She had been picking up marbles all day, so it was already night.

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There was no one to ask for this right now.

Even if she takes it early tomorrow morning, the play will start in the afternoon.

There was no guarantee that they would be able to make it on time.

“It can’t be helped.”

Rieta sighed, and the butler took out his glasses and moved closer to her side.

“Princess. Do you even remember the rough shape?”

“A little.”

Rieta drew out the shape of the necklace that came to mind.

“It’s not perfect, but it feels like this.”

“I see.”

He began examining the marbles Rieta had retrieved, aligning them with the shape of the necklace. with a pretty serious face.

“Do you know how to make this?”

Rieta asked.

“It’s a very slight imitation. When you live as a butler, you have to deal with the various inconveniences of the master.”

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Hearing the butler’s words, Rieta jumped up from her seat and grabbed his hands.

“Hey! Can you help me? Please. This, this necklace is very precious to Everett . . .”

Rieta’s words became rather long, and the butler sluggishly shook his head.

Rieta realized now that it was too late for him to take care of chores.

He had a hard time taking care of the mansion and assisting the Duke all day long.

It was a little shameless to ask him to take on such a trivial task.

Besides . . . This isn’t even the Duchy’s matter.


Rieta apologized as she quietly let go of his hand.

“You don’t have to apologize to me.”

He soon brought a small chair.

Was he trying to help?

“Princess doesn’t have to ask me for anything else.”

He made some marks on Rieta’s drawing of the necklace.

“On the day the Princess came, the Duke said, there is one more person I need to serve.”

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“. . ..”

“The two young masters and the Princess. They are all the same master to me. And like I said a while ago, I deal with the inconvenience of the master.”

He smiled benevolently and turned to Rieta.

“You can leave it to your butler. I will be more than happy if you give me faith.”

Hearing him say ‘your butler’ made Rieta feel a little odd.

She seems to completely belong to the Ducal family . . .

Of course, maybe it was because she heard it over and over again as Noel always said, ‘You belong to the Ducal family!’

It was true that she did not think about it too deeply.

However, when she hears the word ‘master’ from the butler who ran this mansion, she realized that she was now fully rooted in this position for the first time.

It was so strong that it wouldn’t budge no matter how strong the wind blew.

“Princess, are you okay?”

Hearing her name being called, Rieta quickly sat down beside him.

“Yes. No. I’m a bit happy.  No, I’m very happy . . .”

Perhaps that answer was amusing, the butler smiled again.

“Then I’ll keep polishing the marbles. And classify them for you too.”

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“You don’t have to do that. One old man is enough.”

“No, I want to do that too. I have my responsibilities . . . Anyway, I want to do it together.”

The butler did not object to Rieta’s offer.

“Okay. Then continue to classify the marbles. I’ll bring my tools. It would be better if the lights are a little brighter.”

He hurriedly came in with the little tools he needed.

After Rieta finished arranging the beads, she followed the butler’s instructions and helped thread the beads.

It was quite difficult for him to keep looking at the little marble, so he had to rub his eyes several times.

Still, each time he checked that the necklace was taking shape, Rieta felt a little relieved.

At this rate, she should be able to complete it by the time the Duke went to the academy tomorrow.

* * *

When Rieta opened her eyes, the surroundings had already become dark.

She jumped up from her seat, startled.

What about the necklace?!

With that thought in mind, she went to the desk, and before she knew it, the necklace the butler had completed was quietly placed in the box.

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“Whew . . .”

Rieta let out a sigh of relief.

Now all she had to do was ask the Duke to deliver this necklace.

Just then she heard a knock on her room.

Rieta answered, and soon the door opened and the maid entered.

“DId you sleep well, Princess. Aren’t you tired?”

“I’m fine. The butler?”

“He left work in the morning. He said he would go to work in the evening, perhaps because he was tired.”

He made the necklace all night long, so it must be.

Rieta was deeply sorry for forcing him to help her.

“I heard that the Princess stayed awake until dawn. If you’re tired, it’s okay to sleep more. After all, no one is in the mansion.”


Hearing the maid’s words, she looked back blankly and asked.

“No . . . one?”

“Yes. You haven’t forgotten, have you? Young Master Noel is presenting a play at the academy today.”

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