly let go of her hand and fell to the ground.


What is the meaning of this?

If the female lead fell to the ground, then something will definitely happen!

A thought flashed past in Xia An’s mind. She reacted quickly and immediately fell to the ground with an “ah” sound.




“What are you doing?” Li Jing Qing’s voice sounded from behind.

Xia An let out a sigh of relief.

Luckily, she reacted quickly.

【Beep—Bad luck value minus 10. 982 remaining.】


The bad luck value has reduced again?

Xia An pondered for a moment and found that the two times the bad luck value was reduced, was because she had destroyed the plot of the original novel, when the female lead’s image was damaged.

Could that be the way to reduce the bad luck value?

Before Xia An could think deeply, Su Wan let out a slight hiss of pain on the side, as if she had fallen quite badly.

Li Jing Qing immediately walked over and squatted down, “Wan Wan, what happened? Why are you both on the ground?”

Su Wan purposely avoided the camera frame but turned the camera to face herself. She said softly, “I just tried to hold An An’s hand… but it’s fine.”

Xia An: ???

What’s with this ‘I want to say something but I’m hesitating whether to say it’ appearance? I dare you to say it clearly!

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Heh, acting, as if no one can do the same.

Xia An immediately slumped to the ground and put one hand over one knee.

She had a painful expression on her face.

Li Jing Qing, who was about to question Xia An, saw this scene and was suddenly confused. He approached Xia An and asked with a frown, “What’s wrong?”

Xia An raised her head timidly. Her big watery eyes looked at Li Jing Qing, “Brother Jing Qing, my leg hurts.”

For a moment, Li Jing Qing was a little stunned.

In the past, Xia An would also be like this, acting coquettishly towards him in a delicate manner.

At that time, he felt that it was quite good to marry Xia An.

Just as Li Jing Qing was stunned, Su Wan suddenly hissed in pain. Li Jing Qing immediately turned around, “What’s wrong?”

Su Wan pursed her lips tightly,with a smile that appeared to be very gentle and weak. “Nothing.”

Li Jing Qing frowned and immediately moved over to carry Su Wan. However, he turned to face the pitiful Xia An and hesitated.

He knew that Xia An liked him, and because of this, he had been causing trouble for Su Wan.

If he carried Su Wan infront of her, Xia An would be very upset and would probably hurt Su Wan even more afterwards.

Plus, she was quite obedient today.

She was even hurt again.

Li Jing Qing calmed himself down and informed the production team.

When the production team was notified, they immediately sent a doctor over.

Su Wan saw that Li Jing Qing didn’t carry her. Her heart sank, but she didn’t show it on the surface. She raised her head and smiled gently at Li Jing Qing, “Thank you. It would have been a lot of trouble without you.”

Xia An snorted inwardly.

Without him, there is absolutely no need for her to be lying on the floor!

Inside the lounge, the doctor examined the two of them.

Xia An wasn’t afraid. After all, she had actually fallen in the morning. When her skirt was lifted, a bruise appeared on her white and tender skin.

Li Jing Qing sat beside Su Wan. He saw the bruise and frowned a little.

Xia An was afraid of pain ever since she was a child.

However, over there, Xia An was not concerned at all about the bruise on her leg. She was only thinking about the fact that she had reduced her bad luck value.

On Su Wan’s side, it was a bit embarrassing.

How would she be hurt?

The doctor asked, “Where are you hurt? Let me take a look.”

Su Wan smiled. “Nothing. Nothing serious. I’ll be fine after resting.”

The doctor felt it was strange. “Didn’t you just fall to the ground and couldn’t get up?”

Su Wan gripped her fingers tightly, “I was confused by the fall just now. But I’ve recollected myself. I know what I’m doing. I’m just… I’m just not used to being in front of the camera…”

As Su Wan said this, she covered the position above her waist, then looked up at the camera lens.

When the doctor saw this, he was not troubled.

【Ah, is Su Wan shy? Oh my, your body is important. If you are shy, you can turn off the camera first.】

【Did y’all forget that Xia An is present? I can guarantee you that Xia An will be secretly filming it. She likes to go against Su Wan.】

【It can’t be, right? It feels weird. Xia An has a real bruise, but Su Wan didn’t even let the doctor look at it. So she’s not even hurt, right?】

【How could that be?! There’s no way Su Wan would lie, and there’s no need to lie! 】

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【I also feel something is amiss, but I can’t figure out what exactly is amiss. Strange.】

Due to her injury, Xia An didn’t need to go out to look for the other guests. She happily lay on the sofa with ease.

Anyway, she had avoided the storyline in the original novel. So she should be able to get through today unscathed.

Once several guests had completed their encounter mission, they regrouped at Lemon Radio’s Studio 1 to begin the other main event of the day: choosing the 24-hour love guest.

This was the first couple selection, where the female partner makes the choice and the male partner could either agree to team up, or reject it outright. The guests that successfully formed a group would become the fixed couple for the next 24 hours and the show would assign them separate intimate tasks.

As the chosen party could refuse, the show naturally became more exciting.

The production crew knew the routine well and announced that Xia An would be the first to make the choice.

As soon as this was spoken, the atmosphere in the room became complicated.

Who didn’t know that Xia An was here for Li Jing Qing?

This flower vase[2] had nothing else to do in the entertainment industry, but to court people.

She would definitely choose Li Jing Qing.

What about Li Jing Qing?

It was said that he was annoyed with Xia An, but to reject her on the spot is a little heartless.

When Xia An heard the announcement, she raised her head to look at the guests in the arena.

There were four male guests in total: top celebrity, Li Jing Qing; Recently popular, Wang Quan; capable actor Wang Yu Yao; and film emperor, Yan Zai; whom Su Wei admired a lot.

Xia An would not choose Li Jing Qing for sure. Even if she wanted to maintain her infatuated persona, she did not want to be a couple with Li Jing Qing.

As for the other guys, Wang Quan looked at her disdainfully, Yan Zai was a male supporting character that fell for the female lead at a later stage, and Wang Yu Yao was someone she hadn’t known.

She didn’t want to choose any of them.

Just when Xia An was torn, a voice suddenly sounded in her head.

【Beep—Target NPC Sheng Zhi Yan is approaching. The final match is being made. His appearance, financial status, personality is suitable… Congratulations to the host, you’ve successfully bound the support NPC. 】

Xia An said, “Sheng Zhi Yan? Support NPC? What’s his use?”

【Support NPCs are helpers matched by the system for the host. In support mode, the host can send one command to the NPC every day, and the NPC must execute it.】

Oh, she understands. He is just a human tool without feelings in the game.

Xia An asked again, “Then why is he matched?”

【His appearance is exceptional, his financial capabilities are exceptional… Most importantly, Sheng Zhi Yan’s persona has no relationship routes and only loves work. So the host can use him to your heart’s content. 】

The only words that Xia An heard were “exceptional appearance”.

When she wanted to ask more, there was a small commotion at the entrance of the studio. Many people looked up to see a group of people walking around a tall man with a large stature.

The man at the centre of the room had an indifferent appearance and beautiful features. His every move exuded elegance and nobility.

When he raised his eyes, they happened to meet Xia An’s.

With an indifferent gaze, the man averted his eyes.

Xia An, however, drew in a breath.

This man is too handsome! He had completely aligned to her aesthetic appeals!

The man was accompanied by the director of the Lemon Studio, who smiled and introduced, “This is the filming of “24-Hours Love”, a variety show invested by your company, President Sheng.”

Sheng Zhi Yan’s eyes swept through the area and was not interested.

In recent years, the Sheng Group had started to venture into the entertainment and film industry. They had invested in many film and television products, all of which were developing very well. However, Sheng Zhi Yan did not have time to manage such trivial matters.

The reason why he came here today was because  his car happened to be nearby and broke down. Suddenly, it was raining heavily, so his assistant investigated and said that he happened to have invested a lot in Lemon Studio recently. Hence, he stopped by to take a look on the way.

When his car arrived, he would leave.

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Surrounded by people, Sheng Zhi Yan sat in the VVIP centre seat of the studio audience.

He exuded an imposing aura as he sat quietly.

Sheng Zhi Yan’s appearance made the people in the studio visibly excited.

Especially the women.

They were secretly hoping that Sheng Zhi Yan would give them one glance.

The studio manager watched everyone staring blankly and coughed lightly, signalling the director to continue filming.

Only then did the director come back to his senses and asked Xia An, “Xia An, please choose your 24-hour Love guest.”

All eyes were on Xia An.

This time, without the slightest hesitation, Xia An pointed her slender hand at Sheng Zhi Yan and said in a very clear tone, “I choose him.”

In an instant, everyone in the studio froze.

Even the broadcast manager instantly stood up.

Huh? Who did you choose? Open your eyes and tell me who you choose!

A few seconds later, the director’s voice shouted frantically through Xia An’s earpiece, “Xia An! That’s Sheng Zhi Yan! The investor! Are you crazy?!”

Xia An: I don’t care. I want a handsome person.

Not to mention that Sheng Zhi Yan was still her NPC.

In an instant, the studio was in chaos and the broadcast manager said to Sheng Zhi Yan very apologetically, “President Sheng, sorry, our guest over here doesn’t quite understand the rules of the show and is fooling around. You shouldn’t take it seriously.”

The director immediately agreed, “Hahaha. Xia An is very good at joking. Let’s be serious. Xia An, who do you choose as your 24-hour Love guest?”

Xia An took two steps forward and looked fixedly at Sheng Zhi Yan. She said with a certain tone, “Him.”

Sheng Zhi Yan looked at Xia An.

At the same time, Sheng Zhi Yan’s head suddenly sounded.

【Beep—An An, little cutie, has sent you the command: “Agree to form a couple with her.” This command cannot be refused. Please execute it as requested. If you don’t execute within 5 seconds, it will be forced upon you. 】





Sheng Zhi Yan’s assistant looked at President Sheng and saw that he did not respond. He thought that he probably did not like Xia An according to his boss’s temper.

He immediately stepped forward and said, “Sorry Miss Xia An. President Sheng… “



Sheng Zhi Yan’s thin lips slightly opened and said indifferently, “Sure.”

His assistant continued, “… has no time to participate… Eh?!!”

All the staff, superiors of Lemon Broadcasting Studio, and the guests, “!!!”

Sheng Zhi Yan’s eyes gradually narrowed as he finished speaking.

Those words were not said by him.


This young girl was controlling him.

[1] 黑莲花(hēi liánhuā)- Black lotus flower is a plant species that does not exist in reality, but they exist in some games. Black lotus flower generally refers to good people who look like bad people on the surface, but actually do good things. Black lotus is the opposite of white lotus. On the internet, “black lotus flower” is frequently used to describe women who are weak in appearance, black-hearted and dare to fight.

[2] 花瓶(huāpíng)-Flower vase refers to just being a pretty face.

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