**T/N: From this chapter on, all formal addresses towards Rashid will be changed to Your Majesty. For those in the imperial family: Your Highness, My Lady/Lord. For Dukes: Your Excellency. I’ll also be making changes to addresses as I go along.

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Viscount Dion quickly looked down and replied. “They left early this morning, said that there’s someone they had to meet.”


“They said Your Majesty would know if I mentioned the name Cedric…”

Cedric, the imperial family’s high-level wizard, came along on this trip to assist in tracing the princess. If he had made contact, he must have had some leads on hand.

Rashid raised his eyebrows so ever slightly, but not enough for his reaction to be noticed, and soon turned around to look out of the window. This time, he wasn’t looking at his reflection but focused on what was outside.

“What is with the commotion?”

“Oh, there’s a hunting competition coming up in a few days. Though there’s still time, it was the largest event amongst the nobles, and thus everyone is excitedly preparing for it.” Viscount Dion too was excited as he explained the commotion, very much like a noble.

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“It’s a tradition but since the Northern Land’s Duke’s passing, events like this couldn’t be held during the national funeral period. However, with Your Majesty’s arrival, everyone naturally expected for such events to resume as per normal.”

“Who would do that,” Rashid responded coldly. He had heard a similar rumor and was definitely not happy about it. Such events did not matter to him, regardless of whether it was held once or countless times.

Rashid’s cold response made Viscount Dion break out in cold sweat. “…B, but, The Lady had already begun preparations for it, and it might have already been announced as well.”

“She’s joining in the hunt as well?”

“No, though there aren’t any rules that explicitly state that women are forbidden to join, as it was usually men who stepped up in such events. And the event will be held over a couple of days, the event has more focus on parties and banquets instead of the hunt itself. Please look over there.” Viscount Dion pointed at the Dress Shop that could be seen from the window.

“Honestly, since it’s a celebratory event and the noble ladies’ social circle debut ball, there would definitely be some commotion since the ladies participating would be busy making dresses for the ball. Some households would even hire designers to work on those dresses, just to make their daughter the most beautiful lady at the event…”

“What about the Ladyships?”

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“Pardon me?” Viscount Dion replied, puzzled at Rashid’s sudden question.

“What about the widowed ladies? Will they be joining the ball as well?”

Viscount Dion wiped the sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief upon hearing Rashid’s random question. It would be better off if Rashid just asked them to cancel the event too.

“Her Ladyships wouldn’t be as dressed up compared to the younger ladies, as the younger ladies are the main focus of the event in this hunting banquet. Instead, they are usually dressed in more elegant and high-class styled dresses…”

Viscount Dion was then cut off by Rashid once more. “What if they are still in mourning?”

Viscount Dion turned speechless at his question while Rashid was alighting the carriage. Rashid seemed to be avoiding unsolicited attention as he put on a robe that was of the same silver ash color as his hair.

“I wouldn’t know about that, Your Majesty. Please let me know where are you heading to…”

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“Forget it.”

“I can’t let Your Majesty travel alone.”

“If you have the time, go ahead and prepare dinner instead. Otherwise, that’s fine as well.” Rashid gestured with his slightly lifted chin at the largest turkey he spotted from a corner food shop.

It was the first time ever where an Emperor had specifically ordered what they wanted to eat, but at the same time, Viscount Dion had gotten anxious.

“Sure, Your Majesty. Anyway, a turkey of this size would be used at a party. There would still be leftovers if five or size fairly young and strong men were to eat it.” Viscount Dion added.

“Let’s go with that then.”

“…What? But there’s only three of you including the princes.”

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“There’s no choice then,” Rashid replied with a meaningful smile as he adjusted the strings to his robe with those elegant fingers. The glint in his eyes that were as eye-catching as the shine in the glass window drew attention.

“I’ll have to gather three others then.”


It’s not here.

Rashid quickly returned to his original spot after looking around the streets downtown. Tenon and Peyton may have been tracing Haniel’s location for a few days, but he wanted to do some groundwork on his own. Even he was unsure as to why he felt this way.

No, maybe deep down, he knew the reason for it.

“Your Majesty, look at the one with its wings spread out. It performs better than the other birds, right?”

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