The Marquis’ young lady hid her smile behind the fan held to her face. The lady’s family was incomparable to the Evendell’s authority but she had recently just got engaged to a noble family in the West. She might have thought she was on the same level and thus did not restrain herself from the high and mighty self-conceited Rebecca.

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“Everyone was saying that your stepmother is seen quite often with His Majesty.”


“My father said that he wouldn’t meet visitors, but the Duchess was an exception. I heard that they’re working on quite a bit of stuff too. Did you not hear about it?”

“Y, yeah…” As the Marquis’s young lady acted with slight sympathy, the other ladies could only lower their gazes awkwardly. Since they were the ones who made a confrontation with their head, Rebecca, it was no different from a silent affirmation.

“Even if your sister was the acting Lord, everyone thinks that your mother would have gotten His Majesty’s acknowledgment by now. The more conservative nobles have already started sending gifts to your mother too.”

“She’s not my mother!” Rage roar in Rebecca’s eyes. How dare she!

The blatant contempt made the other ladies freeze on the spot instantaneously.

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“I’ll be sure to convey your message to my sister, Eloise. I still have my doubts, but I sure trust my sister.”

“Ah, no. There’s really no need…”

“Get lost.” The prideful Rebecca shoved Lady Eloise without a care of what others might think of her.

‘Eloise hadn’t dared to look at me in the eye before, but ever since her engagement, it was disgusting to see how she tries to be on the same level as I am.’ Rebecca thought to herself.

She, too, would be able to trample on them soon when her fiance returns to her side. But for that to happen, her sister Lania’s plan with His Majesty must have some sort of progress. However…

Rebecca frowned and once again turned around, hoping to confirm that person’s identity, but it wasn’t only the robed man who had disappeared.

Even the jewels which she had set her eyes on had disappeared! She gritted her teeth, seething in anger as she stared at the now-empty display case.


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“It’s time! There’s nothing much, so just take it lightly. Got it?


“…Selene, why are you not answering?”

[Madammm! Why must I go? I don’t want to go, please!] Selene begged.

“Well, I didn’t want you to either….” I opened an envelope before Selene who was throwing a tantrum and desperately clinging onto a nearby tree trunk.

I felt like I had become a loanshark who brought an official creditor’s note from the court as the stamp on that very same paper was His Majesty’s seal.

“He explicitly stated to have the three of us there. Me, Haniel, and Haniel’s friend.”

[Ahhh! Why me!] How would I know?

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If I knew what His Majesty was thinking, there was no reason for us to be going through this right now. Moreover, I’m not in the mood recently to know what was on his mind either.

I would overthink things if I were to go down that road, thus I’m trying to make things simple for myself.

[But Madam.]


[If it’s not something too serious, why did you put so much effort in dressing up?] Selene asked as she pointed at the pearl hairpin on my head.

“…Did I?” I never thought Selene would have paid attention to me while she was busy throwing tantrums about not wanting to go.

Truth was, every time Lania got angry, she would stop sending over any support and expenses for my residence, thus this was one of the few pieces of jewelry I had left in my possession.

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“I, it’s just to change up my mood. It’s just collecting dust in the drawer anyway. There’s no particular reason.”

[If so, can I wear it on my head then?]

“…I’ll put it on your beak then.” I gestured with my hands, wanting to wear it on her beak when Selene ran away.

I put Haniel on Oppa’s back, and we set off, but her large round eyes were holding back tears.

“Haniel, it won’t be as scary as when you first met him,” I assured the little one.


“You heard him right? If he really hates you, he wouldn’t have gone out looking for you.” The dog then barked in agreement and even jumped slightly. Haniel hurriedly grabbed the stray straws of the basket at the sudden movement. Haniel’s mind must be filled with all sorts of worries.

[Mommy…  Emperor brother, he looked at Haniel like this.] Haniel tried to reenact how Rashid looked at her as her eyelids were slightly blinking. It was obvious that she was trying to show how Rashid had frowned at her before.

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