“……It’s in my hand.”

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Noel replied casually.

He soon realized that the tone was odd and he regretted it a little.

“Is that so?”

However, the emperor did not specifically point out Noel’s strange words and actions.

“Then I’ll go down first. I’m sorry for making the wizards wait longer.”

Noel bowed his head.

Rieta, who had been watching this, quickly bowed.

After the Emperor descended the stairs, Noel slumped again next to the empty cage.

No, he just lay down. It was thanks to the tension completely leaving his body.

There was nothing in sight but clouds and sky.

How far did it fly? He wondered if the bird knew the way. He was worried for a while.

It’s because he gave affection unnecessarily. To a bird he will never meet.

Noel would have been concerned about this silly bird from time to time.

Seriously, how did this happen?

As he sighed, a nasty face interjected into his clear blue vision.

“Are you okay Noel?”

Noel smirked at Rieta’s question.

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He can’t be all right, can he?

There is a limit to suffering.

To think that an accident could only be resolved if the Emperor came and saved him.

“You look incredibly tired.”

“Won’t you get tired if you’re like me?”

Despite his sharp words, only a sparkling smile came.

A familiar smile he has probably seen a thousand times.

That little thing justified Noel’s foolish act today.

Because Rieta liked it so much. That’s a good thing.

Of course, this was nonsense. He must make sure Rieta.. .


Surprised by his emotions, Noel’s face hardened slightly.

After the whispered call, lightly flowing hair tickled his face.

“Oh sorry.”

Rieta apologized and tried to straighten her head, so Noel lifted his arm and gently pressed down on the back of Rieta’s head.

Let Rieta stay within his sights. A little closer.


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The surprised eyes stared at Noel for a moment.

In those eyes, there was only Noel.

It would be nice if it could be like this forever.

A spontaneous thought brought a bright light to a fact that Noel had struggled to deny until now.

‘I like…… Rieta.’

It was so certain that he wondered why he had only noticed it now.

As he put strength on his arm, Rieta’s face moved a little closer.

Her breath that touched him tickled.

What should he do when this wicked princess is breathing so hard?

He finally put his lips on the white forehead that had come closer.

Short, like passing by.

Since Rieta is an idiot who doesn’t have the slightest sense, she would probably dismiss this as ‘coincidence’.

Wouldn’t it be cowardly to do something like this by relying on her tactlessness? He thought about that for a moment, but he couldn’t contain what had already happened.

He wondered if she was surprised by the touch of his lips.

Rieta raised her body upright.

Noel’s hand, which fell naturally, brushed against her long blonde hair.

“……what s a surprise.”

As Rieta murmured softly, Noel asked, “Why?”

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“Uh, nothing.”

Seeing that she laughed and shook her head, Rieta seemed to think, ‘I must have been mistaken.’

See, as expected she doesn’t get it.

To Noel, Rieta was cute because she didn’t go beyond his expectations.

At this point, he wondered if she didn’t even notice.

That Noel just kissed Rieta’s forehead.

He smiled bitterly.

“More than that, it’s really fortunate.”

“Because the bird fly away?”

Noel raised his arm near her forehead and glanced at Rieta, who was sitting next to nim.

“Yes. For some reason it seemed happy to share its heart with Noel.”

“Of course it would. If such a nice Lord gave his heart.”

“Um, is that so?”

“So always live with a grateful heart. Rieta.”

“It’s the bird that received your heart, so why should I be grateful?”

Responding to her grunt, Noel jumped up and touched Rieta’s white forehead with his finger.

It was the same spot he had kissed a moment ago.

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“Well, the reason I did this is because of you, Princess!”

“By any chance, did you care because that bird and I because are in similar circumstances?”

Rieta asked cautiously, blinking her big eyes.

Enchanted by this, Noel unknowingly uttered his inner voice.


Of course, he quickly came to his senses and returned to the right path.

“Cute bird…, so I helped it!”

It was pathetic of him for saying nonsense, but he couldn’t help it.

This is all because he realized his useless mind.

He has a crush on Rieta Liz, who he has seen everything he could see since he was a child.

“Uh… ”

“…Noel? What’s wrong?”

He groaned as he put his head near his lap for a moment.

‘Even that figure looks pretty, what a trouble.’

Even from an objective point of view, he had no choice but to admit it, so there was no doubt that even his strong reason had been attacked like this.

“Hey you…….”


She had taken his whole childhood. How much more to rob here!

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