“I’m really going crazy.”

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Noel ruffled his hair and squeezed the sleeping Rieta’s mouth shut.

“You really should be grateful for the fact that I am a gentleman that the Empire prides itself on.”

“Uhh . . .”

There was a sleep-like talk as an answer.

“Please don’t do this in front of anyone other than me.”

“Uuh . . . huh . . .”

That answer again.

Judging by the situation, it seemed that she did not understand what he was just talking about.

Still, for some reason, he smiled. He thought that Rieta, who listened to him well, was cute and unique.

“Don’t forget not to do it even in front of Elisha or Brother, let alone other guys. It’s really, really dangerous.”

“. . .”

However, this time she gave no answer.

It was the most important thing!

Noel hated Rieta for not answering.

So he reached out his hand to pinch her white cheek for no reason.

“. . . Ung.”

Just then, an answer close to a small breath tickled his fingertips.

“. . .”

Noel quickly withdrew his hand.

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His startled heart thumped.

He squeezed his fingers tightly where her tickling breath touched.


He looked at Rieta out of the corner of his eye. For some reason, it was embarrassing to look straight ahead.

“You just answered, you heard it, right? Never forget.”

He tried talking to her again, but this time there was no reply.

Rieta was now falling asleep in earnest, even changing her posture.

“Haa . . .”

Noel was so stunned that he just stared at her.

“You’re such a worrying Princess.”

He grunted and flicked away the long hair that flowed down Rieta’s face.

He was worried that she might be uncomfortable.

And perhaps his concern was right, as a faint smile bloomed on her face as she slept.

. . . It’s pretty, really.

As soon as he inadvertently thought of it, his heart started pounding.

Noel was so startled that he quickly removed his hand.

How come . . .

Noel shook his head, brushed off any random thoughts, and jumped up quickly from Rieta’s bed.

He moved nervously around the bed several times before coming to one conclusion.

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For now, let’s get out of this room.

Just doing that will get him out of all this confusion.

However, even after making up his mind, his feet wouldn’t move.

It felt like he was missing something . . .

He somehow calmed down and took a few steps away, but in the end he looked back.

Looking back, Rieta was asleep with the most comfortable face in the world.

“Bad girl.”

As he said that, perhaps because Rieta’s breath still remained in his slightly clenched hands, he felt itchy and hot for some reason.

* * *

The next day, when Rieta opened her eyes, it was already morning.


She naturally looked at his last memory, but there was no one in her room.

Oh God, what did she do?

Rieta jumped up out of her bed.

She seemed to have fallen asleep, ignoring Noel, who had come to visit her.

Noel, is he angry?

Well, considering that vicious temperament, the answer was obvious.

Noel would have gone mad.

Rieta immediately ran out into the hallway.

The startled maid called, ‘Princess!’ but she didn’t look back and ran down the hallway.

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She even felt a little funny because she remembered her childhood.

The place she was heading to was, of course, Noel’s room.

He may have already left for the Academy, but . . .

Still, just in case.


Rieta opened the door without knocking. When Noel lived here, she always did.

Then she ran right into Noel, who was standing at the door.

“. . . !”

He stood crookedly with his arms crossed.

Like he was waiting for something.

“Noel, you’re still here?”


“What about your classes?”

“After the art festival, there’s a holiday.”

“So that’s why you’re still there, I’m glad. But why were you standing at the door? Who are you waiting for?”

“I thought a monster was coming.”


“Yes, an ugly monster thumping down the hallways in pajamas in the morning!”


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Rieta finally realized how she was dressed.

“Pajamas? When did it change?”

Apparently, yesterday she fell asleep in her dressing gown.

“The maids worked hard.”

“Um, sorry about that.”

“Is your ‘sorry’ not for me?”

“I’m sorry, so I came to you as soon as I woke up.”

Rieta strode inside, and she threw herself comfortably on the large sofa by the window.



“. . . Wouldn’t you at least have the courtesy of changing your clothes and coming here?”

“But it was Noel who came to play in his pajamas first.”

“How many years ago are you talking about?”

“I remember it like it was yesterday.”

Saying that, Rieta smiled, and the stinging sunlight shone down behind her.

It was probably going to be hot today.

“Everyone should know that you are this kind of person. Everyone just thinks you’re a pretty Princess.”

He grunted, but eventually took his hairbrush and combed her tousled hair.

The way he gently untangled the tangled parts was quite delicate.

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