Either start it or end it! No. She wasn’t asking him to do anything, but she meant——-Anyway, if he made the mother of a fine child a little bothered, the sin is obvious. It wasn’t——

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“Why are you being like this again?” She glanced at the grinning Selene and pushed her butt. She was as good as she was yesterday and she got completely revived in one day which made her feel so energized.

“Am I really lucky? It felt good to be with you again.”

“You did something wrong again, didn’t you?”

“Oh, what do you mean by that, My Lady? Are you doubting my loyalty to my mistress?”

“If you hadn’t said that, I would have believed it.”

There must be something. Come to think of it, Selene’s behavior was as suspicious as hers. Maybe, it was because she lost Haniel yesterday while she had fallen asleep and she felt down about it. Now that she saw it, she seemed too obedient. “Now that you’re here, I believed in you from the beginning.”

“You? Believing me?”

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Who was the one who threw herself into the lake for bringing Haniel? She shrugged as her mind brought back old memories, but Selene continued clinging to her legs. This duck’s shamelessness was unrivaled.

“People would say that I am a kite that has fallen off the string after I stood up for the madam but they will find out sooner or later who the real winner is.”

“Can you please elaborate so I can understand? What do you mean by a kite with a broken string?”

“That was until yesterday. The game has changed now.”


Hey! She wasn’t in the position to laugh  ‘fufufu’ as if she was some kind of a scheming girl instead of a duck.

[Please stay away from me.]

She tried shaking her foot, but it was impossible. In the end, she gave up first and rested her chin on it again. As she looked at the disturbingly pretty box, she started tickling her toes.

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“Madam, why don’t you try that on?”

“What’s the use of wearing them?”

“Your Majesty chose it himself and sent it to you. If you don’t wear it, your Majesty may cut them all down again.」

“Thank you very much.” For pointing out that he’s a tyrant. Other men would be sad or upset but Rashid preferred getting even after destroying them or setting them on fire. As she predicted the man’s next move even if he wasn’t there, she laughed out loud.

“You know, Selene——-”

“If you’re thinking about asking me, ‘What does it mean when a man gives you this?’ Stop it. You will have to face my wrath if you do.”


Sorry. Selene’s beak touched her knees. It had already gotten to this point so she couldn’t ignore it anymore. How could she manage to know everything in that complicated man’s head if this kind of situation derives more questions? The noble emperor of Rohan had no intention of killing her and he didn’t hate her too much, and——

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“Ah, this beauty!”

What to do with this cursed beauty? Whether Selene was indignant or not, she covered her face with both hands again.

This girl really—— There were occasional moments where she was startled, but now it was really clear. She didn’t know anymore. If she stretched out, this place could become the ‘reading point’ where she had felt angry countless times.

“Madam, what are you hesitating about? You said you need to gain strength anyway.”

“Yes. I did.”

“Are you hesitating because you’re afraid that you’re using Your Majesty?”

“I am?” She must have read a lot of things in the past. She snorted at Selene, telling her not to say nonsense. No matter how interested the man might seem to be, there were things to be mistaken about and things that shouldn’t. To think she was using Rashid, it would have been cleaner to trick Tenon, instead.

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“Don’t even talk nonsense. Do you think I would do that?”

“Then what’s the problem? ‘Alas! How dare you, the noble Emperor——’ Is it something like this?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“That wouldn’t make any more sense,” She laughed heartily.

“Honestly, I don’t have money but don’t I have beauty? I don’t want to be bothered anywhere. To be honest, if he treats me with money like how he does with Lania, he wouldn’t be able to stand next to me right now.”

“Ah. Since you’re like this, I think you’re getting along with His Majesty more and more!”


Selene’s sincere admiration felt like a curse but it doesn’t matter because it was actually true.

There were many days where she was hidden in a black veil and she already had enough. She hadn’t been able to polish her appearance because of that.

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