It was a bit weird to use this as a comparison to that beautiful Winter Palace, but just like Selene had said, I really felt no different from going to the slaughterhouse to be killed.

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“I have to go. Before the executioner comes chasing after me with a sword.”


“Duchess, you have come. His Majesty is waiting for you.”


The viscount I’d seen last time greeted me completely unsurprised. Apparently, the Emperor had also been anticipating my visit.

‘This is probably obvious.’

There was no way a man, who had been badgering me to pay back my debts to him, would send those gifts for no reason.

He probably meant for me to come voluntarily as soon as possible.

Even as I had tutted at that man’s clear ulterior motives, I had ended up coming here anyways.

‘Now, how much will he trouble me this time?’

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Since I owed him my life, which was the scariest kind of debt out there, what else could I say? The sole remaining hope I had was that he did not seem like he would kill me.

When I thought of his wet face I had seen inside the lake, my chest tightened endlessly.

“Your Majesty, the Duchess of Evendell has visited.”

“…Let her in.”

Actually, hearing his voice beyond the grand door settled my nerves. If I thought about it, I had already hit rock bottom with him before.

I’d already touched his chest several times, though it hadn’t been intentional, both of our bodies had been completely drenched, and that man’s sister had become my daughter, so the family tree got twisted, too.

But so what. If he yelled, I would listen carefully, and if he raised his sword, I would beg.

“Greetings to the Great Emperor, Your Majesty, who is protected by the Supreme Lord Therez.”

“So you’re here.”

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His appearance, however, which was a little different from what I’d expected, made me falter from the entrance.

I had braced myself for him to start yelling or flash his sword at me from the get-go, but for some reason, Rashid was sitting at a table.


What the. What’s with this normal appearance.

Of course, he had a much too extraordinary face to be considered ordinary, but as someone who’d seen everything that should and should not be seen, this image of him was the most novel.

To think this man could sit there so mildly like that without yelling—the more you live, the stranger things you see.

Though I’d definitely have nothing more to ask if he let me live even longer from now on, too.

“Why aren’t you coming in?”

“Oh, yes.”

Though the way he covered up the documents he’d been looking at was aloof, his voice was as sharp as usual.

I hastily went to his side and bowed my head, but even that seemed to annoy this man.

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“….what are you doing?”


Can’t you tell? I’m expressing the epitome of humility itself with my entire body.

Standing there with my two hands neatly gathered together, I was the very model of ‘apology and atonement,’ minus the kneeling.

To be honest, none of what had happened so far had been intentional, but the recipient had been the Emperor.

And a tyrant-in-action Emperor at that.

“Didn’t I ask you what you were doing?”

“…..It is impossible for Your Majesty to have good regards for me. From the way we were first entangled, to the way you fell into water because of me.”

“Weren’t there more things than that?”

“A-anyways, you’ll never let me go as it is now.”

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So you do know.

At his low murmur to himself, my face became even more solemn.

I had no idea how I always ended up being alone with the Emperor, but I’d really hardened my heart as I had come.

“Go on.”


Look at that evil expression of his.

The frosty glint in his eyes was enough to kill any hope I had, and I gulped.

This wasn’t a debt that could vanish if I postponed it, and he wasn’t a man who’d let it go either.

For the time being, I’d deduced that he wasn’t going to kill me at least, so settling the debt as quickly as I could was the only answer.

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