“Haniel shouldn’t be dragged into this. She’s already scared enough and shouldn’t get any more shocks than she already has. Moreover, His Majesty is waiting for us as well.”

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[That’s why…]


[I think it’s best for both of us to stay in the carriage.] Selene replied in rejection while stepping back.

I have heard this from her a couple of times before, but she sounded much more resolute this time.

“Why? Are you still pissed?”

[It’s not that. I think the princess would be shocked to see His Majesty when she wakes later. She has been afraid of humans ever since she was kidnapped.

“That is true, but…”

[So you should just go with His Majesty. We by-standers will get out of the way so please…]

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“Catherine, just how long…”

“Ah, yes! I’m going!” I quickly opened the carriage door as Rashid rushed me from outside. The air outside smelled like it was about to rain with the humidity hanging densely in the air,

‘Oh no.’

Regardless of what Selene’s motive was, the weather was great to catch a cold. It would be perfect for a mentally exhausted child to catch a bad flu if I brought her out.

[Just go, don’t worry about the princess. There’s fish jerky and hay too.]

I got much more worried seeing her proactiveness. My eyes narrowed at Selene, who couldn’t wait to send me off, but I eventually alighted the carriage. She wouldn’t harm the sleeping child since she’s a nanny herself. That was how I convinced myself.

Rashid and I soon arrived before a run down building.

“Your Majesty, is this the place where you said you had something important to do…”

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Hmm, this place is kind of…

Since it has come to this, I wouldn’t be able to fulfil my responsibilities as a perfect ‘strategic partner’ even if I wished to.

Rashid stood before a huge window looking exceptionally perfect, from his looks, expression and even his manner of speech.

“What’s the matter, Catherine?”

“Um…” I belatedly flashed an awkward smile while looking at the show window he was facing. I couldn’t beat the sparkling reflection of myself in the shop window no matter how awkward my smile looked.

“Isn’t this a dress shop?”


And? Yet I hesitated when those intimidating eyes of his looked right at me, as if asking why I had asked him something so obvious. It was enough to make me think that I had done something wrong.

“I told you, it’s an important job.”

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“…Coming to a dress shop?”

“Catherine.” His remark made me intimidated unknowingly. It felt like he was frustrated at dealing with me who was asking questions like a child. This was why Haniel thought that Lady Melleo was more affectionate as compared to this man.

“What’s going through your mind right now?”

“Nothing. It’s just that according to my logic, your important thing is…”

“I thought that you, who would be standing right beside me at the upcoming banquet, should be dressed appropriately. All of the aristocrats would have heard about us seeing each other frequently these days, so you’ll be disgracing mine and the Rohan’s family image if you don’t match up.”

He then added, “Were you planning to attend the banquet like how you usually dress?” He then silently and slowly assessed my outfit from top to bottom as I listened blankly.

I belatedly opened? up my already wrinkled dress. Thankfully the dress was black, and thus the lace and decorations on it were not as visible.

“I, is it that weird?”

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“Though I don’t have extremely elegant dresses, I think this dress is one of the best I’ve got…” I stuttered while trying hard to conceal my embarrassment and looked down at my own outfit.

However, the elegant dress behind that show window just seemed to have made my outfit look much shabbier. Right, I should just act like how Selene did earlier in the carriage!

I took a step up towards Rashid at that sudden thought. “Mm, I think I’ve put in much effort, this dress is….”


Wow, I had never imagined there would be a day that such a word would come from him. I could never expect that from a man like him.

“In my eyes.”

But, I couldn’t pretend that I didn’t hear him either. He’s the majesty! I looked at him, stunned.

Instead, he turned back toward the entrance to the dress shop and entered it. “So you should look the same to everyone else as well.”

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