He lowered himself toward the child’s head.

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“. . . Sorry, it’s so sudden.”

Rieta apologized, to which he shook his head.

“No, it is as if I have brought about such cruel words. Forgive me.”

“It’s just, it’s true.”

“Nothing hurts more than something that cannot be changed.”

“That’s . . . true.


Rieta finally opened her teary eyes slightly and looked at him.

“Princess Rieta.”

He addressed her again. However, it was a little different from before.

Even though he used the word ‘Princess’, her name was attached to it.

Hardly anyone called her name except Noel . . . It was a lonely name.

“As you said, I am not Princess Rieta’s father.”

“I . . . know.”

“The Princess is not my daughter. She can’t be.”


Rieta took a deep breath.

It felt like there was a hole in her heart.

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“Still, I . . .”

A large hand reached over to Rieta’s head and gently stroked it.

It was warm, as if giving her comfort.

“I am always concerned.”

“. . .”

“Even the Princess’ smallest movements were a concern to me.”

His fingers continued to move through her hair.

Perhaps he was still worried about Rieta.

“And I don’t know if you know . . . You’re also a great pride.”

“. . . Me?”

Rieta looked intently.

Rieta hadn’t done anything to be particularly proud of.


“But I haven’t done anything.”

It was true. She didn’t even hold the top spot in the academy like Darrel.

She had never displayed her prowess in a hunting contest like Gabriella had.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what I’m proud of. It is just a fact that exists.”

He took a handkerchief from his chest and handed it to her.

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“Princess Rieta.”

The child took his handkerchief, wiped her face, and rolled it up tightly.

“I can’t be your father. But even so, we . . .”

“. . . We . . .”

Rieta arbitrarily intervened in his words.

She kind of wanted to do that. She feels like she knows what he would say next.

“We are not not a family . . . right?”

The words he said through her eyes full of tears were a bit cute, so the Duke smiled without realizing it.

“However, it is strange to use two negatives.”

He spoke slowly, as if he was teaching Rieta the Imperial language again.

“We are family, Rieta.”

“We are . . .”

It was such an easy thing to say, but Rieta couldn’t bear to follow through to the end.

It was partly because the words sounded so pretty, and partly because she liked that the Duke called her by her name like this.

“If I had known you would like it this much, I would have told you a little earlier.”

“Yes, I like it.”

Rieta didn’t want to leave any regrets behind in this perfect moment.

Even if it was late, or something like that.

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“I like it so much.”

He stroked her hair again.

“You know, I actually . . .”

And Rieta realized that now is the time to speak her mind.

“I came all the way here because I have something I must tell you today.”

“It seemed so. It’s something that can’t be postponed, so that’s why you must have been in such a hurry.”

Rieta nodded her head slightly.

“I told you, I came here to do anything for the Kingdom.”


“That feeling has not changed even now. The people of the Kingdom may have forgotten me, but still.”

She gripped the Duke’s handkerchief a little harder.

She was squeezing out courage from there.

“I think I should be where I need to be, and do what I need to do.”

“I see.”

“So, the day I turn sixteen and get my rights back. On that day, I, the Duke’s family . . .”

I will leave.―The words never came out. Even if they were the most important words.

However, perhaps because it had already reached the Duke’s heart, his expression darkened somewhat.

“. . . I’m sorry.”

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Rieta was worried that he might be disappointed in her.

A little while ago, they tied each other pretty together with the word family, and now she said this.

“No. I was guessing.”


“No, I knew.”

“Did you know?”

“Princess, I was also the prince of this country.”


Rieta recalled something she had forgotten for a long time.

“I know at least someone with the country’s name would think.”

“Duke . . .”

“If I were the Princess, I would have done that.”

He stopped stroking Rieta’s hair.

“As the Princess’ guardian, I respect and support all your decisions. May there be a way.”

There was so much in his answer.

Trust, support, and special affection.

Rieta was so happy that she hugged him tightly by the nape of his neck.

Perhaps he was surprised, he paused for a moment, but then he awkwardly patted Rieta on the back.

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