Were there any schedules that are not recorded on the record?

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To find out the answer to this, Noel went to the butler and asked.

“Has Father been to someone’s birthday party recently?”

“I don’t know. It doesn’t seem to have happened after he was married. May I help you?”

As if the butler was trying to figure out something, Noel quickly turned his head.

“Oh, it’s fine if you don’t know.”

It seems that he went without the butler knowing it.

Now what? Concerned, Noel remembered the existence of the ‘aide’ written in the letter.

It was his father’s ‘aide’ who had a conversation with the person in the letter.

“If I go to the Imperial Palace, will I be able to meet my father’s aide?”

“If it was him, he followed the Duke to the Duchy’s estate.”

Noel’s face fell with blatant disappointment.

Who in the world is that person?!

“Young master.”

“. . . Uh, huh?”

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“If you have any questions about the Duke, you can ask me honestly. Maybe it’s a story I know, isn’t it?”

Noel listened to the butler’s proposal carefully for a moment.

But he soon shook his head.

No, he couldn’t.

Because his father didn’t even record it.

As the Duke’s representative, Noel had a duty to protect his father’s secret.

“I, I don’t have anything special to ask. I just want to know everything about Father.”

“That is a pleasure. If you ever need my help, just let me know.”

Noel nodded his head in affirmation, but had no desire to discuss this with anyone other than Rieta.

* * *

Contrary to Noel’s rotting inside, his reputation inside the mansion was improving.

“Young Master Noel has been looking at the Duke’s documents frequently lately.”

“The other day, he said that he had organized the periodic report for the Duke himself.”

“The Duke will also be reassured.”

“Aahh, it’s almost like he’s working as a real Duke.”

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If it was the normal Noel, he would have been pretty arrogant about hearing good words about himself.

But now, he was not happy at all to hear such a story.

That was probably because he couldn’t even find out who the sender of the letter was.

The idea that it might have been someone from the post office was completely false.

As it turned out, all those who were important enough to enter the Imperial Palace were married.

Time flew by quickly as Noel pursued the other person so passionately.

Noel was now feeling somewhat terrified of his father’s return.

It was because he was deeply obsessed with the idea that before that he had to find the sender of this letter.

“If I can receive just one more letter!”

He looked at the thick paperwork in front of him with scorching eyes.

“I researched places where daffodils are grown among the residences of the capital city. Among them, I also compiled a list of ‘unmarried women allowed to enter the Imperial garden’.”

At this point, Rieta had gained a deep respect for Noel.

It was a talent to be able to be so obsessed with something.

“There will definitely be hints about the other person in the next letter. If I sort it out one by one, it will become clear who they are. It is only a matter of time before we catch the culprit.”

Noel also raised his chin slightly, imitating the lead in the mystery novel.

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So Noel was the first to run when the postman arrived every day.

However, no more letters arrived than this.

Still, Noel did not give up and looked forward to the next day.

The morning of the day when all ten days of the Duke’s absence had passed.

Noel overslept for the first time since his father left.

He wanted to get up early, but his limbs were as heavy as stones tied to them.

. . . I need to get ready.

He was told that his father would be back by lunchtime.

‘But I’m too sleepy.’

In fact, he never imagined that even when his father left for the Duchy, he would have had ten hectic days like this.

He thought that every day he might cry, worrying and missing his father and older brother . . .

Just by tracking the sender of the letter, the ten days were filled with intense enthusiasm.

In the end, though, I couldn’t figure out who it was.

But maybe he would find out later when his father’s birthday comes.

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“Because she said she would kiss him in return . . .”

Noel blushed again as he mumbled the word ‘kiss’.

Anyway, it was so very embarrassing to say such a thing.

He didn’t know why adults do that. What was so good about it?

Noel grunted, tossed and turned, and the door just opened.

“Young master.”

It was the butler. It must have been that he had come to see him to prepare to meet his father.

“I know, I’m coming.”

“Not that.”

The butler wrapped a shawl over Noel’s shoulder, which had gotten up.

“There is someone who wants to see you quickly.”


“Yes, they came here saying that they received an order from the Duke’s representative. Shall I bring them in?”

The butler didn’t bother to reveal who the other person was, because the person who came to Noel was already standing outside the door.

Noel looked at the person standing in front of the door with sleepy eyes.

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