Chapter 18: Officer Evil Star (Part 1)

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March 15, 2023Ai Hrist

Hearing Gu Zhisang’s assertion, the audience was in an uproar. ‘Blue Moon’ who was at the other end of the live broadcast room clenched her palms tightly, and her trembling voice was full of anger:

“Impossible! I thought you were a powerful fortune teller, unfortunately, you couldn’t figure out good marriage at all. My boyfriend is very kind to me. Since we got together, he never quarreled with me. Why do you that I and my child can’t be happy?”

“Really? Do you think you are happy?” Gu Zhisang said indifferently, “If you were as determined as you said, you wouldn’t press the button to participate in the divination program today, let alone ask me about marriage.”

“To put it bluntly, you have realized that this relationship is not as perfect as you think. You have been deceiving yourself all the time.”

The anxiety hidden in her heart was suddenly pierced, and the girl on the other side of the live broadcast turned pale.

Through the screen, she only felt that the black pupils were so deep, she could ‘see’ through the network cable.

Blue Moon subconsciously wanted to refute, but Gu Zhisang’s voice was so magical that many memories that she had chosen to ignore intentionally or unintentionally popped up in her mind.

At this time, Gu Zhisang sighed lightly and said bluntly: “People in Taoism pay attention to a cause and effect in everything. If it weren’t for the program regulations, I would not give calculations to people who don’t believe in it. If you firmly believe that your current boyfriend is a good match, then I can only end this calculation, I wish you happiness.”

The black fans who had been squatting in the live broadcast room saw the right moment and hit the nail on the head.

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[The little girl is only in her teens, but she curses her that she will have no children in the future. Some people have tasted the sweetness of being a popular master, so they don’t even want to face it. ]

[She is still a student who is studying. At best, they are puppy love. Although it is not advocated, it is not unreasonable to say that. I don’t believe that two young people who fall in love can do such outrageous things!]

[If you are cracked down, you say that people don’t believe in fortune-telling, isn’t this the most common trick that liars say.]

[Ah… some people don’t need to close their eyes and blackmail the anchor, right? The family information she just said is accurate. It was this little girl who didn’t even dare to reveal her information and face, obviously, she had something to hide. Isn’t the anchor respecting and protecting her privacy?]

[Is it difficult to check family information? Gu Zhisang has a company and a team…]

Seeing that the comment area was arguing for himself, ‘Blue Moon’ hesitated and then made up his mind, “I was a little emotional just now because I really can’t believe what you calculated, so let’s do it, as long as I don’t expose my identity information, sister, just tell me what you count.”

“Okay.” Gu Zhisang nodded and said, “Let’s start with the most obvious one. When I check your eight characters and disassembled them according to the ten gods, I found that your Officer Star is different from ordinary people.”

Blue Moon was at a loss: “Officer, officer star? What is that?”

Gu Zhisang explained to her and the audience:

“According to Taoism, if people use the eight characters to calculate marriage, they must follow the formula handed down by their ancestors: Men seek wealth, women seek comfort.

The so-called officer star was one of the ten gods according to a person’s eight characters. It can generally be understood as a person or thing that restrains oneself.

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When the officer star deviates from the main purpose and enters the Seven Killing Star, an extreme and unfavorable influence on a person will appear, it can also be called “Officer Evil Star.”

Gu Zhisang said: “First of all, Blue Moon, your seven-killing star is on the year pillar, which means that your relationship started relatively early. Although it was not a good match, it occupied all your marriage lines. You should be in the second grade of high school when you officially had a relationship with this boy, and before that, your fortune lines had almost no communication, which means that you are not in the same class, this is one of them.”

“According to your natal chart, you fell into the fifth palace. This kind of palace indicates that the two of you met by chance and not in a serious place. The other party’s qualifications are very good, his appearance is above average and his family has money, but people according to palace rank are often flirtatious and have strong heterosexual relationships. This is my second explanation. Am I right?”

Blue Moon was silent for a moment, and amidst the disappointment of many black fans who wanted her to slap Gu Zhisang’s face, she admitted this:

“Yes, I met my boyfriend at KTV when I was attending a friend’s birthday party in the second year of high school. He was in a different class from me, and his family owned a company. He was handsome and popular. To be honest, there are quite a lot of girls who like him, that’s why I didn’t expect him to contact information of an ordinary girl like me, can’t this prove that he loves me?”

Many mature viewers in the live broadcast room have heard something is wrong:

[Sister is too inferior, your voice is very soft and pleasant to hear, it’s like a goddess’s voice! Being asked for WeChat by your boyfriend means that you must be a beautiful woman, so be more confident!]

[Do I have to love you if I want to contact you? Wake up, sister!]

Gu Zhisang nodded and continued: “Speaking of your Officer Star, you belong to the category of people who are extremely prosperous and have more than one mottled motley pattern.”

Since officer stars were the most important horoscope for women, it can often reflect their personality traits;

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Her character was suppressed, cowardly and introverted, often bullied, and dare not conflict with others, judging from the tone of ‘Blue Moon’ and her family background, she was indeed such a character.

Her officer star was mottled and mixed, which symbolizes the indeterminate marriage and the breakup of the husband and wife.

Gu Zhisang said: “It’s fine if you’re just an officer star, but you’re an Officer Evil Star, which means that this relationship is bumpy and not going well. In this case, getting married too early will end disastrously. That is to say, you are suitable for late marriage. But I see that your red phoenix has started to shift to the marriage palace, which means that you have already moved the idea of marriage, and it is very strong.”


[Isn’t Blue Moon just a senior in high school? Is she crazy? It will be her college entrance examination soon, but she is thinking about marriage. and now I want to get married. She is really in love!]

After she said this, the young girl on the other end of the live broadcast was so shocked that she couldn’t speak, because it was so accurate.

The matter of giving up her studies and marrying her boyfriend was something she has been struggling with anxiety recently. She hasn’t told anyone about it. Even her boyfriend and parents don’t know that she has this idea. How could this female star know?

Was she so magical that she can calculate all these things just by looking at a string of birthdays?

While she was surprised, she heard Gu Zhisang say again: “The photo you sent me should have been taken a year ago. At that time, you hadn’t dated your current boyfriend, so the marriage line and palace rank on your face are different. I need to see your current facial state to make a more accurate deduction.”

‘Blue Moon’ audience: “???”

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Can she tell when the photo was taken?

After taking a new photo with the original camera, she privately sent it to Gu Zhisang.

After getting the photo, Gu Zhisang could tell at a glance that this young girl’s face was completely changed compared to a year ago.

he sighed softly: “You said you were very happy, but why do you have gloomy brows with worry and fine lines under your eyelids? That’s where the male and female palaces are located, and it’s also where the Leitang acupoint is located. The ‘xiangshu’ shows your relationship between men and women is full of friction and hidden dangers, which makes you toss and turn and sleepless at night. If things go on like this, you will only cry.”

“The most important thing is that the two acupoints of your Jingshe and Guangdian are slightly sunken. Recently, you should have experienced sleepiness, fatigue, and depression.”

Gu Zhisang looked at the camera and said firmly, “You are already pregnant.”

After she said this, the audience in the live broadcast room was completely blown away, and the screen was filled with greetings and exclamation marks like snowflakes.

[Really? Blue Moon, you are confused!]

[If this is the reason, then everything is reasonable. The two young people are careless and have to kill the child. I’m afraid the family doesn’t know it yet, right? 】

[… …]

‘Blue Moon’ said hoarsely: “Yes, I just found out last week, it should be almost two months…”

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