No, she couldn’t sleep.

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It clearly seemed like her head was drowsy and sleepy, but it only persisted in that bizarre state of wakefulness. There was no sleep.

Rieta blinked her eyes, still lying on the bed.

What to do?

It was rather painful for her to spend time trying to fall asleep.

Rieta renewed her mind, and she began to count sheep one by one.

Thinking that she had to pay attention to count the sheep properly, she reassured herself that she shouldn’t toss and turn.

If she laid still, she might be able to fall asleep quickly.

However, the sheep therapy was not very effective either.

After a few minutes, Rieta noticed that she had 100 sheep already.

“. . . 101 sheep.”

She carefully added one more sheep.

She sighed deeply.

What time was it now?

It had been a while since the maids left the room.

Rieta stood up for now, thinking that she should go see the Duke and Sir Jenkins.

Because she was kind of bored.

At times like this, it would have been nice to have Noel.

Rieta turned her head to look at the door.

Exactly the narrow gap between the floor and the door.

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Noel and Rieta used that narrow gap to chat, several times.

It was the only act in this world that had the power to shorten a long night.

It was fun.

Just thinking about what words will come back and what words should be written down.

. . . Hng.

But Rieta soon turned her head away.

Because she somewhat hated recalling good memories of Noel.

Besides, it didn’t make any difference that she now recalled something she once enjoyed.

Because the boredom didn’t go away.

Let’s go to sleep soon.

It would be good to count the sheep until the field was full.

“102 sheep . . .”

Baa. The 102nd sheep met the other sheep.

“103 sheep.”

And 104, 105 . . .

Slowly, the voices counting slowly began to mix with sleep.

“1. . . 43 . . . sheep . . .”

Rieta fell asleep slowly with her lips slightly opened.

It was such a deep sleep that she couldn’t see or hear anything.

Maybe she would fall asleep, not moving until morning.

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Unless there was something in the way.


Then, suddenly, in Rieta’s ear, the sound of something hitting the wall was heard.

That was weird. The sheep should be on the field

Rieta thought so in her sleep, and again she tried to fall asleep.

Pat, pat.

But she frowned slightly at the sound she heard again.

What kind of sheep was making sounds at this hour?

Pat pat.

This annoying noise continued.

At the same time, Rieta’s mind, which had fallen asleep with difficulty, awoke little by little.


Rieta’s eyes widened at one more sound.

“What the hell?!”

She screamed in the empty room and jumped up.

The imaginary sheep in the field ran away too.

Rieta looked around the dark room.

In order to find out what the sound was that interrupted her sleep.

But she could no longer hear the noise that had tormented her sleep.

“. . .?”

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Did she hear wrong?

In the silence, Rieta blinked her eyes and tilted her head slightly.

Wouldn’t it have been better for her to count something other than sheep?

It seemed that she even had auditory hallucinations.

Rieta lay down again, falling on the bed.

She then closed her eyes to get her to sleep.


Then the sound, which had been tormenting her for a while, began to be heard again.

“. . .”

At this point, Rieta thought that it was a little scary.

She wondered if there was a ghost that made noises only when she was lying down to sleep.

It’s not a ghost . . . That’s what Darrel said. There are no ghosts in the Duchy.

She tried her best to think, but it didn’t really work that well.

Rieta tightly closed her eyes.

Pat, pat.



Then, the sound of hitting something began to be heard, the gap narrowed a little closer.

What . . .?

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Rieta noticed one thing.

The sound was coming from one direction.

The window facing the garden, in fact.

She got up again.

Then again, the sound stopped for a moment.

It was not even a real ghost, how could this be?

Rieta cautiously got out of bed.

She walked a few steps over the soft carpet, and she stood in front of the window.

The wooden floor was a little cold.

Rieta pondered a little, then gathered up the courage to open the window.

A heavy night breeze passed over her face and shoulders at once.

As if it had been waiting all the time for Rieta to come out.

Rieta looked around for a moment.

Thanks to the lights that illuminated the garden, it wasn’t difficult for her to scan every path.

“. . .?”

There was nothing

Just when she thought this . . .

Something small flew near Rieta’s shoulder and slammed into it.

She wasn’t in a lot of pain, but still, there was some pain as a hard thing flew out and hit her.


Rieta quickly grabbed her shoulder.

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