I was getting that feeling just by touching its hem, so imagine what it would feel like if this dress encompassed my entire body.

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I tentatively pulled on the hem and the muted sound of fabric brushing against the air rang in my ears. Such a beautiful sound was like music to my ears, and when I laughed in excitement, another sound – the clacking noise of his shoes filled my ears.

<”Do you like it?”>

“…Ah, and I was almost done looking.”

<”I asked if you liked the dress or not.”>


Even that no-nonsense tone of his didn’t feel as intimidating in front of this stunning dress. Not wanting to act as awkward any longer, I smiled and shook my head.

“No, it’s just that I wanted to make a ribbon for Reyna with this color.”

(TL note: I can’t find 레이나 in the glossary, please fix if the spelling is wrong)


Whether he was buying my story or not, I decided to continue.

“Her face is white – then again, her entire body is white, so this type of color would fit well with her. I wonder how pretty it’d look on her…”

<”As I said, do you like it or not.”>


“Ah, I have some other dresses prepared for Your Ladyship. They’re just about done.”

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With great timing, the dress shop owner interjected while bowing her head. She pointed at a selection of black dresses hung together.

“Wow, amazing.”

“Right? You’d know if you touch it, but all of them are made with the finest fabric.”

She excitedly handed me the dress in the front. There wasn’t much difference in texture with the previous dress, but the color and design of this dress didn’t really give me the sense of amazement like before.

That being said, compared to the black dress I was wearing now, this dress was an absolute dream-like luxury.

“It’s beautiful. I think I’ll go with this one.”

“As expected, Your Ladyship has an eye for dresses! I can say with confidence that there are no dresses in the North as beautiful as these. After all, a dress that is dignified yet has so much elegance is almost unheard of.”

“…I see.”

Having such a cheerful conversation in a dress shop certainly didn’t feel bad at all.

I brushed my hair back as I turned towards Rashid, still waiting behind me.

“They’re so beautiful, your Majesty. I think I like all of them.”

<“…Is that so?”>

Slowly, yet with form.

With every step he took, the sword on his waist rang out softly.

Perhaps it was because he dressed formally today, but he was overflowing with authority, yet not in a scary way.

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<“So you like those dresses that much, hm?”>


Even his action of unsheathing the silverlight blade looked like a scene in a portrait. So much so that the thought of why he was even pulling out his sword in the first place occurred much later.

I mean, as long as he doesn’t cut me, right?


Instead, something else was cut down. Every time he took a step, the black dresses were brutally sliced into pieces.

<“Oh my.”>

Rashid’s eyes, which were looking back at the mangled remains of the dresses, looked somewhat regretful.

<“….How unfortunate. Looks like you will have to choose a new dress.”>


<“And you looked like you really loved those dresses, this is truly regretful.”>


Your Majesty, such a statement shouldn’t be spoken with a smile.

…I thought as I went into Teacher Sullivan mode for the first time in a while. I looked downwards with a solemn look, but the dress shop owner was speechless with shock, her hand covering her gaping mouth.


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<”Add those to my bill. All of it.”>

“A, all of this? Will your Majesty truly pay for all of th…”

Her sighs as a merchant quickly became cheerful in the face of potential money.

As she took her hand away from her mouth and gave a grateful look, Rashid scowled and said in an annoyed tone:

<”Then, are you saying that I, the Emperor, do not have enough morals to pay for what I’ve damaged?”>

“…Your Majesty.”

Please. If you’re going to say that, at least put away your sword.

I shook my head, exasperated, when I met his eye.

The shop owner just earned a huge fortune and all, but there was nothing for me to smile about.

As I stared at the ripped dress with pity, I said in an awkward tone:

“T, then, I’ll just have to find whatever looks the best here…”

<”Catherine, that’s enough.”>


<”There’s no time. Hurry and pick one.”>

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You say that, but why are you nodding towards a certain dress behind you?

Only he could ever have one’s words and actions so different from each other.

I of course knew what dress he was talking about, but that dress was too extravagant for me.

Even if it was for the banquet of his Majesty, for a woman whose husband died not even a year ago, it was far too luxurious.

“Your Majesty, then if we go to another place we may be able to find another black dre…”

<”You and your black dresses.”>

How annoying.

Wearing a face of disapproval, he gently pushed on my back. Surprised at his touch, I bounced a few steps forward and found myself in front of the crimson purple satin dress that flowed like water.

<”Just tell me one thing. Whether you like the dress, or not.”>

“I do, I really do. It’s just…”

<”Then what seems to be the problem?”>


<“Do you still miss the deceased duke?”>

This time, he asked in a nervous, hurried tone – quite unlike himself.

As he silently prodded me for an answer, I turned my gaze away from the alluring dress in front of me.

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