Tea Party and Lorschel (5)

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“Well, is there really any difference between what you call people like us and the commoners? Moreover, I don’t think it is something that should be said as a subject of His Majesty.”

Roelin’s blue eyes then turned towards Prentiss. Prentiss was startled and opened her mouth once again when the weak Queen had spoken out in a rather strict tone.

“Of course, it’s different. Do you think we are equal to those who live like animals without even knowing about their high ideals and beliefs? And you’re actually accusing me of saying something against the Empire……”

“The status system is never fixed in Seroif.”

Roelin interrupted Prentiss before she then declared in a low voice.

“I’ve heard that everyone gets a chance to improve their status based on their very own efforts. Don’t you think so as well, Mrs. Pauline?”

She turned to Pauline as she asked the question. Pauline, who had been very silent until then, raised the corners of her mouth slightly and instantly gave a nod.

“Yes, Empress. It’s absolutely different from Rakain, from Pazolan or even from Kaizen. You can do what you want without ever being tied to your own status. And of course, it’s a prerequisite to prove your own ability as well.”

There was pride painted across Pauline’s face. The same was true of the other elderly women as well. They stood up more upright and showed a proud air of their own sense of pride.

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On the other hand, the wives who were not born in Seroif expressed displeasure as their expressions hardened. Prentiss looked around her and again refuted whether or not she was still being encouraged by them.

“But that doesn’t mean it’s right, does it? You can never see a bug crawling on the ground and a hawk flying in the blue sky equally at all.”

Prentiss smiled satisfactorily as if she had liked the metaphor that she thought up all on her own even though she was the one who said it. Then, the woman, who had spoken a little about jewelry before, slowly crept into the conversation as well.

“I think that’s right. I thought the Empress would feel the same way as us since she is also of the noble lineage of Rakain……”

Wasn’t that the case for the abandoned side? The woman didn’t really conclude her words directly, but she probably wanted to add that as well.

……but it was just their situation.

Maybe it was just not like you to leave it all alone still.

Roelin opened her mouth to the woman, Prentiss, and all the women from the other Duchies who had seemingly sympathized with her.

“I’m not of a noble descent.”

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Roelin’s voice was absolutely clear. It had also been unshakable and determined. She said that she was not of a noble descent, but she never felt ashamed of it.

It was the other women who became rather embarrassed and straight away agitated.

“Well, what do you mean……”

“And I don’t think you’re of a particularly noble descent either.”

“Empress! What an insult!”

Someone had suddenly raised their voice in a fit of anger at Roelin’s ensuing.

‘How dare you raise your voice in front of her.’

Kergel clenched his fist while suppressing the urge to break into the garden where the tea party was being held at once.

It was because of the fact he thought that he shouldn’t be doing that right now.

It was also because of this awareness that he did not get involved at that particular moment.

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It was just that currently, he knew that he needed to only trust and watch over her.

Kergel took a deep breath while he hid himself in a tree that was near the entrance to the garden.

‘Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s okay to be inside like this.’

He muttered silently as he soothed his bubbling stomach. At that moment, he could feel someone’s presence at the entrance of the garden and heard an instant shout.

“Uh, Yo…”


When Kergel saw the maid was pointing her finger at him with her eyes wide open, he immediately took his index finger to his lips. Then, the maid hurriedly blocked her mouth with both hands and nodded.

‘At least you’re quick to catch on.’

She was a maid who had been serving Roelin. Was her name Silloa? She seemed to be clumsy and light, but she was sincere in aiding her master, Roelin, so he could sometimes hear of the Head Maid’s compliments.

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…Well, she appeared to be getting more scolding than that, though.

Kergel quickly slid behind the maid and raised his lips when he saw Lucy, the maid, was already scolding her, albeit quietly. Still, he immediately listened to Roelin with a stiff expression yet again.

“Do you think that I insulted you? Have you ever thought that you are insulting yourself instead?”

“Well, what do you mean? What do you even mean that I’m actually insulting myself?”

The woman questioned back at Roelin’s words as if she was utterly dumbfounded. It was an attitude that had a very irreverent look indeed. But Roelin’s voice was still as calm.

“I’m talking about whether your prejudice, which calls upon others as vulgar, is also insulting to your own self.”

“What kind of sophistry is that which makes no sense at all! A prejudice? It’s actually the truth that has been handed down for hundreds or even thousands of years. How can two people be truly equal? It’s different from birth and it’s different from blood too. The Empress, who is the noble blood of Rakain, could actually say such a thing…”

“Again, I’m not of noble blood at all. And the Rakain Royal Family with the same blood as me is not that noble either.”

Kergel was hiding behind a tree when he popped out his head and looked at Roelin. The distance was not a problem with him even though he had been far away.

She was speaking with a straight gaze amongst all the women.

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