Darrell urged the rest of the story, and the Duke nodded as he continued.

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“Fortunately, it seems that the eldest son took over as per principle. In the case of those who were aiming for the position at will, they were disposed of on the spot in Princess Gabriella’s name.”

“Dispose in Princess Gabriella’s name……”

Darrell groaned this time as well.

It must be because his eyes went dark.

In order to punish someone in Gabriella’s name, several conditions had to be met, but those conditions were just quite unpleasant.

Either Gabriella’s life was irreversibly tarnished, or evidence of targeting her life was discovered.

In this case, it was probably the latter.

While hiding her identity and meeting the daughter of the lord, her life must have been threatened.

“They were not just trying to take away the nobility’s title in an unfair way, but they were usually the ones who seduced people by distributing illegal drugs. In conclusion, Princess Gabriella’s punishment was right.”

“I’m worried that Princess Gabriella’s way is rough. It is fortunate that His Majesty did not collapse after receiving the letter.”

“I managed to stop him from running to the estate right away.”

The Duke’s face looked very tired when he said that.

“Instead, I had no choice but to support his decision to call off Princess Gabriella’s tour and call her to the capital.”

“So did Princess Gabriella say she is coming back?”

“Even if she doesn’t want to, it won’t be helped. Because it is imperial order.”

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“I see. Gabriella is coming back…… to the capital.”

Darrell muttered quietly, then smiled.

The reason the Duke gathered them together and talked like this came to light.

“There must be a banquet. A banquet to celebrate Princess Gabriella’s safe return.”

“I see.”

“With the meaning that we, her cousins, fully support Princess Gabriella in a grand gesture.”

The Duke nodded.

After the tour, the successor will climb the steps to become an emperor in earnest.

In response, if her cousins from the Duchy showed support for her, Gabriella’s position as princess would be further solidified.

“Don’t worry, Father. If you tell me the date, I will prepare it perfectly.

Responding to Darrell’s answer, Rieta murmured, ‘…Autumn.’


Soon all three men’s eyes were on Rieta.


Rieta quickly flipped her hair and shook her head.

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“Sorry. I’m just going over it. If it’s Princess Gabriella, I’m afraid she won’t move after the incident there has been settled and she will help them find stability. But it’s difficult to be late, so I wonder if she’ll come back in autumn……… that’s what I’m thinking.”

Actually, Rieta knows it because she had read the original story, but she can’t say that.

Rieta regretted her muttering as she lightly covered her mouth with her fingertips.

“Princess Rieta is right.”

Fortunately, the Duke didn’t seem to think Rieta was particularly strange.

After that, the topic turned to the matter of the banquet to welcome Gabriella smoothly.

“Princess, can we talk about what we talked about yesterday?”


Rieta finally realized why the Duke had called her here.

“If that’s the case… is it okay if I speak?”

“I actually think that is better.”

Rieta looked at Noel for a moment.

She didn’t really have to ask his intentions, but when Noel nodded his head, she felt more at ease.

Maybe it’s because he’s someone who has known her determination to ‘go back’ from a long time ago.

Rieta sat up and looked at Darrell.

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“I’m sorry I said it last.”

“Well, I have a bad feeling about it.”

Darrell also sat down facing Rieta and tried to smile.

He probably had a good idea of the situation.

“Perhaps what Darrell thinks is right.”


“I’m leaving for Liz. On the day I turn sixteen.”

“You are sweet. Princess.”


Rieta was taken aback by what Darrell suddenly said.

“You said ‘I’m leaving,’ not ‘I’m going back.’”

Ah. That’s what he meant.

Only then did Rieta’s complexion brighten a little.

“That’s because this is…… my house.”

Rieta replied as she looked at the Duke’s eyes secretly.

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Fortunately, he nodded and gave her courage.

“I see. Then it means that there are only a few months left to live under the same roof with Princess Rieta. That’s a bit unfortunate.”

Rieta smiled and replied to his kind words.

“Thank you for saying that. And.”

Rieta bowed her head again towards the member of Mayer family who had accepted her.

Perhaps it was because the blue bird she met today that made her realize once again how grateful she was for the Ducal family.

“Thank you for accepting me when I had no place to go.”

“Raise your head. Princess, you have probably been here from the beginning.”


When Rieta raised her head and asked, Noel answered on behalf of his brother.

“This means that the princess’s ‘place to go’ was here.”


It was a very sweet word, so Rieta smiled delightedly.

After that, the four of them chatted a bit more, then stood up to follow their respective schedules.

The Duke and Darrell go to the office for work.

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