The next day it was very hot, so Rieta, Everett and Hugh decided to meet by the lake.

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Both were wearing academic uniforms, but surprisingly, Everett was wearing trousers.

When she heard the story, he said he couldn’t help it because he left the skirt in the laundry room.

At the same time, his necklace, said to have been inherited from his grandmother, was clearly visible through the slightly open shirt.

It didn’t go very well with the uniform, but Everett didn’t seem to mind.

So the three of them gathered under a big tree and read the script together.

“You are call- callous. You know . . . I’m pow- powerless to do that.”

Now it was Rieta’s turn.

Rieta knew that her reading was very poor.

If a difficult word comes out, she would stumble and her pronunciation would be strange.

Besides, the weather was hot right now, so she felt like she was sweating everywhere.

“Whew . . . It’s hot.”

Rieta couldn’t stand it and fanned her hand during practice.

Her cheeks were flushed from the heat.

“Yes, I feel like jumping into the water.”

By the time Everett had said that, the calm lake seemed to glow exceptionally.

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It seemed to be tempting the three of them.

“There’s nothing we can do.”

Hugh McLean stood up first.

He took off his shoes, exposing his bare feet and ankles.

He approached the side of the lake from the shade of the trees.

His white feet dipped into the blue waves.

The water rippled softly near his ankles.

He cautiously walked around, then smiled at Rieta.

It looked cool, she could tell just by looking at that fresh smile.

Rieta put the script down and walked up to Hugh McLean, then squatted in front of the lake.

When she dipped her hands into it, the water was very cold.

Besides, the soil she touched was quite soft.

If she stood on this kind of soil barefoot, it would definitely feel good.

The softness would tickle her toes.

Rieta recalled her memories, feeling as though she was playing with Noel when she was very young.

Perhaps they went to a lakeside to play.

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She looked up at the sweet call, and saw Hugh McLean staring down at Rieta.

“Will you come here?”

Was it a coincidence?

It was perfectly identical to the lines from the play she had just exchanged with him.

Except for the word ‘Princess’.

How should she answer? Rieta pondered a little, then answered in a playful way.

“You are callous. You know I’m powerless to do that.”

It was the original answer.

Rieta thought he would smile, but surprisingly, he was still serious.

Just like the main lead in the play.

It feels a little weird, maybe because there’s nowhere to hide.

Come to think of it, she always had a place to hide when she met Hugh McLean.

Objects such as flowers or scripts, or—


Yes, usually Noel Mayer stood firm between the two of them.

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So now, for almost the first time, Rieta was exposed defenselessly to him.

“That . . .”

After a while, he opened his mouth.

“Is it because of the Lord?”

Rieta’s smile faded.

No, it wasn’t really like that.

It was just that Rieta couldn’t go to Hugh McLean’s side.

It was difficult if she were to get her dress wet, and it was embarrassing to expose her bare feet.

Despite having a good reason, Rieta couldn’t answer, “Noel doesn’t matter.’

“Well, I can’t help it.”

Was it bothering him that she was silent for too long? He smiled and backed off.

Rieta felt much more at ease just by looking away from his gaze.

“It seems that the Princess is always with the Lord. Even in moments like this.”

The answer, ‘That can’t be true,’ lingered on the tip of her lips.

Somehow she couldn’t say it out loud.

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Why did she keep losing her words?

Rieta made up her mind, summoned her courage and barely moved her lips.

“That can’t . . .”


Something big fell over the lake, spraying water around like rain.

Thanks to that, Rieta was completely soaked from head to toe.


She wiped off the water that had risen up to her eyes and looked up to see Everett, who had already entered the water, laughing cheerfully.

He had thrown himself into the lake, splashing water on Rieta.


Rieta groaned and went straight at him.

Her shoes were wet, the hem of her dress was heavy, but she couldn’t care less about that.

She was angry at the excessive prank.

At that moment, he still smiled and started to run away to a little deeper place.

“If you don’t stop there right now, I’ll tell Princess Gabriella that you bullied me!”

The threat was very effective. Everett immediately stopped in his tracks.

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