When her fear disappeared, her usual thought circuit returned, and Rieta was able to recall one thing.

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“Come to think of it.”

She muttered as she cupped her chin.

“The sound is still coming from the same spot, right?”

That goes against what the wizard said.

Because he clearly said, ‘The statue follows the person.’

“It’s like book pages turning.”

Noel pointed out another ghost story. But Rieta shook her head.

“If it’s the sound of turning the pages of a book, it will make a regular sound.”

It’s not like these different sounds that were out of tune.



Rieta concluded that whatever the sound was, it had nothing to do with the ghost story the wizard had told.

However, she didn’t think that there would be a new ghost story.

“Would you like to check it out?”


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“I’m curious.”

Noel thought it was foolish to follow idle curiosity.

In this case, it was wise to talk to the person in charge quickly.

However, if they do that, other wizards will come to this place, and they may never experience the pleasant experience like before.

It’s not like my hands are itching to hug her again, but . . .?

Anyway, in terms of whether or not there was a possibility for the opportunity, it was better to have it.

I think I’m doing something very pathetic self-justification right now.

At the end of the complex thoughts, Noel felt sorry for himself.

It was all because of Rieta.

Unaware of his confused mind, Rieta held out her hand to him with a brightened face.

“Would Noel like to check it too?”

Noel loved the feel of those soft palms so much that he seized them immediately.

“Yes, thank you.”

Noel was a little embarrassed by the answer that came from her with a wide smile.

What was she thinking so complicatedly about?

Anyway, if Rieta could laugh like this, it would be fine.

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“As expected, being with Noel is the most comfortable and fun.”

“You didn’t realize the obvious until now?”


The two began to search for the direction of the sound with great vigor.

They thought it would be simple since it’s such a quiet place, but it was not.

The thin sound echoed throughout the storage room through the high, tightly blocked ceiling.

They passed barley jars that were said to have been sent from Liz a long time ago and looked between the storage rooms.

Then, they found a statue holding a book.

Rieta checked the hand of the statue first.

Of course, the marble page did not move.

That was fortunate, but there was one problem.

“Hmm, why do you think that statue is making noise?”

The statue did not move, but she could hear something alive and rustling.

“I think it would be less scary if the statue moved.”

It was even more bizarre that nothing was moving but there were noises.

Noel and Rieta talked for a while while hiding behind another statue.

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Just then, the rustling sound stopped.

“Are you going to get close to that statue?”

Noel asked, and Rieta nodded her head.

“If you did that, would you be able to sleep alone tonight? My brother won’t be able to put you to bed anymore.”

“Wouldn’t it be okay if I asked him to sleep until I was sixteen . . .?”


Noel raised his voice involuntarily.

Of course, he believed that his brother was the best gentleman in the empire.

That Darrel wouldn’t be unreasonable with Rieta, who was like a younger sister.

But still . . . it was kind of . . . To be honest, he has to say he doesn’t like the idea.

However, it was pitiful for the cowardly Rieta to swallow her fears all night by herself, so he decided to be generous with her.

“Yes, if you’re really scared, I can stay by your side when you sleep.”


“Yes. I can hold a coward’s hand. Until morning.”

I’ll really just hold your hand.

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At that moment, Noel wanted to pat her on the shoulder as if to encourage her.

Where in the world would there be a gentleman like this?

When the Emperor heard this, he was sure to give Noel a great medal.

“Hmm . . .”

With Noel’s thoughtful suggestion, Rieta pondered something for a while before answering cautiously.

“. . . I think it’s a bit odd for Noel to sleep in my room.”


Noel was stunned.

“It is okay for you to go to Brother’s room, but not for me to go to your room?”

“Yes, Darrel is a gentleman.”

“I am a gentleman too! I would have been a more perfect gentleman if, as a child, you hadn’t been terrified as soon as I turned modest!”

“That’s true, too.”

Rieta was well aware of the inconsistencies of her argument.

But it couldn’t be helped.

It was strange, being with Noel until morning.

It might be time for the female lead to come soon, so his reputation should not be bothered.

It would be difficult for Noel to have useless rumors clinging to him.

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