The black-haired man quietly stared at Fren. He had felt it last time, but the child had a familiar energy. It was so familiar, it was annoying. But it didn’t matter. After all, it was not the child in front of him whom he cared about, but the woman who seemed to hold all the loveliness. Unlike the man who looked terribly sluggish and relaxed, Fren showed clear hostility with a wary expression on his young face.

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The man’s identity was unknown. However, he instinctively recognized that the man in front of him was a very dangerous being. At the same time, Fren could easily recognize that the reason he came to this house was because of Yuria. Fren’s eyes flashed fiercely at him.

‘He’s… a quite funny kid.’ Just to look at him, he seemed like a child around two years old. Even though he was a newborn, he was quite fine. Of course, since this was the human realm, not the demon realm, the man’s aura was weaker than usual. Even so, his presence as the Demon King was not at a level that could be ignored. If it were other people, he would not be able to raise his head properly, trembling at the strong sense of intimidation the man’s existence exuded just by facing him. Thus, he was slightly interested, but that interest quickly cooled. Because there was something more important.

“Where is she?”

It was a low, husky voice. In that voice, there was the sluggishness and leisure characteristic of a ruler. Even so, he hid the sharpness that suggested he could change his mind in an instant and cut his throat.


Fren didn’t answer. No matter why the man in front of him had come to visit Yuria, he had no intention of telling her where she was. Yuria was his treasure. Therefore, he would never yield to anyone. In Fren’s eyes, the man was just a crow. Instinctively chasing after shiny things, stealing jewels without hesitation.

“It would be better if you obediently open your mouth.”

The man read his will and sneered at Fren’s attitude as if it was ridiculous.

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A two-year-old child might be strong, but compared to the man, he was like dust in the wind. He could make him disappear with a light gesture.

“Yuri- is Fren’s mom.”

In front of the man’s growing dark energy, Fren never backed down even though it was overwhelming. Seeing this, the man tilted his head. ‘Indeed, he is a bold child. Dare to block my way and go against my will.’ If it was the Demon Realm, it would never have been possible. But what caught the man’s attention even more were Fren’s words.

‘Yuri.’ That was probably the name of the lovely woman he had found. As expected, it was a very lovely name that resembled her.

‘By the way…’ The man tilted his head as if there was something he didn’t understand. According to the newborn, she was the newborn’s mother. But this was nonsense. A human woman who conceived a demon child could never survive. It was because the human body could not handle the power of a demon. As a result, any human woman giving birth to a demon child will die after. Of course, when he thought of her, who was fine even in front of his energy, she didn’t look like a normal human being, but even so, it wasn’t convincing. There was a difference between simply facing the energy and embracing it. So no matter how special she was, no matter how strong she was, as long as she was human, she could not survive after birthing a demon.

‘Well, that’s not important.’ After all, family meant nothing to demons. A being with similar energy to oneself, nothing more and nothing less. As a result, children born in the demon realm were often abandoned before reaching adulthood when they reached some independence. It was because there was no such thing as fatherly or maternal love for demons who only pursued strength and greed. Even if they were children, it was natural for the weak to fall behind and die, and there was no duty to protect the weak. Where only the strong survived, it was natural for the weak to die. There was no reason to be sad.

So even if that kid was her son, it didn’t matter. It was her, not her son, who he felt affection for. Anything other than her was like a stone thrown in the road to the man. However, the fact that the child was hers brought some hesitation. Not because the child was her family, but because of the thought that he might be precious to her. The man just wanted to cherish and love her lovely self. As much, he didn’t want to break her heart by touching her precious being. Even demons had something precious, and when they lost their loved ones, they felt a sense of loss.

‘What should I do?’ The man pondered for a moment. It was not difficult to simply press the child with force and get the desired answer. The child was struggling under the overwhelming yet faint energy alone. The problem was that the child would inevitably get hurt in the process. Perhaps the stronger the child’s rebellion, the deeper the injury. And, looking at the child’s demeanor, it seemed that he would not be able to easily get the answer he wanted. Tsh. The man clicked his tongue, annoyed.

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For a moment, he decided to show mercy in his own way. He didn’t know what the child was wary of, but when he realized that he wasn’t trying to harm her, he would step down. Apparently, the child was wary of him since he was a strange presence and was trying to protect her.

“I’m just trying to take her to my castle and let her enjoy only the pretty things.”

[tl/n: Officially, this guy became a himbo]

His words only contained the main topic. Such words from the man only heightened Fren’s hostility. At first, it was just an instinctive sense of danger and wariness. He didn’t know what the man’s purpose was, he just thought the man would take Yuria away from him if he met her. To such a mind, the man’s answer was as good as coup de grace.

‘Take, Yuri?’ Just thinking about it, Fren felt his heart thumping and sinking. Even if he was left alone in a space where there was nothing, he wouldn’t feel so afraid and anxious as now.

‘Never. No way.’ Yuri is Fren’s, and Fren’s family. She said she would be with Fren for the rest of his life. So no one could take Yuria away from him. Even if it was Yuria herself.

Even while suffering before the man’s overwhelming energy, Fren did not back down and faced him. All of a sudden, a threatening energy rang out from Fren’s body. That energy was as deep and strong as the desperation Fren felt. The energy that flowed from the child engulfed its Master’s body, and gradually increased in volume and extended toward the man. However, it couldn’t reach the man. It was because the man’s energy was stronger and greater than Fren’s.

“Foolish thing.”

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No matter how much of a two-year-old demon he was, he was still a newborn, and he wouldn’t be aware of the difference in ability between the two of them. No matter what the child did, he could never be the man’s opponent. The child wouldn’t reach a single hair of his. Nevertheless, the child was grinding his teeth, trying to deal with him somehow. Even though he had already exceeded his limits.

“It’s a useless rebellion.”

And now there was no need to listen to the child’s answer. It was because he was feeling energy that he had not felt for a while now. If he followed that energy, he would find her. The man pretended to ignore the child and tried to turn around. But at that moment, Fren’s energy, which grew like an explosion, caught his ankle.


Fren clenched his jaw as if he could never let the man go. If he let the man go, it seemed that he would find Yuria and take her away.

I absolutely can never let him go. Even at this moment, the out of control energy was hurting not only the man but also Fren’s body, but Fren wouldn’t back down. Even if his limbs were torn off and the internal organs of his body burst, he could not lose Yuria.

Yuria was the only light.

Yuria was Fren’s world and Fren’s breath.

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Because of Yuria, Fren lived and was able to live again. He’d rather die than lose her. It would be better than being alone in hell without her. He would rather not know from the beginning. If he hadn’t experienced it, he wouldn’t know anything, but the warmth he had already felt was everything to Fren. He didn’t have the confidence or could afford to live without her as before. It was so terrifying and dreadful.

Despite Fren’s efforts, the man blew his energy away with a single gesture. The child’s eyes widened. He tried to stop the man by emitting a stronger energy, but his whole body ached. It was hard to breathe, and it was painful to open his eyes to look at the man. Perhaps because of the excessive effort, he felt sudden unbearable pain. Fren was groaning and struggling as if he was going to die at any moment. The man, noticing something, frowned.

“Newborn, you’d better end it like that.”

The man’s words were not a mere warning, but mercy toward Fren. He was the one who dared to prevent him from meeting her, but at the same time, he was her precious being. As such, the man couldn’t easily end his life as he would with those who rushed towards him with animosity in the demon realm. But if Fren kept trying to stop him, he would eventually die. Not because of the man, but because of his own strength. Nevertheless, Fren had no intention of obeying. He hung precariously, even though he felt like a doll that would collapse if a string broke.

Wrinkles increased in the man’s features.

It must be really at his limit now. If left like this, Fren would eventually lose his strength and die…


Yuria’s figure appeared in the open door.

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