Chapter 35: Fortune Star is Chaotic (Part 1)

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May 31, 2023Ai Hrist

The Snake Immortal’s memory ended here.

When Gu Zhisang opened her eyes, there was an obvious change in her mood, which had always been calm, and the lingering feeling of anger made her frown.

This was the emotion that belongs to the Snake Immortal.

When she was remembering and empathizing, she directly exposed what Xiao Ma’s husband had done. At this time, the three views of the audience in the live broadcast room and the Ma family’s father and daughter were subverted.

Only then did they know that the dead animals that appeared on Xiao Ma’s bed were sent by the nearby snakes controlled by the Snake Immortal.

The Snake Immortal thought that these wild animals can nourish the body of the pregnant woman and provide nutrition for the fetus in her abdomen.

And the dangers that Xiao Li encountered were all due to being unfilial to his father, Old Man Li. What he did was so outrageous that he was retaliated against by the Snake Immortal.

[Are these all true?? I’m so angry and crying so uncomfortable. Uncle Li’s wish after saving the white snake is to let him succeed in cultivation. How could such a good person have such a son?]

 [This son is simply a beast, even a cold-blooded snake has more affection than him!]

[Those who find it incredible have never seen such a person. Some poor people still pursue famous brands, and they also complain that their parents are not rich. They feel ashamed of their parents who have worked hard to earn hard-earned money.

I have a classmate who is like this. He wears sneakers costing thousands of yuan and says he is a rich second-generation. As a result, one time, he got into a fight with someone and the hospital ask his parents to come. Only then did we know whether he is from a single-parent family and his mother is a disabled person.]

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[I was shocked, a college student spends more than 5,000 yuan a month, yet he still thinks his father is a shame? Is what Contestant No. #7 said true or false? Is there such a shameless, white-eyed wolf child in this world?]

[The most embarrassing thing is that this man’s request is not a necessity. He is squandering the money his father sold his kidneys to satisfy his vanity!]

[Is this kind of dead man who conceals and deceives his family counted as a cheating marriage?]

[He can even treat his father like this. Will such a heartless man love his wife and family as much as the woman said?]

The comment area was in chaos, and while many netizens questioned the authenticity of what Gu Zhisang said, they also began to advise Xiao Ma to be careful.

At this time, Xiao Ma’s expression was already dull.

She didn’t dare and didn’t want to believe that her gentle and considerate husband, whom she had liked for six years, would treat her father like this secretly. She suddenly found that she didn’t understand her husband at all.

Thinking of the warm and loving little nest that she felt was based on the blood and sweat of his husband’s father, and even his organs, Xiao Ma felt physically and psychologically unacceptable, and her stomach churns.

Xiao Ma said: “Yes, but why did he do this? Before we fell in love, I didn’t expect that he, a man of the school, the head of the department would take the initiative to pursue me. At that time, I didn’t live in the dormitory for some reason. , and I have never told anyone about my family background, and I have never mentioned that he must buy a house after falling in love…”

Although Xiao Ma’s family was well-off and his father was a big boss of a certain company, her father neglected her because he was usually too busy.

Father Ma only knows to give his daughter the best, and the most expensive.

But Xiao Ma gradually discovered that many friends and suitors around her greeted her because she was rich and generous in paying the bills and giving gifts.

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As time goes by, she no longer revealed her family background. In addition, she liked to be quiet and rarely participates in various activities in school, so she was a bit transparent in college.

Her husband, on the contrary, was a well-known figure at the university;

He was handsome and capable, and he was the head of a certain department.

When her husband took the initiative to pursue her back then, many people found it incredible.

Xiao Ma also asked her husband what he likes about her and why he chose her among so many outstanding and lively girls. Her husband said very romantically:

“I used to see you walking alone in the playground, and I thought you had a unique and quiet temperament, and I was attracted to you unconsciously…”

At that time, Xiao Ma was very moved and felt that she had finally met someone who liked her.

Now that she thought about it, those reasons and words were superficial.

“You were deceived by him.” Gu Zhisang said coldly: “He knew from the beginning to the end that your family is well-off, and it was precise because of this that he launched a fierce pursuit of you.”

“Judging from your husband’s face, his temples are flat, and the distance from the end of the eyes is very short. This is the position of the marriage palace, where the relationship between husband and wife can often be seen. Flat and close to the end of the eyes, it means that your husband and wife relationship has always been very close. But at least in his opinion, it is tasteless and bland, but it has been like this since the beginning.”

Xiao Ma was hit even harder, and it was difficult to accept for a while, “He…knows all along?”

“Still think our marriage is boring?”

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“Yes.” Gu Zhisang affirmed:

“From his marriage line, and his horoscope that shows that Mars is in the third house, it can be seen that the reason why this relationship can be facilitated and can be concluded is because of his various efforts. It can be said that it is well-intentioned and deliberate.”

“I guess he should have accidentally seen or heard something about you, knowing that you are a rich girl, he approached you.”

What Gu Zhisang said was also correct.

Xiao Li has always felt that his life was very unfair. Some people were born into the rich second generation, but he has such a poor and dirty father who was born in a mountain nest with no money and no power.

After being admitted to a prestigious university, he felt that he was not as bad as those ‘playboys’ and should live a better life of luxury.

Everything he did in college and the persona he created were all aimed at falling in love with rich girls, dating and getting married, and crossing classes.

One day when he was out, he accidentally saw Xiao Ma, an ordinary and transparent person in his class, getting off a luxury car, and the middle-aged man walking with her was a well-known entrepreneur in the city.

At first, he thought Xiao Ma was climbing the other party, but after checking and confirming that the entrepreneur’s surname was also Ma, he had a new guess.

After several trials, he confirmed that Xiao Ma’s family was really rich, and he fell into ecstasy, thinking that he had found an excellent ‘marriage candidate’.

Simple and kind-hearted, easy to soften, easy to handle, and easy to deceive.

That’s why he created all kinds of coincidences and romantic plots to pursue Xiao Ma.

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Hearing this, Father Ma clenched his fists and said: “This damn beast! How dare he plot against my daughter?!”

Xiao Ma burst into tears, and said: “Master Gu, what else? You don’t have to worry about me, I want to know the truth today.”

Upon hearing this, Gu Zhisang said bluntly:

“Then I’ll talk about the other things I saw. Believe it or not, you can judge for yourself. Your husband and your marriage continued in parallel until he was forty years old, and then his emotional relationship suddenly changed.”

“Those who have seen my previous calculations know that if you look at marriage from the horoscope, the man will look at the fortune star.”

The man regards his wife as positive wealth and his lovers as partial wealth.

Judging from Xiao Li’s face, she can’t tell much about the marriage palace positions for the time being, but if she looked at it from the horoscope fortune star, she can tell that he does not have a positive fortune star, but also a lot of negative wealth… …

There were so many that even Gu Zhisang was surprised.

And generally in the second half of his life.

So to say, Xiao Li would indulge his lust in the second half of his life. He will find many lovers but will not divorce Xiao Ma.

“If you mixed positive and negative fortune, there will be a big problem in your relationship. Judging from his fortune star, there may be incidents of openly taking in his lovers in your house in the later stage. Moreover, some of his fortune stars are very close to the sun, which means their presence can have a big impact on you.”

Gu Zhisang said: “At the beginning, I was curious why it was after forty until I saw the faces of you and your father. Mr. Ma, your lips are a bit dark, and the lines between your brows are quite deep. You must be under a lot of pressure and often stay up late to work, and sometimes you feel that your energy is not as good as when you were young, and it is accompanied by fatigue, weakness in your hands, and loss of appetite.”

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