“Alright. Satisfied?”

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“Yes. You promised? You have to keep it right?”

“Yes. I can’t help it that you want to receive my letter so much.”

“. . . Huh?”

Rita felt something strange, and she mumbled back a question in a daze.

“Why are you so flustered? You’re asking for me, when I write a letter to you, to please write it kindly.”

“No. It’s not . . .”

Rieta hurriedly waved her hand.

“What do you mean, then to do so when I write a letter to Father?”

“No, not that.”

“If not, then what?”

“I’ll tell you later . . .”

Rieta didn’t know what to say about the ‘female lead’, so she thought for a moment.

“I, I’ll tell you later . . .”

The story that started after a while was much slower than usual.

But it wasn’t particularly awkward.

It must be because the sound of rain filled the place where the story stopped.

“It’s a story about a very later time, when Noel becomes someone.”



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Rieta nodded her head and looked at him again.

“There is only one person that stands out among all people.”

“That’s me. Because I am a great Lord.”

Rieta laughed a little at Noel’s answer.

Well, he was still young.

“Umm, of course, Noel is also a person who stands out, but I mean.”

Rieta put her knees up for a moment and leaned her face gently.

“There will be people who will make it particularly difficult for you.”


“Yes, you’ll feel great one day, but hurt the next . . .”

Suddenly, Noel was quietly listening to Rieta’s story.

“Sometimes different emotions are felt at the same time, so it can be difficult, not knowing how to deal with it.”

“. . .”

“Because of the confusion, Noel might end up being annoyed with the other person for nothing.”

Noel almost screamed, ‘How did you know!’ unknowingly.

In fact, while watching Rieta asleep a while ago, he had such complicated thoughts.

Moreover, because of the chaos, he was even annoyed with Rieta.

To that extent, all his symptoms were consistent with Rieta’s description.

Unaware of his surprise, Rieta’s explanation continued.

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“Even if you don’t understand the other people, you have to write a letter to that person in a friendly way. All right?”

“. . . Who is that person, why should I do that?”

Noel mustered up some courage and asked a question.

He wondered if he could find out the true nature of the thoughts that disturbed him.

“Who is it?”

Then Rieta lifted her head and smiled broadly.

“The person Noel loves.”


“Well, it’s too early to say anything like that yet.”

After thinking for a moment, Rieta decided to change the female lead’s description.

“The one who will make Noel happy.”


“Of course, Noel will also make the other person happy.”

Rieta gently stroked Noel’s face as he looked somehow shocked. She smiled playfully.

“Anyway, that’s a very later story.”

“No, right now, I-”


“. . . No.”

“It’s okay if you don’t tell me everything right away. I will always be by Noel’s side.”

Rieta let the hand that was stroking Noel’s cheek fall.

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“I have to go back to my room now. What if we oversleep tomorrow?”

Rieta got up first and held out her hand to Noel.

“. . . That’s fine, I can get up on my own.”

He got up grunting, and walked toward the window.

He had to close the curtains again.

But it would be very dark like before.

Noel pondered for a moment before reaching out to Rieta.

“. . . Hold my hand?”

“I can walk alone.”

Then Rieta returned what he had said a while ago in a similar way.

He became grumpy for nothing and closed the curtains without notice.

The sudden darkness that came, made everything in this world disappear.

As if nothing but the sound of rain remained.


Rieta’s bewildered voice was heard from a little far away.

“You stupid Princess.”

Noel opened the curtains again.

A soft light came in and lit Rieta’s face.

The tears on her ugly face were even more vivid, making her look even worse than before.

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“You said you could walk alone?”

“I didn’t know it would be this dark.”

Noel’s words, ‘Because you’re really stupid,’ were swallowed before he could say them.

Didn’t Rieta tell him a little while ago?

Don’t be annoyed for nothing, be a little more kind.

Of course . . . that was about the letters, but anyway.

Noel held out his hand again.

“Hold it.”

Although he did not speak in a friendly tone, he did his best.

At least he put up with calling her stupid.

Rieta quickly grabbed Noel’s hand.

But she still asked the question with a worried face.

“But it was very dark . . . Are you okay, Noel?”

“Of course. I can walk around this mansion with my eyes closed.”

He reassured Rieta with an exaggerated story, and pulled the curtains back.

As it got dark again, Rieta’s hand held him a little tighter.

Our Princess is really afraid.

Noel made his way through the black darkness at a slower pace than usual.

Soon, Rieta hurriedly followed him.

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