“Lord Noel has also come.”

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Elisha was noticeably happy, and he began to walk towards Noel.

Elisha and Noel, who growled and screeched at their first meeting, have now managed to get along well.

It had nothing to do with Noel going to the military academy long ago to protect Elisha.

Since that day, it seems that a strange sense of camaraderie has developed between the two of them.

“Lord . . .”

But Elisha couldn’t even take two steps forward.

Because Rieta stood in front of him and reached out her hands to cover his mouth slightly.

“. . . ?”

Elisha was puzzled and looked down at Rieta.

Then her troubled expression was the first thing that caught his eye.

Seeing that she was constantly squinting where Noel was, it seemed that Rieta didn’t want to run into him now.


Elisha was shocked for two reasons.

One was that he acted without understanding Rieta’s mind, and the other was that he had no idea what ‘Rieta’s heart’ was.

He heard that the two maintain a good relationship . . .

“You, you see.”

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Rieta stuttered, still covering his mouth, stammered.

Seeing her eyes roll back and forth, she seemed to be contemplating how to convince Elisha.

He carefully took Rieta’s hand from his mouth.

“You don’t have to convince me. Princess.”

And he bowed his head slightly and brought his lips to Rieta’s ear.

“If you want me to do anything, I will do it.”

Even if she wanted Elisha to kill himself right here on the spot. He was able to do it without a single moment of hesitation.

If that’s what Rieta wanted.

“Then give me the orders.”

After talking up to that point, he straightened himself up again.

Then, as if waiting for her command, he looked at Rieta with a blank look.

Uh, what should I do?

On the other hand, Rieta found it more difficult.

It was because Elisha’s tone of commanding anything was too polite and heavy.

Even after she died, she couldn’t say to Elisha, “I want to spy on the woman who came with Noel.:

Because that’s an order that didn’t show a Princess’s dignity at all!

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Rieta was in trouble as she held her two hands together.

Elisha changed direction without notice.

He gently pulled Rieta’s waist, pulling her into his shadow.

“Sorry. The Lord’s gaze is approaching this way.”

“Did he find out that I was there?”

“I’ll make sure you don’t get caught.”

It’s not that they wouldn’t get caught, it’s “I’ll make sure you don’t get caught.”

Rieta laughed a little at his confident answer.

“Then please . . . No, I’m ordering you.”


“I want to observe Noel, but I don’t want Noel to find out.”

“Yes, I will make it a priority.”

Elisha said so and led Rieta to one side of the banquet hall.

They were close to the pillar, so it seemed good to hide her body in case of an emergency.

Rieta leaned her body near the pillar and she looked around her for a moment.

She wanted to find out where Noel was.

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“He’s over there.”

Elisha immediately informed her of Noel’s location.

She doesn’t know how he found Noel right out of the crowd.

Next to Noel stood the woman she had seen a while ago.

Is this the girl from the original story?

Rieta observed her appearance for a moment, thinking about whether she could match it.

Long blonde. Slightly taller than Noel and sharp eyes . . . Somewhat dark makeup.

‘Ugh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a person.’

If she’s not the main character in the original story, she might just be a girl Noel likes.

Has Noel’s ideal type changed recently?

Rieta thought of the characteristics of the female lead.

Elongated beautiful body, big eyes and a positive personality.


Rieta found something in common between the two women.

Elongated body!

That’s what Rieta couldn’t get no matter how much milk she drank!

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Noel’s ideal type didn’t change.

His tendency remained the same, and he only succeeded in creating a good mood with other women before the female lead appeared.

He must have poured out all the good skills that Rieta had taught him.

As proof of that, Noel was offering food to the woman he was with. He also chose a bunch of things that look delicious.

He’s really mean.

Rieta felt something like that.

Rieta had been to a party alone with Noel, only once before.

At the time, Noel handed Rieta’s plate with only bitter-tasting grassroots herbs.

Of course, Rieta was not the kind of rude person who frowned at the food at the banquet.

So she happily ate the grown-up food that Noel had brought.

Noel giggled wickedly as he looked at Rieta, who pretended it was delicious and swallowed it.

You did that to me!

Now, he brought all kinds of delicious things to the girl he liked.

Noel’s excessive behavior continued.

The lady didn’t even take the entire plate, but picked up the small finger food that was placed on it.

So Noel was standing by her side with the plate while she ate all of the food!

. . . !

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