The Duchess was the definition of elegant as she curtsied while holding onto the hems of her dress with both hands.

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“Mm…” Of course, that’s just on the surface.

Viscount Dion’s cheeks flushed just as the Duchess acknowledged and greeted him back with a glance. Truthfully, he didn’t know much about the Duchess. He might be in charge of manning the Winter Palace and have his own territory, he rarely had the chance to meet her.

Even so, he wasn’t entirely unfamiliar with her. He might have not met her in person before, but he felt as though he had met her from the rumors he heard through the grapevines since they were quite rampant.

“Your Majesty, the princes are here too.”

“Your Ladyship.”

It’s unimaginable the type of crimes one with beauty like hers would be unable to commit.

Viscount Dion stole glances at the Duchess whilst she was exchanging greetings with the princes. There was no doubt if the late Duke was said to have been seduced by her as that bewitching smile had almost melted his heart.

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Just how much did the other noble ladies curse the ‘rude Duchess’ out at every other social event held throughout the years? Thankfully there was Young Lady Lania who had taken her stepmother’s side, otherwise, she could have been sued as a witch.

The respectable late Duke’s one and only stigma.

She was always cursed as an ominous lady since she was always wearing a black dress though it was still the late Duke’s mourning period, on top of that long black hair of hers. And today without fail, she was dressed to the T like the rumors.

“Why are you so p- dressed up today?”


“Why did you put on such a huge… It must be quite a heavy bow you’re making.” But His Majesty spotted something that even the Viscount could not discover.

He frowned as he discovered a pearl tinier than that of a baby’s fingernail, He even growled at his own brothers, signaling them a warning.

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Everyone, turn away.

No one would dare say this directly to His Majesty, but he looked like a wild beast who was getting impatient with the prey he had just caught. The Duchess tried to lift the awkward tension in the air by laughing it off. It was then when His Majesty let out a cough and released the frown on his face.

“Forget it, since you’ve already dressed up.”

“Sure, sure.” The Duchess then put her hand down once more. Evidently, no one was comparable to her beauty.

Viscount Dion then clucked his tongue, ‘It would be great if she was normal.’

He didn’t believe that all those rumors spreading out there were right, but he looked like those who had been brainwashed by the rumors over the past year. Naturally, he would be warier of her.

On the other hand, Peyton thought Viscount Dion’s gazes were quite abnormal and thus decided to warn him. Only then did Viscount Dion finally turn his focus back to his own work.

“Your Majesty, I’ve brought them here.”

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“Is that so?”

“Kids, you should greet His Majesty. Quick!” However, it felt solemn-looking at the Duchess who picked up the baby swan from the dog’s back, regardless of how hard she tried.

On top of that, everyone was on alert as they were afraid that she would grab the mallard that was slowly waddling from behind the tree and start sprinkling blood all over the place, putting a curse on everyone present.

“Are you going to stay shy like this?”

“Quack, quackkkkk!” The mallard cried as it was picked up by the collar, the Duchess covered its beak and laughed in embarrassment.

Viscount Dion was surprised, but His Majesty remained expressionless. However, what was more surprising was the following words from His Majesty.

“Was it Selene? How long more is it going to act that way?”

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“Ah, um…” Did His Majesty just say the mallard’s name?!

Clank! Viscount Dion drew everyone’s attention as he dropped the silver cup. He hurriedly picked up the cup, and His Majesty’s frown turned back towards the Duchess.

The Duchess continued to ramble on as if nothing had happened. “It’s just that recently she had become quite shy.”

“Didn’t you say that it wasn’t this way before?”

“That was back then, but now…”

What’s this? As His Majesty and the Duchess continued with the conversation, Viscount Dion felt more ashamed by the minute.

Everyone here was acting totally normal, and he was the only one who seemed to be out of place, in a totally different world.

The princes seemed to have a slightly suspicious look on their faces but they had no intentions of interrupting the conversation. Instead, Prince Peyton picked up a sliced grilled fish and approached the baby white swan, seemingly wanting to feed it.

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