The gatherer clenched his jaw and seemed to ponder for a moment.

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“You know.”

For a long time like that. He spoke to Rieta again.

This time, the tone showed his softened excitement.

“I’m just saying because I’m really worried. You can’t trust a man with such a smooth exterior and a dark inside.”


Rieta blinked her eyes to see what that meant, and he pointed to Noel, who was standing behind Rieta.

“Even if they’re brothers, the other one is better. It’s a little dark on the outside, but it’s smooth and gentle on the inside.”

“You punk, what are you talking about…!”

As Noel was about to rush to the gatherer, Rieta quickly grabbed him by the arm and stopped him.


“Let me go! Do you know what that guy said to me?!”

“It’s not very wrong.”


Noel screamed and turned to Rieta, who was holding his arm.

“Well, Noel. You’re kind.”

Of course, he’s usually mean.

Still, she had no reason to give him a bad evaluation when she gets help from Noel like today.

“Noel is kind, so why are you mad at that?”

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“That, that…”

Noel’s voice softened even more.

Even so, the gaze still glaring at the gatherer showed he didn’t like it.


Still, the gatherer answered Noel’s gaze with a brazen smile.

“How nice. You listen to the princess very well.”

Rieta was worried that Noel’s mean side would soon wake up like this.

“……Mister Gatherer.”

So she called him out with a sneaky tone of reproach.

Now she wants him to stop teasing Noel.

“It’s BB.”

But he doesn’t even know Rieta’s desperate heart, and he corrected his title.

“If I keep being called by my job, it feels desolate. I have a name too.”


It was a name that would be appropriate for a cute girl for some reason.

Not such a foxy man.

“Oh, you don’t believe it. It’s true.”

He took out a pass for the Academy and showed it to her.

It was clearly written ‘B.B.’.

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“Okay, I’ll be polite and call you BB. BB, can you please do that for us too?”

“Ugh, I’ll try. Princess.”

“Yes, BB. I’m Rieta. And this one…”

When Rieta tried to introduce Noel, he interrupted quickly.

“I know. The smooth and gentle, Noel.”

Noel was furious again with his teasing tone, and Rieta had to stop him again this time.

Apparently, BB was having fun teasing Noel.

Seeing him giggle by himself and having so much fun.

“Darrell said the two of us would come?”

BB nodded his head at Rieta’s question.

“And he told me to do everything you asked for.”

He pointed to the chair opposite and said, ‘Sit down’.

As Rieta sat down, BB opened his arms wide.

“Come on, do whatever you want. Bake me or boil me.”


But Rieta was silent for a moment.

Because it seemed that BB was excited.

Fortunately, BB, who understood her intentions, slowly lowered his arms and began to notice Rieta’s face.

“I heard that you recently visited the Kingdom of Liz. BB.”

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“I still have Liz’s air in my body.”

“And I know that you have crossed the border several times before, at the request of the professors.”

“Thanks to that, it became a place as familiar as the palm of my hand. The Kingdom of Liz is a good place for a variety of plants to grow.”


Rieta gulped her saliva, feeling nervous for no reason.

Her voice was strangely trembling.

Feeling her hand trembling, she grabbed the hem of Noel’s robe that was standing next to her.

“The people of the kingdom… how are they living?”

“Well, that question is too broad.”

“I’m sorry, then I’ll ask you something from the newspaper. It’s a series of disappearances.”

“I can answer that”

He changed his posture, sat down, and continued the story with a melody, as if he was telling an old tale.

“Once upon a time, there lived a very pretty girl in a village. Her beauty was so famous that everyone admired her.”


The story had just begun, and Rieta and Noel’s expressions had already darkened.

A pretty girl

From Liz.

Doesn’t it feel ominous?

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“Of course, the rumor also reached the ears of the king who lived in a large castle.”

Look, as expected.

Rieta asked with a tearful face.

“Did he order to bring that girl?”

“Yes. He had the girl brought in. Immediately.”

“Oh my God.”

It was hard to believe that he was still doing what he did when Rieta was young.

“But the pretty girl had a childhood friend whom she had loved for a long time. The two decided to run away from the vicious king.”


“The two’s parents, as well as some justice-loving villagers, decided to help them. Oh, but.”

BB tilted his head. Rieta also tilted her head slightly with him.

“It seems that the definition of justice differs from person to person. Yes, of course it is.”

“DId anyone use loyalty as justice?”

When Rieta said it, BB laughed softly for a moment.

He seemed to be laughing a little.

“‘Loyalty’ to the villagers is a word that only appears in romance novels. Little Miss Precious.”

Rieta’s face turned a little red at his teasing words.

Anyway, he continued the story.

“Someone with a different definition reported all the facts to the lord. That night. The lord was able to quietly arrest the people involved.”

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