Noel, who got caught up in Rieta’s contract, hated being taken to the hunting grounds.

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To counteract this, Noel used a slightly sleazy tactic.

He immediately ran to his father and told him that Rieta was about to leave for the hunt.

“She may need to get some fresh air. Be careful when you go.”

“…What? Do you want her to go?”

Noel asked back in surprise, but the duke did not answer the same question twice.

Meanwhile, Rieta, who had finished her preparations, was coming down the stairs wearing a wide-brimmed hat.

Snacks and drinks for Rieta were being prepared in the carriage.

Noel was very unhappy that the whole mansion was siding with Rieta.

“Noel, you haven’t changed your clothes yet.”

Rieta looked a bit disappointed when she discovered Noel still in his previous clothes.

“It doesn’t matter what I wear. You will only stay in the tent anyway, and I will too.”

“But I prefer Noel to dress nicely.”

Rieta considered Noel’s resemblance to the Duke as one of his  greatest qualities. He has to appeal to that point a lot when he first meets the female lead.

“… won’t?”

Rieta stared at him with a desperate face.

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Then Noel’s eyes began to quiver.

“Uh, that’s not it.”

“Noel swore to be the one who knows my heart best.”

Noel nodded his head without hesitation.

“Ah, alright. I’ll go change.”


He nodded his head again when she asked again with twinkling eyes.

He even found it funny because she wondered what was so good to get him to change clothes.

“Yes, I’ll dress up until you will even fall in love with it. Is that enough?”

Yes, I’m willing to do it if you want it so much. Noel shrugged his shoulders.

Rieta nodded enthusiastically when his attitude changed.

“Yes. Comb your hair nicely… Oh, that’s right. Don’t forget the perfume, too? The one Darrell picked out for you before.”

“Fine, fine. This nagging princess.”

“Be gentle.”

“I get it.”

“Then hurry up, I’ll be waiting for you here.”

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Rieta pushed Noel on the back slightly, so Noel went back to his room a little embarrassed.

When Noel came out again moments later, Rieta struck her again

“I love it. Perfect!”

She hovered around Noel, pulling her dress.

“You combed your hair well, it’s really nice.”

“Do I look nice for just a day or two?”

“Of course, Noel is always looking good. Besides, you smell really good now.”

Rieta slightly lowered her head near Noel’s arms and inhaled the subtle scent.

Calm, like a tree……

“Yes, very good.”

With her eyes closed, Rieta smiled slightly.

When the female lead is in his arms, she will definitely feel good when she smells this scent.

‘…… what is it?’

Meanwhile, Noel looked down at Rieta with strange eyes, as she was almost in his arms. He wondered if she was testing his reason right in the middle of the mansion.

‘No way, that’s impossible.’

He quickly hid his itchy hands behind his back.

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“Alright. Let’s go now.”

Rieta raised her head again.

Their faces turned towards each other.

Noel was taken aback, but he tried not to express it and took Rieta’s left hand.

“Thank you.”

“It’s nothing, I’m just keeping my place.”

Noel responded in a polite manner befitting his fancy attire.

Soon Elisha approached from the other side. He was carrying things that Rieta needed.

Rieta raised her head and smiled at him.

“Thank you to Elisha too.”

“I, too, am just keeping my place. Princess.”

“For some reason, it feels very reassuring to have two people on my side.”

But Rieta had to recall what she had said in less than a minute.

They each occupied the seat on Rieta’s either side in the carriage.

When the row was seated with two large men, the seat soon became cramped. That three people’s shoulders touch.

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“…Excuse me, why are we sitting so close to each other like this?”

Friendly answers came from both sides to Rieta’s question.

“Didn’t you say I was reliable?”

“You said I was reliable?”

But that was when they’re outside, and now they’re cramped inside a carriage and it was uncomfortable.

“Well, I wonder if it would be good for at least one of us to sit on the other side.”

Rieta tried to get herself up quietly.

But Noel and Elisha put her back in her seat almost at the same time.

“Why is the sick person moving?

“Yes, one of us can go.”

The two of them uttered similar words and began to stare at each other.

Something… The eyes seemed to be demanding something from each other.

‘Are they insisting on the other to go?’

Rieta’s eyes were filled with doubt. The seat across from her was in the right direction, so it was actually a better seat than where Rieta was sitting.

“It can’t be helped.”

As their staring contest lengthened, Elisha pulled something familiar from his bag.

It was the playing card that had plunged Rieta into the pit of hell a moment earlier.

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