“I’ll sit next to you. Elisha on the other side. There’s no place for him at all next to you!”

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Rieta tilted her head slightly when Noel decided on the seat arrangement with a serious face.

Is that important?

She decided to accept that opinion, because she had to do to go to the tent anyway.

“Yes, I understand.”


Noel nodded.

Soon after, the attendant returned with the news from the tent.

“I’ll take you inside.”

Rieta unknowingly tightened her hand that was holding Noel’s with the attendant’s words.

It was the beginning of her long-awaited moment.


In the original story, Princess Gabriela said.

‘Noel, will you stay with Vicky then?’

Noel hesitated for a moment at the familiar name.


It was his mother’s childhood nickname.

He had heard that his maternal grandfather called her that sometimes.

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Princess Gabriella, noticing this, quickly changed the name.

‘So, while we go hunting, stay by Victorina’s side. Noel.’

Princess Gabriella pronouncing the name was strange. It sounded like a foreign accent.

Soon the woman sitting next to the princess spoke without asking.

‘My mother named me in her native language. If you have trouble pronouncing it, you can call me ‘Victoria’. After all, the meaning is the same.’

Noel unknowingly squeezed his clothes.

He was angry at the woman who asked him to call her ‘Victoria’ so lightly.

For the name was not so simple to him.


When Rieta’s brief thoughts were over, the tent opened.

As she entered, there were two people waiting in front of her.

“Princess Rieta.”

Hugh McLean spoke first. Rieta approached him.

“Hugh McLean. You’re dressed nicely.”

“I thought maybe I might run to Princess Rieta at the hunting ground.”

“… It seems that you are becoming more and more proficient at lying.”

“It’s not like that. But seeing Lord Noel, I guess he should have paid more attention.”

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He approached Noel as well and said, “You are more cooler today, Lord Noel.”

Rieta held back what she wanted to say, ‘That’s right. Our Noel is so much cooler! ‘.

Instead, she approached the woman who bowed her head in front of her.

“Nice to meet you.”

Soon her description in the novel came to mind.

The novel referred to her as a beautiful young lady with apple-like red hair.

Until now, she thought it was simply an expression of her ‘hair color’, but when she met her, it wasn’t necessarily that.

It was the freshness on her face as she slightly smiled towards Rieta that was reminiscent of a pretty fruit.

‘She’s really pretty.”

While Rieta was honestly admiring her, the woman also greeted her.

“Nice to see you. Princess Liz, I…”

“I know.”

Rieta cut in before she said her name.

Rieta fears that if she introduces her name as ‘Victorina Bennett’ now, it will upset Noel.

“I’ve heard. Miss Bennet, right?”

“Yes that’s right.”

“I’m Rieta Liz. Well, then may I call you Miss Bennet?”

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“Of course!”

With the titles simply sorted out, Rieta sighed in relief.

And now the fateful moment had arrived.

Rieta took a step back as she embraced her pounding heart.

Soon after, Victorina bent her back toward Noel. With an impeccable, flawless etiquette.

Rieta didn’t want to miss a single detail of this moment.

Isn’t that the moment someone falls in love?

That’s the start of a great heart that’s worth dedicating your whole life to!

“Nice to meet you.”

Victorina, who slightly raised her head, greeted first.

Noel’s gaze stopped on her face for a moment.

Rieta raised her hands to her bursting heart.

‘How is it, Noel? Are you in love? The person who can make you happy has finally appeared!’

In Rieta’s anticipation, Noel finally gave a small nod.

“I’m Noel Mayer.”

“Please take good care of me, Lord Mayer.”

“Uh, yes.”

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Noel answered lukewarmly and immediately looked at Rieta.

“Princess, isn’t it hard to keep standing?”

“Huh, me?”

Rieta looked at him in surprise.

Noel was staring at Rieta as if she had nothing more to do with Victorina.

‘Why?’, Rieta wanted to ask him.

She, of course, couldn’t ask that.

‘Maybe it’s because he’s shy about meeting his ideal type.

Rieta tried to think positively.

In fact, whenever Noel was embarrassed, he would slightly avert his gaze.

He must have turned his head toward Rieta because he was embarrassed to be talking to the beauty of the century.

Just in time, an attendant served tea and refreshments for the newly arrived guests.

“Give me your hand.”

He took Rieta’s hand and led her straight to the soft seat.

“Sit here.”

After she sat down, he even pulled Rieta’s dress so it wouldn’t wrinkle.

Rieta understands his intentions to help her, who is having trouble using her hands. She just was worried that she would be suspected of being in a strange relationship.

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