Lania’s smile turned cold as if we were back to the moment right before I was cursed. Lania smiled, satisfied, as I looked down instinctively while anxiousness filled me.

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“Well, let’s see if you’d say that again when you’ve seen that.” The doors opened once more at her order.

Bring it on.

Though I did not wish to play along with Lania’s tune, when I saw the white fur animal caught in Rebecca’s hand, anger started brewing from within me.

[Hnng. M, mommyyyy!]


[Mommy, mommyyyy!]

I then realized that I couldn’t let out any screams even if my mind had turned blank. Despite being unable to struggle even in Rebecca’s hands, that tiny body was soon drained of energy.

“Let go immediately!”

“You mean this thing?”

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Rebecca smirked, but not as bad compared to her older sister. She grabbed Haniel by the neck like how a servant would, and shook hard. The sound of the jewel which they were still complimenting about a while back, sounded terrifying.

“Back off! I said, put her down!”

“Lania, look. I was right!”

“Even the jewel on it, it’s the same jewel I saw in town. I was doubtful at first, but I’m definitely right! His Majesty must have bought it . . .”

“Will you shut it just for a moment, Rebecca?” Lania’s voice was quiet, like the sound of water pouring while in a small living room, as she remained seated at the tea-table. Rebecca sht]ut her mouth but glared at me in turn, seemingly about to direct her anger toward me instead.

“This is all your fault! I’m not sure what you’ve been doing with His Majesty all this while . . .”

“. . . It’s my last warning. Put it down.”

“What? Are you worried about this little bird even in this situation? Ha!” Rebecca scoffed speechlessly at me, cutting her off mid-way. But I never expected her to act accordingly.

She stopped laughing and grabbed Haniel tighter by the neck then shook her even harder in my direction. Angered, I strode over towards her.

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“How dare you . . . Ackkkk!”


Rebecca stumbled towards the fireplace after being slapped. She had both hands lightly patting her cheek as if it was on fire, while I quickly grabbed Haniel as she fell.

The tiny body froze and it felt as if her small heart had shattered.

[M, m, mommy.]

“. . . Kyaaaa!”

Rebecca yelled belatedly upon realizing that she had been slapped instead, and Haniel’s groan followed after.

“I’ll kill you!” She dashed towards me and grabbed me by the collar, whilst I glared right back at her.

“Scram. This is my last warning.”

“. . . How dare you!”

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“Know that it’ll be the end of you the moment you lay even one of those fingers on her.”

“You dare to lie!”

“Not me, I’m warning your sister over there.” About to slap me, Rebecca’s hand stopped hesitantly mid-air.

She had intuitive trauma towards her own sister. I watched the ridiculous act of hers as she turned around and faced Lania.

“Yes, it seems that you’re right, Rebecca.”

“Lania? Are you siding with her right now?”

She shook her head elegantly, implying to stop. But the situation wasn’t looking good for me as Lania continued smiling. “I’ve seen how important this hostage is, so I won’t end it so easily.”

“Isn’t that so, mother?” Lania stood up and took a step towards me, as if seeking my agreement. I covered Haniel’s eyes, stopping her from seeing Lania’s evil smirk but her eyes soon laid on my trembling fingers.

“You were acting so cold towards your own family yet clung so tightly to a white baby swan, this isn’t like you, mother.”

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“What’s it to you?”

“Well . . . I’m just warning you, to conduct yourself properly.” With arms crossed on her chest, Lania lifted her head crookedly before me.

“You’ve been hanging out with His Majesty often these days. Isn’t it better to stop all these unnecessary efforts early?”

“Unnecessary efforts?”

“That would be up to the false ideas pictured by a broken widow.”

Lania’s dazzling smirk disappeared as she laid her eyes on the jewel sitting on my finger. I might be less educated about jewels but this piece of jewel seemed quite precious.

“You, a shameless widow trying to make moves on His Majesty . . . You’d better lay low for the rest of your life. Get it?”

“I would love to do that, more than anyone else.”

“But His Majesty should be the one to let go of me first.” I turned expressionless instantly as I did not have any more energy to keep up the smile on my face, but that seemed to have angered Lania more than ever.

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