24 – I’ll wait. So please try a little harder

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Immediately after the hunting competition ended, a banquet was held again. Right now, it seems like the same prom as yesterday, but in many ways, it was a continuation of the events.

I heard that the tourney [A tournament, especially leading to medieval joust.] will be held the day after tomorrow.


It seemed it was to relieve the fatigue of yesterday and prepare for the next jousting match in perfect condition.


The banquet hall was buzzing. Just like yesterday, all kinds of rare food seduced people, and sweet drinks made people excited.


Everyone was boasting about what they had achieved in this hunting competition, and the princesses made the atmosphere even more heated by adding chuimsae to their boasts.

[TL: The chuimsae form of exclamation during Korean traditional music, it connects musician and audience and creates a cheerful atmosphere.]


And somehow, it seemed that there were quite a lot of eyes on me. Even though everyone was talking to their friends and family, but I could feel the eyes watching me from time to time.


Was it because I won the hunting competition or because I defeated that monster?


In any case, this kind of attention was very uncomfortable for me, so I just didn’t go anywhere and mingled with my family.


“I didn’t know you would even win… …But well done anyway.”


For some reason, along with the words of my older brother who praised me, my father also praised me.


“It’s not just that. Didn’t you save the princesses of countless aristocratic families? You even caught all the monsters. You did really well.”


“No… …I had absolutely no intention of doing that. It just happened that way.”


“Regardless of the intentions, people make judgments about people by looking at the results. Now there will be fewer people who look down on Ortaire. Also, I heard that the reputation of Princess Rodenov has gone up too.”


“Ah. Yes. you’re right. She saved a princess who was in danger with her protective magic. If it hadn’t been for Adilun, quite a few people would have been hurt.”


“I’m so glad. In many ways, there are many things to be gained from this National Foundation Day. And I heard from His Excellency Johannes that you say you’re participating in the great duel for  Rodenov this time?” Father nodded and continued. It seemed like he let go of his troubles.




“Just be careful and stay alert. Great duel is a place where you risk your life and fight, so you never know what can happen.”


“I will keep that in mind.”


“And continue to get along well with Princess Rodenov. The better you get along, the stronger the alliance between Rodenov and Ortaire will be.”


“Yes. Don’t worry, father.”


“Yes. Now, go and enjoy the banquet.”

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“I will stay here a little longer.”




“I guess… …I think I’m going to get a little tired if I go on like this.”




My father looked around and seemed to understand at once.


I’m sure my father would have seen countless eyes on me. Most of them were friendly, but as expected, there were also many people who were jealous of me, and there were also a few more ferocious gazes mixed in.


“This is true. I never imagined that you, who was an arrogant idiot of Ortaire, would become the center of attention like this.”


“So do I. Rather, I think it would have been nice to not have this much attention. It's just uncomfortable.”


“Are you saying that? Anyway, I won’t interfere with your actions from now on, so take care of yourself. It would be nice to find Princess Rodenov and span time with her. And if you find her in any difficult situation, go and help.”


“I was thinking of that anyway. Well then, I will go after a few minutes after their eyes on me go down a little.”




How long has it been? Since I was holding out among my family, their interest in me was gradually fading. I didn’t miss that chance and quickly looked for the place where Adilun was.


As a result of turning my gaze around, I saw Adilun surrounded by the gaps of various princesses.


She, too, was getting a lot of attention. Maybe it’s because she used magic to stop the monsters and protect Princess Aristata.


Thinking that it would at least be better than being exposed to hostile and jealous glances, I approached her.




“Oh, Physis.”


As soon as I approached, she smiled at me and said,


To the extent that Adilun reacted like that, I could guess how much she suffered from the alternative princesses. There must have been questions about me and all sorts of questions about using magic.


“Let’s go. The elders of the family are calling.”


“I know.”

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I could hear the exclamations of the mourning princesses. In particular, considering that there were also princesses who looked at me and brightened their eyes, it seemed that the barrage of questions that were directed at Adilun would also come at me, so I quickly avoided the seat.


I pretended to go to the elders of the family with Adilun, and immediately got out of the banquet hall and headed for the garden outside. The banquet was still in full swing, so the garden was quiet, to the extent that there was not a single person.


“Ah? Physis. Didn’t you say we had to go to see the family?”


“To be precise, it was a lie.”




“Originally, my father looked around the banquet hall and told me to help Adilun, if she was in trouble. But I can’t say that right away, can I?”


“Aha. Thanks anyway. There were too many questions? It was really hard.”


“You suffered in many ways.”


“Suddenly, what kind of banquet is this? I just wanted to rest.”


“I agree too. Now that this has happened, we left the banquet hall, so let’s rest here.”


“Ah... ...Okay.”


I sat down and rested for a while, but I kept silent to be considerate of Adilun. She looks tired anyway, so I don't want to upset her with any useless words of mine.

The view of the garden was very beautiful. Renowned gardeners of the royal family must have endured all kinds of hardships for today. So that the nobles will not be hurt.


So this quiet garden was the most suitable place to rest.


How long has it been like that? 

When the sun sets completely and night comes. When I look at the sky, which gradually turns red and then turns purple again, I feel a sense of fullness in my heart even though I haven’t seen anything great.


It was a scenery that I could never see in my previous life, but it was a sight that I had seen countless times in this world, so why was it that I feel strangely emotional?


I wonder if it was because of the silence that lingers around me and Adilun.


Silence itself draws attention to the surrounding landscape.


Anyway, as I was staring at the sky like that, I suddenly heard the voice of Adilun.


“Can we talk about something?”

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“Because it’s really quiet… … It’s awkward.”


“I don’t have anything to say either.”


“Others are talking about what they hunted today, but don't you have anything to say like them?”


“I don’t really want to show off like that. Besides, everyone knows what I’ve caught, so I don’t think there’s any need to talk about it.”


“For this… …You worked hard.”


“Yes. And I received your handkerchief.”


At my words, she was furious.


“Eww! Please don’t talk like that. Just keep your mouth shut on a topic you don’t even have the heart to talk about. You’re just making people’s hearts upset.”


But contrary to what she said, it wasn’t that she didn’t like it. Considering all the disgust and displeasure she had shown me before, it had improved considerably.


That alone was good, and it makes me smile. Seeing my smile, she sighed.


“Why are you laughing so much?”


“Just, thinking about a few months ago, your reaction seems to have changed.”


At my words, she began to ponder something.


“All my reactions now have changed because you have changed.”




“The day you knelt down, and I said that... ...There will never be a day when I will trust you.”


“Surely it was.”


“But now, that thought was about to shake a little. Although I said I will trust you but I didn’t even want to admit that you changed. Because I thought it wouldn’t last long anyway.”


“… …Is that so?”


“But for three months, you must have kept trying to be changed. If you didn’t make an effort, it would have been impossible to subdue the monsters alone.”

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“It is...”


She said while twirling her hair. She made a slightly embarrassed expression and finally said with a weak smile on her lips.


“I won’t say I’m sorry. It’s true that I didn’t trust you. I don’t want to wrap the truth in plausible words. still… … Looking at what you’ve done, I can’t believe that you have changed.”




Changed… … . That’s right. After realizing my previous life, I am surprisingly different from before. I nodded in agreement with her words.


“Yes. You have changed. I can’t help but think that you are a completely different person. If you had shown me that way when we first met, our relationship wouldn’t have been this awkward.”


“… …”


“Anyway, thank you. If you hadn’t come to the rescue at that time, it would have been a big problem for the people present. oh, and don’t get me wrong, because I haven’t fully opened my heart to you.”


“I never thought of that. I didn’t think that just doing that much would cover up the mistakes of the past.”


“Hahahaha. I’m glad. A year of insults you did to me… …The mental pain I suffered is too great to do all of that now, so please try a little harder in the future.”


When she laughed bitterly, she rather burst into laughter and said, It was the first laugh of her I ever heard.


“So nine months from now. For nine months, if you respect me and maintain the same attitude as you do now, I will think about you.”


“Nine months… Think about me?”


“Yes. 9 months. If you do that, it will be just one year. If you repay me with a year of hard work for a year of insult you did to me… …From then on, we are going back to square one. In an equal relationship, with no sense of debt to each other.”


“Would it be all right if you forgive me for my past mistakes?”


“Yes. As I told you before, I want to move forward with my companion, relying on each other. therefore… … I hope I can trust you this time.”


“Certainly. It will be as you wish, Adilun.”


“I’ll wait. So please try a little harder.”


Watching her speak with a small smile, I had no choice but to make a promise again.


I will never make a mistake this time. 


[TL: Join Patreon to support us and to read 3 chapters ahead of the release. ]

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