Lania folded her arms and looked down at the sorcerer with blatant interest on her visage.

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The wizard instantly snapped at her, “If you are really the daughter of Evendell of the Northern Lands, come to your senses now! If you are being manipulated by this guy, I’ll try my best to vouch for you.  In that case, His Majesty may grant you clemency…”

“No, I’m not seeking clemency from His Majesty.”

“…Lady Lania! If people found out that you collaborated with someone like him and held me captive here, how are you going to handle the consequences?”

“Oops.  I think there’s some misunderstanding here.”

“Do you think that, after seeing me here, you can really return in one piece to His Majesty to tell on me?”

Lania let out a chuckle as she walked over to Ronin; the two’s eyes briefly met. Even if it was just for a brief moment, it was enough to send goosebumps over the wizard’s body, despite him having received higher-level education at the Magic Tower.

“At this rate, he will bite his tongue off before anything. So before that, we should get an answer, no matter what.” Ronin remarked.

“Crazy bastard!  Stop this nonsense!  Even if I were to die, I won’t speak a single word about His Majesty!”

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“Such a commendable spirit. However, words don’t necessarily translate to actions. See.”


Walking slowly, Lania stuck her head out from behind Ronin.

“I’ve heard that there is a magic that can control the mind of another without much effort. Is that true?” Lania asked.

“But Lady. The price…”

“That seems to be what we have agreed on, Ronin, isn’t it?”


At Lania’s question, a meaningful smile crept onto Ronin’s face after some time.

Any magic that was related to human’s mind was strictly prohibited, regardless of the reason of its use. Also, users of such forbidden magic would have to pay with their life force if they invoked the spell, even if they were doing it in secrecy.

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“Though I’m the one using the spell, I wonder who’s the true dark wizard here when you are casually asking others to use up their life force, Lady Lania.”

“I don’t like that, Ronin. That’s not my style of doing things.”

“What’s there to worry about? You will soon be receive the compensation for all the life force you had used to till date.”

“Well… Of course.”

Recalling the day when he first met Lania, Ronin bowed his head down. Then, black smoke began to rise from his fingertips. Contrary from before, a chilling frost started to penetrate the tied man, deep into his bones like a spear.

“Sweetie, don’t hide your thoughts. Think carefully. What was the real purpose of His Majesty’s visit?”


The black smoke dug into the wizard’s forehead.

Due to the identity of his opponent, it wasn’t easy for Ronin as well, as his expression distorted.

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But soon, the swirling fog completely enveloped the tied man. The unexpected dark energy overpowered the wizard and caused him to vomit blood.

A satisfied smile appeared on Ronin’s pale face.

“Indeed, despite my current circumstances, I was supposedly the next-in-line to succeed the Magic Tower.”


“Catherine, what’s wrong?”

“Your Majesty.”

Rashid’s indifferent gaze that was directed outside the window soon stopped at me. The supposedly relatively spacious carriage suddenly felt extremely tight as his overwhelming presence diagonally opposite from me made my knees tingle.

“What’s making you so depressed?” Rashid repeated himself.

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“…Do I look that bad?”

“Don’t play innocent. I’m saying this now, you’re bad at acting.”

He’s just blatantly saying that ‘I’m just getting fooled because it’s you.’

Rashid spoke in such a straightforward manner with his direct gaze and crossed legs, that I suspected if he was an x-ray machine(raws used deboner, but I couldn’t think of the occupation rn. Referring to those who can see through others immediately). Despite being the only one and self-conceited emperor, he should feel slightly awkward being alone with the wife of an aristocrat, but not a trace of it could be seen on his face.

“What? Am I wrong?” He prompted.

Instead, the smile that one would have while seated in the living room grew on the corners of his mouth. Others might mistake that he was out for a picnic. His smile softed, adding a slight pout. “Others might think that I’ve kidnapped you.”

“Well, Your Majesty came over knocking on my door, asking me to come out; why wouldn’t I be surprised?” I retorted.

I recalled how shocked I was hearing the rapping on my door in the wee hours of the morning. Ever since Lania last visited, I haven’t been able to sleep a wink since I had to protect my poor little girl. His rapping had sent my heart racing even faster when Lania stormed into my place.

“Y-Your Majesty! Why are you here! Could it—?!”

I had jumped to the worst conclusion then—that he had noticed something and was here to capture me. Otherwise, what other reason was there for him to come looking for me personally?

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