Wang Dafu smiled stiffly and said, “We are all a family, and we all recognize our father’s handwriting. Besides, even if there is no letter, we still believe what the little sister said.”

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The patriarch nodded and asked Mrs. Wang to take out the letter.

Everyone compared it together, and it was naturally identified as true.

“That room should belong to Baoyun. Although your family has been separated for many years, you can still empty one room, right?”

Mrs. Zou and Mrs. Zhao pretended to be poor before. They were bullying Mrs. Wang for not returning home for many years and not knowing what was going on inside. However, several uncles were getting old and became sophisticated, so they were not so easy to fool. The two didn’t dare to lie again.

“Naturally, it can be given.” Wang Dafu said with a smile, “However, you also know that the two rooms in the family are now very populated, and we didn’t know in advance that the room was left to the younger sister by the parents. It is given to the daughter-in-law earlier to live in. If my little sister wants to live in it, we have to clean up for a few days.”

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The patriarch was invited by Wang Shu, and before he came, he felt that Mrs. Wang was making a big fuss—it was just a room, and the Wang family brothers were so rich, how could they possibly want something like that from her?

But Mrs. Wang was the most beloved child of the two elders of the Wang family, and the patriarch still had old love in mind.

He didn’t expect these two brothers to actually dare to say that in front of their uncles. It was conceivable what kind of face they had toward Mrs. Wang in private!

Mrs. Wang was not very surprised, because a few hours ago, Gu Yin said to her, “Although my mother has a handwritten letter from my grandfather, there is no guarantee that they won’t give some excuses to delay, or that the family can’t vacate the room, or that the room is old and needs time to repair. If you invite your uncles to be the masters, as long as they keep dragging them, the uncles are all old, they can manage the uncles for a while, but can they do that for a lifetime? Why don’t we just convert it into cash, and buy a small courtyard, far away from them?”

It was also Gu Yin’s idea to invite the elders of the clan to come forward, and after saying something like that, Mrs. Wang saw that she was becoming more organized in what she was doing and speaking. Thanks to her thoroughness before, she followed her advice.

Unexpectedly, they really did what her daughter-in-law thought.

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So Mrs. Wang was not surprised, only said, “Big brother is right, so I won’t even think about living there. Why don’t you convert that courtyard into silver and give it to me?”

The patriarch’s expression darkened slightly, and he nodded, “Yes, since the room cannot be vacated, you can turn it into money and hand it over to Baoyun. This will also save the juniors in your house from moving around.”

Sister-in-law Zhao couldn’t help muttering, “How old is the courtyard, how can an old courtyard be converted into silver?”

“Really, but I didn’t ask you, did I?” The patriarch looked at Mrs. Zhao unhappily, and even Mrs. Zou, who wanted to help, chose to keep her mouth shut.

Mrs. Wang also looked at the two sisters-in-law and sneered, “I don’t dare to ask for more, just convert it to me at our market price. But let’s talk about the ugly, the courtyard that my parents left for me back then was new. Now that it is dilapidated, even if it has been a long time, this depreciation cannot be counted on my head. “

Finally, the patriarch came forward and said a compromise price – twenty taels of silver.

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Ten taels of silver were enough for ordinary people to eat for a year. Twenty taels were not a small sum.

But the entire Wang family’s house was worth hundreds of taels. The big courtyard on the north side had two hoods and a small patio. If a small kitchen room was built in the yard, it would be separated into a small yard. Although it was small, it was in a prosperous area. It was very common to sell for dozens of taels.

Of course, that was an ideal state. The reality was that the two elders of the Wang family only mentioned the courtyard in the letter, not the land. The ownership of that well was still under discussion, and the brothers of the Wang family would not let her separate the wall, and Wang Shu had no money to build the wall, so the patriarch said the number twenty-two.

Naturally, the two members of the Wang family were reluctant, but the patriarch said something, and the price was really fair, so they could only smile with a bitter face and hand over the money.

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The patriarch was also a fair man, and he wrote a contract and let Mrs. Wang put her fingerprints, indicating that the courtyard had been sold to the two brothers.

After finishing, the Wang family’s two husbands and wives had strange expressions on their faces, but with their uncles, it was not easy for them to show it. Wang Dafu had to put on a smile and invite the group of uncles to stay for dinner.

At the back of the table, the patriarch talked to Mrs. Wang, asked her about her situation over the years, and asked how she was lucky enough to survive the flood unscathed.

The previous question was easy to answer, and Mrs. Wang directly told the uncles about the suffering of these years.

The following question was also asked by Mrs. Zou to which she answered that it was luck.

To the patriarch, it was not easy to get rid of it with just a single sentence, so Mrs. Wang cried both truthfully and falsely, “A month ago, I heard that my husband and eldest son were gone, and I had nightmares all night long. One night, I dreamed of my son’s father, and he kept telling me to take the children away in the dream. When I woke up, I felt uneasy, so I left with the children, and then I avoided the catastrophe.”

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