Chapter 30: Ghost hitting the wall (Part 1)

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May 11, 2023Ai Hrist

After purifying the round-faced girl’s yin energy with witchcraft, Daisy’s energy was exhausted, and her face showed obvious fatigue.

After Host Liu talked to the audience in the live broadcast room, he turned off Daisy’s live broadcast and asked her to rest to recover strength.

Host Liu said: “The second help-seeker also encountered a strange thing in the dormitory. Her bed was shaking out of thin air. Our Contestant No. #6 Daisy saw a powerful evil full of resentment beside her.”

“What other bizarre incidents have happened in this dormitory? Now I invite Contestant No. #1 contestant Xun Yiqing to meet the third help-seeker.”

After Host Liu finished speaking, the backstage program group controlled the windows that hid other people, and only the windows of Xun Yiqing and the girls asking for help could be seen on the screen.

This time the person in front of the camera was replaced by a girl with long hair.

She has fair skin and big eyes. She has black hair and long straight hair. She looks very beautiful, but the dark blue pigmentation under the eyelids was also very obvious.

“Hello viewers in the live broadcast room, hello Master Xun, I am a fan of metaphysics and a loyal fan of “Spiritual Affairs”. I have been following the show since the first season of “Spiritual Affairs”. So when these strange things happened in the dormitory, I made a suggestion and wanted to try to seek help from the program team, sorry for wasting everyone’s time.”

[This girl is so beautiful, I feel like she can enter the entertainment industry if she packs it up.]

[You don’t need to ask to know that this sister must have been hit by a ghost, look at the dark circles under her eyes, and her mental state is not very healthy.]

[The third unlucky person who hit the evil.]

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Host Liu asked: “Can you interview this audience, why did you choose Contestant No. #1 player among so many players?”

The long-haired girl said with some embarrassment: “Actually, I have met Master Xun before.”

“Because our family believes in metaphysics, especially my mother often goes to Yiyuan Temple to listen to the morning and evening classes. Every year, she will take our family to the temple to worship and listen to the master’s mantras. The master who presided over the opening of the Yiyuan Temple last year was Master Xun, I happened to hear it, so this time I also chose Master Xun.”

Xun Yiqing was a little surprised, his solemn expression relaxed a bit: “It turns out that they are believers in the temple.”

“You put your hair back behind your ears, I need to see your whole face.”

Xun Yiqing was not good at reading faces, and the reason why he was famous in Taoism was because of his ‘martial arts’.

To put it simply, he was good at fighting and catching ghosts, and very few of his peers can beat him;

But he can still read a little bit of bone and palm reading.

The long-haired girl leaned closer to the camera and tied her hair up with a rubber band, exposing her forehead, ears, and eyes.

After scanning it carefully, Xun Yiqing frowned:

“It’s ok. Now spread your hands, palms upright and facing the camera, let me see the texture of your palm.”

After checking for another five minutes, he raised his head with a serious expression: “I don’t know how to read faces, but a person’s yin and yang and health are closely related to the skin, bones, and spirit.”

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“First of all, your eyebrows are bulging, the eye sockets of your eyes are slightly sunken, and your eyes are black and blue. This is no longer a sign of being frightened, a little bit of yin manifested, but a large amount of yang has leaked out of your body. Women’s bodies and souls are inherently yins, and they are more prone to accidents than men after being penetrated by evil spirits.”

“Let me ask you, have you been unable to sleep at night these days, your hands and feet are cold and often sweating, accompanied by occasional nightmares. Do you feel that your chest is dull like a ghost pressing the bed?”

The long-haired girl nodded and said: “Yes, Master Xun, you are right. When I was sleeping for several nights, my roommates heard me talking in sleep, and sometimes grinding my teeth. But I’ve never done that before.”

Xun Yiqing said: “In addition to your lack of energy, there are also many horizontal fine lines on the palm of your hand. When you turned your palm just now, I saw that your nails were stained with a layer of grayish blue. These are the manifestations of too much constitution.”

Hearing this, the long-haired girl was a little surprised and said:

“I did have a lot of small fine lines on the palms of my hands during this period. I thought it was because my hands were sweating too much, which wrinkled the skin there.”

At this time, Host Liu asked:

“Then what is the reason for the third help-seekers yin deficiency and yang qi leakage? Can contestant Xun Yiqing see it?”

Xun Yiqing said firmly, “She was once possessed by a ghost, and these are the aftereffects of being possessed by a ghost.”

Host Liu asked the long-haired girl, “Is that so?”

The long-haired girl sighed, nodded in acknowledgment, and talked about the supernatural things that happened to her.

On the third day when the dormitory was haunted, several girls went to the counselor and the dormitory management station, strongly demanding to change the dormitory.

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In the past two days, students in other dormitories also reported that their dormitory screamed and made noises in the middle of the night, which made everyone wake up very dissatisfied, so the school quickly changed them to a new dormitory.

In the first two days of moving to the new dormitory, there were no more strange incidents. The girls’ heartstrings gradually relaxed. They guessed that the reason why they encountered strange things was that there was something wrong with the dormitory they used to live in.

The long-haired girl held positions in the school’s departments and clubs, and those two days coincided with group dinners.

She didn’t plan to go because of the strange incident haunting her in the dormitory, but the two consecutive days of peace made her think that the incident was over, so she went that night.

She only drank a small glass of fruit wine and didn’t dare to go back too late.

After eating at about eight o’clock, she bid farewell to the department members who were going out to sing and chose to go back to the dormitory alone.

The long-haired girl recalled what happened that night and said:

“There is a small river in our school, facing our girls’ dormitory. There are street lights on that section of the road, and it is not considered dark, but that night, I found the surroundings dark and gloomy. The road was so empty that I couldn’t see a few figures.”

“I was a little scared in my heart, so I kept walking, wanting to go back to the dormitory quickly. Who knew that the road was so long that it seemed like it would never finish? I could see the street lights downstairs in the dormitory. But I just walk around endlessly… …”

At this time, the voice of the roommate outside the camera came into the microphone.

“She said that she had eaten and returned to school after eight o’clock, but we waited for a long time in the dormitory. Our school has access control, and the door of the dormitory is closed at half past 10. That night we waited until past 10 o’clock, but she still didn’t return to the dormitory. We took turns to call her and she didn’t answer the voice calls. I asked her classmates in the same department, and they said that she went back a long time ago.”

“We felt that something was wrong at the time, so we decided to go out and look for her. If she didn’t come back after 10:30, we would call the counselor immediately. Before I went downstairs, I looked outside the window of the dormitory, and saw a figure downstairs.”

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“I took a closer look, and found out that it was her!”

She yelled the long-haired girl’s name several times from the window, but the long-haired girl just stood at the bottom of the dormitory as if she couldn’t hear her.

She seemed to have heard the sound, but she didn’t respond, but slowly circled towards a street lamp next to her.

Several roommates hurriedly ran down, and when they were still some distance away from the long-haired girl, they saw her with a dazed expression. Her eyes were looking straight ahead, and her pretty face was a little pale under the halo of the street lamp.

At that time, they realized that their roommate was abnormal, and they all became frightened, calling their roommate’s name loudly from a distance.

This time, the long-haired girl finally raised her head, looked left and right, and ran staggeringly, heading towards the river bank opposite the dormitory building!

The girls were so frightened that they didn’t care too much, they ran after her and shouted for her to stop.

Fortunately, there was a fence set up by the school on the edge of the river bank, and the long-haired girl was dragged off by her roommate who was chasing her when she turned over.

The roommate continued: “She was very strong at the time, and none of us could hold her down. Later, I remembered what was said on the Internet. If you get hit by evil, you can yell and curse loudly, or slap her. I yelled in her ear, and patted her on the back hard.”

“It took about two or three minutes before she came back to her senses, and we helped her back to the dormitory. After we went back, we saw that she had scratched and bruised her body in several places.”

The long-haired girl then said:

“But I don’t remember it, and I don’t know how long time has passed. I thought I just walked around on that road for 10 minutes. Then I did hear the voices of my roommates, but I couldn’t see them. I was very scared in my heart, I could only run desperately towards the direction of the voice…”

She never thought that the safe direction she thought was a river.

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