If someone were to warn Rieta right now, it would have been right to be done by the heir to the Duchy, not the butler.

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So, the butler quietly whispered in Darrell’s ear, “Young Master.”

It was just a call, but the butler had no doubt that Darrell would understand his meaning.

That would be the case, because the sight of her jumping down with such excitement seemed dangerous.

“Oh, I see.”

Fortunately, the brilliant Darrell seems to have understood the butler’s will.

“Princess Rieta.”

Darrell held out his hands in front of him. And he made sure to say ‘I’ll hug you when you come here’.

The butler doubted his eyes for a moment.

He was wondering what the wise heir was doing.

Thanks to Darrell’s encouragement(?), Rieta’s speed increased even more.

It must have been that she got more excited to hug Darrell and came running.

The butler touched his forehead for a moment.

Come to think of it, recently, Darrell and Rieta’s relationship has begun to get noticeably closer.

Ever since Rieta announced that she would be leaving the mansion after two seasons, Darrell took exceptional care and adored her.

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To be honest, they were already close before that, but lately it’s been a bit unusual.

The butler had no choice but to realize that it was time for him to step in.

Before any accident happens.

“Princess Rieta!”

He opened his eyes and screamed in a terrifying voice.

The shouting had some effect.

“Uh, ung?”

Rieta paused for a moment, probably startled by the sudden loud sound.

But all objects were inclined to keep going in the direction of motion, and it was the same with Rieta’s body.

Even after she turned her gaze to the butler, Rieta’s body came down the stairs.

…… While stepping on the air and floundering.


Darrell and the butler ran towards Rieta at the same time.

Rieta stretched out her hand towards those who approached her.

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Of course it was to no avail. Her body soon thumped down the stairs.

The pain that seemed to ring through her body passed, and Rieta’s world began to spin.


Two days have passed since Rieta rolled down the stairs.

In conclusion, she seriously injured her right arm, and was ordered not to move for the time being.

No lifting even the lightest of objects.

She can’t even lift it because it hurts anyway.

The butler thought it was all his fault, but Rieta shook her head.

The butler had been advising Rieta to refrain from doing anything dangerous for a long time

Darrell also seemed to feel quite responsible for this.

He must have played a part to make Rieta excitedly run to him.

There was a point in that, but still, the biggest mistake was with Rieta.

She thought she should pay attention to her every move from now on.

Seeing the people who were deeply concerned about the news of Rieta’s illness strengthened her resolve.

The Duke would check on Rieta’s room every morning and evening to see if she needed anything more.

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Darrell asked the maid to bring new flowers and books every day and put them by Rieta’s side.

The Emperor also sent a letter of concern when hearing the news of Rieta’s injury and sent a pianist to play a comforting song.

Thanks to that, even when Rieta was staying quietly in bed, she was able to spend her days without feeling bored or uncomfortable.

And the person who helped her the most would be Elisha.

He came to the Duchy, saying he would take care of Rieta, and was never far from her side at all.

“So, Adrian and the others found the first foundation.”

“Elisha, it’s okay, just read until there.”

Elisha poked his eyes out over the thick storybook when Rieta said that.

“Are you bored with this book? If so, I brought another book.”

He took out another book from his large backpack one after another.

All were books that Rieta would like.

“Ung, I think you can stop reading now.”

Elisha had already been reading the book for three hours.

It was fun because the story was interesting, but at this point, she was worried about Elisha’s throat.

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“All right. Then I will read it later.”

After he had sorted out his books, this time he took out a towel from his backpack.

“You must be hot.”

And he wiped the sweat from Rieta’s forehead.

The towel Elisha had prepared was soft and even smelled good.

“I was just sweating a little because I was nervous about the story. Elisha, you were good at reading.”

“It is because the princess is so imaginative.”

After putting down the towel, he took out a fan from his backpack and gently fanned her.

“By the way, Elisha.”


“How many things did you put in that bag?”

“I didn’t bring enough. It is lacking because I brought only the things I picked and selected among the things the princess needed. I’m ashamed of myself.”

“Is that what you have already picked and selected?”

Rieta’s mouth fell open at Elisha’s words.

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