“We are going to give summer vacation to the professors in charge of the princess.”

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Her sad reaction made the duke feel a little sorry.

It was because he could guess why Rieta was so passionate about knowledge.

She must have thought that when she turned 16, she should return to her country.

She must have wanted to acquire various knowledge now, for that day.

Even if it’s a bit too much.

“Ah, yes. Summer vacation…… is important. Everyone must have planned it.”

“Yes. There are even people who say that they work for that day.”

“Yes…… I guess. Because it’s precious. vacation.”

“There will be no classes for three weeks starting next week.”

Rieta is somewhat discouraged by the fact that she has three weeks of no classes.

She would have loved it in the past, but things are different now.

If she thought that she would soon return to her kingdom, she would cherish every teaching and every little phrase in the corner of the book.

“I have three weeks of freedom.”

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However, Rieta decided to try not to reveal her inner feelings if possible.

Because she hadn’t told the duke about going to the kingdom yet.

‘I always think I have to tell him, but…….’

It was difficult to say that she would leave here when she was with the kind duke.

To leave as soon as she turns 16, when she gets her rights back.

She was worried that it would feel like she’d been waiting to leave her so much…….

There was always a desire to return to Liz, but Rieta’s love for the Duchy was as deep as that.

To love it so much but to leave too.

How can she convey these contradictory words?

‘Then, I’ll have to think about that for the next three weeks given to me.’

As long as there are no assignments, there will be free time.

“And while you were free for three weeks, I’m sorry, but in fact, a request came in for the princess.”

“For me?”


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The Duke took a letter from his chest and handed it to Rieta .

Rieta accepted the letter that was handed to her with a puzzled face.

* * *

A week later, Rieta went to see the owner of the letter she had received from the duke.

She was a bit nervous because it had been a long time since she had visited another nobleman’s mansion.


However, the moment she faced ‘Everett Hewitt’ running out of her mansion, all her tension melted away.

Because he looked amazing today.

Not to mention the incredibly heavy makeup, and even the fancy dress that seems to be pouring light with every step!

Rieta took a small step back without realizing it.

“He, Hewitt. You’re beautiful today.”

As she stammered and gave her compliments, he smiled brightly and spun around on the spot.

“You can be honest. It’s too flashy. And please call me Everett. Noel calls me that too.”

“I will, Everett. Are you wearing your stage outfit right now?”

“Right. Would you like to come in? It is a humble mansion.”

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With Everett’s suggestion, Rieta nodded her head.

The mansion she followed him into was really shabby.

It wasn’t that because it was compared to the Duke’s residence, it was actually like that.

There were cobwebs on the ceiling, where even spiders did not live, that hung limply.

Maybe they didn’t have enough people to take care of that kind of thing.

“It’s a place where I can feel at ease.”

She couldn’t speak frankly, so Rieta tried to avoid his gaze.

“It’s okay if you don’t force yourself to say that. Everyone knows that the Hewitt family is poor.”

Rieta hurriedly followed him and answered again.

“Everyone knows that the Lizz kingdom is poor.”

Maybe it was an answer she hadn’t even thought of.

He opened his eyes wide for a moment, then laughed out loud.

“Come to think of it, I guess so! I am happy to have a comrade who knows the aesthetics of shabbiness.”

“Haha, I’m happy too. Oh, yes. What about your family?”

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Rieta wondered why there were no adults in the Hewitt family in sight.

“Even if you don’t, I was just about to introduce you.”

Everett paused on one side. They were in front of a portrait of an old lady.

“This is her grandmother. Isn’t she very pretty?”

Rieta nodded her head at the story he was proudly telling.

It wasn’t just out of courtesy.

His grandmother was beautiful. Including the wrinkles around her eyes carved in the direction of her smile.

“Hello. Mrs. Hewitt.”

Even in front of the portrait, Rieta greeted it familiarly.

Perhaps it was because of her habit of greeting Victoria.

“Looks like Grandmother is very happy to see you too.”

“I’m delighted to hear that, Mrs.”

Rieta looked at the portrait again and noticed something interesting.

His Grandmother in the portrait wore a necklace that seemed to be made of beads, and Everett had the same.

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