“Not small.”

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“Oh, is that so?”

He tapped the calluses on Rieta’s fingertips.

“How did you get so many calluses from holding a pen?”

“I held it normally.”

“How do you do it, show me.”

“Like this. Doesn’t Noel do this too?”

“Hmm, is the pen stand weird?”

He went over and fiddled with Rieta’s hand, until finally he was holding it completely in his hand.

It was so natural that it went on like that, and Rieta didn’t even have the time to argue, ‘Why are friends doing this to each other!’

Besides, she decided to classify today’s outing as a ‘date’, for the butler’s sake.

Maybe it’s better to just allow this much.

Just because they were on a date doesn’t mean they’re in a weird relationship.

Above all, there was no way that Noel and Rieta could have a different relationship.

Didn’t they both admit that they had already seen everything they could see before?

“Come to think of it, you didn’t like that kind of thing, did you?”

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“Like what?”

“Something like history.”

Rieta tilted her head.

To say she liked it, she didn’t know. She just paid special attention because there was so much to learn.

She was more interested in it than other subjects.

“I do like it, but why?”

“That’s good.”

Hearing her question, Noel stood up for a moment and opened a small window leading to the coachman’s seat.

He was still holding Rieta’s hand, so her extended hand stretched out into the middle of the carriage.

He pointed the coachman in the direction and sat down again at Rieta’s side.

“Where are we going?”

“Imperial Palace.”

“To the palace? Without permission?”

“We’re only going nearby. We won’t go inside.”

“What is there?”

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“I heard that they organized the things they received as gifts from each country. Things like pottery and cloth.”

“Anything old?”

“Yes, old enough for you to like. Maybe there is something from Liz. It used to be a fairly decent trading country.”

“Not quite, but very important. Liz’s wheat and barley are delicious, and the production is amazing.”

“Yes, more than half of the total area of eight million hectares is wheat and barley fields.”

“Do you still remember?”

“It’s thanks to a certain Princess, it’s okay to be moved.”

It was certainly touching that he remembered even the smallest things about Liz, so Rieta grinned.

“Yes, it’s touching.”

And by the time she gave an honest answer, the carriage started to slow down little by little.

Rieta’s gaze turned to the window.

It seemed that they had arrived. Armed Imperial soldiers were often seen passing by.

Well, it was a place where gifts from the Empire were organized, so it made sense that there were so many soldiers.

“Let’s go.”

After taking Noel’s hand and getting out of the carriage, she entered the large building directly in front.

A cool wind was blowing inside.

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The reason why she felt awkward somewhere was probably because it was an environment created by magic.

The temperature and humidity must have been perfectly controlled so that the precious gifts would not be damaged.

Rieta took a cautious step.

The sound of small footsteps was exceptionally loud, so she looked up and saw that the vaulted ceiling was located very high.

“Somehow, it feels like a temple.”

As she spoke emotionally, Noel, standing beside her, replied with a nod.

“It’s not that different. After all, it’s a place where old presents are neatly organized.”

“Is it okay to put such a treasure in such a place we can easily enter?”

“Easily enter?”

“We easily . . . entered, right?”

“The only place you and I can’t easily enter together is probably the Academy.”

Hearing his words, Rieta opened her mouth.

Then Noel murmured in a low voice, “Well, you went in there too.”

“This is a place that neither McLean nor Hewitt can come on their own.”

“. . . Really?”

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Rieta asked in surprise, and he nodded with a smirk.

Judging from his appearance, it was clear that his mouth was itching to say that from the moment he arrived here.

Looking at this childish side, he hasn’t changed at all from when he was young.

While his body has grown so enormous.

Just then, an old wizard in a white robe approached and bowed down in front of the two of them.

“Hello, Lord Noel. I had been told in advance that you were coming and I was preparing.”

Judging from the number of wizards behind him, he seemed to be in a position of responsibility here.

Noel informed them beforehand?

Rieta tilted her head slightly hearing the wizard’s story.

Their decision to come here was made in the carriage, so there was no time for Noel to send someone ahead of time.


Rieta realized something and made a slightly louder noise.

Her surprised exclamation echoed high into the air.

Although she had to shut up because she was embarrassed for suddenly making a loud noise in a quiet place.

You expected me agree to come here, Noel.

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