“Will you come? Elisha?”

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“Of course.”

“Sir Jenkins, would you like to come over?”

“Is the Duke coming too?”

“Of course.”

“Heh, I don’t even want to smile when I see that guy’s face.”

Sir Jenkins nodded, but Rieta now knew one way to change his mind.

“But my birthday cake is a chocolate cake.”

“Hmm . . .”

“It’s a chocolate cake thick enough to stick to your teeth.”

“I can’t help it. The older I get, the more I crave sweets. No, if I don’t eat, my body will hurt.”


“I can’t help it. Just think of me eating medicine. I would hate to see that Duke again!”

“Of course I know.”

Rieta smiled softly as her shoulders shook slightly.

Even if he said this, obviously, the Duke and he will be drinking until late at night.

They would spend the whole night debating on ‘Who did Victoria like more?’

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* * *

On the way out of Jenkins Mansion after delivering the invitation, Rieta asked the coachman for his consideration, and told him that she would walk to the front door of the mansion.

With Elisha.

“You must be cold.”

Although Elisha was worried, he seemed to be happy with his walk with Rieta after a long time.

“It is almost spring now. It’s okay.”

“No. Whether it’s the Kingdom or the Empire, spring seems to come only after the Princess’s birthday.”

Elisha pointed to the snow piled up in the corner of the garden as proof.

The remnants of winter that have not melted because the wind is still cold.

“Yes, I guess so.”

Rieta took a step closer to Elisha.

“Then we’re leaving next spring.”

Rieta would turn fifteen on her birthday.

And she would be sixteen in one more year.

“Sixteen . . .”

It was strange that she was approaching an age that had seemed so far away when she was young.

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“Yes, actually. By the time I turned sixteen, I thought I would be perfectly adapted to living in the Empire.”

But the reality was different.

No matter how much time she spent living in a foreign country, it never felt as comfortable as her own country.

The label of  ‘foreigner’ never disappeared.

“But I don’t think it’s any different from when I was a kid.”

“The Princess has changed.”

Elisha said that without a second thought.


“At least you understand what I’m trying to protect.”

Elisha recalled the eleven-year-old ‘Rieta’.

The crybaby Princess used to cry, saying, ‘I can’t run away while Elisha is fighting.’

But as time went on, she began to search for answers for what was the right thing to do.

Although she must have shed countless tears during that time, Rieta did not stop her efforts to get closer to the right action.

Elisha stopped his steps abruptly.

It was a pity to see the end of the garden.

After passing it, it would take a week before he can meet Rieta again.


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He dared to think of an excuse to hold on to his master.

Fortunately, something caught his eye. It was the watchtower.

“Would you like to see a high place?”

Following his pointing hand, Rieta’s head moved.

“Well, if Elisha promises not to jump while holding me.”

“Of course. The tagging game is over.”

Elisha began to take a few steps ahead, and Rieta followed closely behind.

They made their way through the cobbled streets, and arrived in front of the watchtower and asked the guard for permission.

“May I help you?”

Elisha said so in front of the distant stone steps, and Rieta shook her head.

“Elisha is overprotective of me.”

But if she refused like this, Elisha would be offended, so she decided to hold out her hand a little.

“You just need to hold my hand next to me.”

“It is an honor, Princess.”

He took her hand very carefully.

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Like someone holding Rieta’s hand for the first time.

That was the interesting thing about Elisha.

Rieta climbed up the bumpy stones one by one.

It didn’t look very tall, but before she could even arrive at the top, she was out of breath.

Even though she thought she was training her body quite well.

“Would you like to rest?”

Elisha, on the other hand, did not experience any change in complexion.

If she showed her weakness like this, wouldn’t her dignity as a master disappear?

Rieta clenched her lips and climbed the stairs a little more.

As they climbed to the highest point, the first thing that caught their eye was an open view.

The garden of the Jenkins family, which Victoria Mayer loved, could be seen at a glance.


Rieta ran to the end of the watchtower at once.

“There are not tall-enough safeguards. Please do not get too close.”

“It’s okay, I won’t fall.”

Rieta looked back at him and smiled broadly.

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